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  2. 2021 年 3 月,第三期 Third Issue, March 2021 CHINA ...
    9 Jul 2023: 2021 年 3 月,第三期. Third Issue, March 2021. CHINA REPORT. 中国报告 Originated and Selected by China Advisory Council. 中国顾问理事会撰选. Preface…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….1 Xiyang Daniel He, Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School; Secretary-General, China Advisory Council. 前言…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….3 何玺阳,剑桥大学嘉治商学院 院士,中国顾问理事会秘书长. 中国资本市场三十周年 / 30th Anniversary of China’s Capital Markets. 忆中国证券市场 30 年…………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….6 王波明,《财经》杂志总编辑. The Thirty-Year Evolution of China's Securities Market ………………………….…………………….….10 Wang Boming Editor-in-Chief CAIJING Magazine. 中国证券市场展望 / Outlook for China’s Securities Markets.
  3. Wan Yin Lim - Wesley House
    Thumbnail for Wan Yin Lim - Wesley House 27 Mar 2024: Wan Yin Lim PhD student   Current situation Member of Chinese Annual Conference (CAC), Methodist Church of Malaysia   Subject Peacebuilding in Malaysia: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Chinese Methodist Peace Theology and Peace Studies &#xa0
  4. Lesson 33
    15 Jun 2023: Lesson 33. A conversation between Mr and Mrs Yamakawa. 一. 信子. 一. 信子. 一. 信子. 今日、大山君から聞いたんだが、ブリテイッシュ・エンジニ. アリングのブラウン様が交通事故にあって、入院されたそうだ。. まあ、それはいけませんね。おけがはひどいんでさか。. いや、そうでもないらしいが、あしたいっしょにお見舞いにいって. みよ。. はい、何を持っていてさしあげるのがよろしいでしょうか。. そうだな。一人でさびしがっているようだから、僕は英語の雑誌で. も持っていって上げるつもりなんだが。. そうですね。それでは私はくだものでも買っておきましょうか。. The doctor visits Mr Brown’s ward. 医者 具合はどうですか。. ブラウン まだ動くとあちこち痛みますが、少しずつ楽になってきました。. 医者 頭痛はどうですか。. ブラウン まだ頭の後ろの方がズキズキしますが。. 医者 それでは、痛み止めをもう一度上げましょう。ご家族とは連絡が. つきましたか。. ブラウン
  5. 全球金融科技中心城市报告 多极联动天下新局
    9 Jul 2023: 全球金融科技中心城市报告Global Fintech Hub Report. 2018. 中国 杭州2018-11-14. 多极联动 天下新局. 版权声明. 2018全球金融科技中心城市报告是由浙江大学互. 联网金融研究院司南研究室、剑桥大学新兴金融. 研究中心、浙江互联网金融联合会、杭州铜板街. 互联网金融信息服务有限公司作为联合发布方,. 杭 州 摩 西 信 息 科 技 有 限 公 司 作 为 数 据 支 持 , 于. 2018年11月在杭州发布的指数报告。. 前言积水成渊,蛟龙生焉。作为全球经济金融发展的全新驱. 动力,金融科技渐成各国发力焦点,且区域联动、多极发展. 的金融科技世界格局也逐步形成。同时,监管能力、创新环. 境、数字基础设施建设等重要性也日趋凸显,或成金融科技. 可持续发展关键。. 继2018年6月在阿姆斯特丹首次发布《2018全球金融科. 技中心指数》后,我们持续拓宽观察范围,纵览六大洲七十. 余座城市,勾勒出全球金融科技发展TOP30中心城市以及众. 多新领军者的“30N”格局,并展示每个城市的“金融科. 技画像”以观其貌,望其趋势。.
  6. 9 Jul 2023: 改革开放 40 年企业家精神的流变. 只有观念才能改变观念. 哈耶克在《走向奴役之路》的名著中有一句名言:观念的转变和人类意志的力量,塑造了. 今天的世界。. 40 年前的 1978,中国国家史上前所未有的诞生了一个观念,这就是中共十一届三中全会提. 出的:以经济建设为中心。自此发端,依赖十亿国民的意志力量和国家力量,过往 40 年,中. 国形成了人类商业史上最波澜壮阔的一次经济大潮,而大潮漩涡的中流砥柱者则是企业家阶. 层。. 观念与时代共跳芭蕾舞,共同发育了中国有史以来从规模到结构、从风范到勇气都罕有的. 企业家群体,而遍布于中国大地角角落落的成千上万的企业家和商人们,在为共和国创造财. 富、奠基实力的同时,也沉淀出了色彩杂陈、品相多样的精神质地。下面我从三个时间断面和. 三个层面对 40 年来中国企业家精神做一个粗略的描述—. 实业英雄群体(1978—):代表人物包括鲁冠求、张瑞敏、柳传志、任正非等人,他们背后.
  7. 简单驱逐复杂 ——华为人力资源管理精髓
    9 Jul 2023: 世界秩序:前70年与未来30年重读基辛格《世界秩序》. 田涛. 一、“混凝土”:数千万人类鲜血浇铸的世界秩序. 1945年至今:罕见的和平奇迹——全球各大洲主要国家持续70年的和平与发展根因:(一)威斯特伐利亚和约(1648):世界秩序基石基本原则与理念:1、国家主权、领土完整、独立为国际关系最高准则;2、理性主义、实用主义;3、价值观不应和不能成为国际干涉的理由;4、教会退出各国政治,政教双治格局衰落。. (二)基石由欧洲大陆近千年数千万人的白骨堆成. 30年战争(1618-1648):欧洲军事史上残暴巅峰. 原因:新教联盟-神圣罗马帝国(哈布斯王朝统治). 死亡人数:. 欧洲45%人口消失,德国60%左右(700万). 教训:. 宗教(价值观)战争的神圣化、非理性化. (背后依然是利益的较量). (三)18-20世纪中叶的战争:. 类型:. 1、欧洲强国间的领土战争. 2、强国间针对海外殖民地范围的战争. 3、一战、二战:全球性战争. 特征:. 1、国家利益至上. 2、意识形态合盟:结盟对抗民族主义、种族主义.
  8. 简单驱逐复杂 ——华为人力资源管理精髓
    9 Jul 2023: 厚积薄发. 华为的创新理念与创新实践. 田涛. 一、关于创新:概念、分类与解析. 人性悖论:安于现状与厌倦现状. 一部人类史:范式依赖与颠覆的变奏曲. 科技史:发明—创新—发明—创新……的螺旋史. (一)创新:人类进步与动荡的原动力. (二)创新的结构与模式. 制度创新. 组织创新. 技术与产品创新. 服务创新. 商业模式创新. 追随—模仿型创新(连续性创新). 微创新与服务创新. 颠覆性创新(非连续性创新). (三)军队:最具创新精神的组织. 军队特质:与死亡对抗的组织. 军事科技创新引领商业创新. ——从材料学、医学、航天技术到信息技术……. ——与商业技术创新的本质区别:不计成本. 军事组织创新的悖论:冒险与保守的代价. 二、华为的创新理念ABC. A、基础理念:客户需求是企业一切创新的原点. 客户需求:显性需求(满足需求)隐性需求(创造需求). B、派生理念:目标导向结果导向的循环创新. C、派生理念:厚积薄发,机会主义是创新的敌人. ——非多元化非资本化. 三、华为的创新实践.
    11 Aug 2023: TECH. NOLO. GYPR. ODUC. T / SER. VICE. BUSIN. ESS /. MAR. KET. CRITICAL. DECISION. TIME SEEK. PARTNER. LONG RANGE. PLAN? 战略 路线图汇聚机构人才专长, 制定战略远景规划. 什么是路线图?路线图是一种强大的战略规划方法。对于许多机构而言,路线图是制定和交付战略与创新不可或缺的一部分。路线图采用简洁明了的视觉结构框架,探索、管理并传达技术、研究和产品开发与业务目标和市场机遇之间的联系。. 路线图流程旨在围绕某个具体问题或议题回答六个核心问题。通过回答这些问题,依据贵机构需求,量身定制视觉化的行动计划或路线图。. 我们目前 进展如何?. 我们应该采取 什么行动? 我们希望达. 到什么高度?. 为什么我们需要 采取行动?. 我们该如何 达成?我们如何. 达成目标?. “路线图提供了一个宝贵的. 框架。. 路线图并不是具体规定该做. 些什么,而是吸纳正确的人. 员,汇集智慧协作共进,以确保取得最佳成果。”. Nicky Athanassopoulou 博士,IfM ECS 高级行业研究员.
  10. LIONEL D
    29 May 2024: LIONEL D. SMITH. List of Publications May 2024. Books. The Law of Loyalty (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023). This monograph of about 180,000 words elucidates common legal principles underlying the use of powers in public law and private law, looking at the common law and the civil law. It aims to provide a theory of how Western law regulates the situations in which we hold legal powers, not for ourselves, but for and on behalf of others. Waters’ Law of Trusts in Canada, 5th edition; with Donovan Waters and Mark Gillen (Toronto:. Carswell, 2021). As in the 3rd edition (2005) and 4th edition (2012), I was responsible for chapters 10-11, 17-21, 23-30, and the Appendices. Canadian Corporate Law: Cases, Notes and Materials, 4th edition; with Bruce Welling and Leonard. Rotman (Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2010). In this edition, I was responsible for chapters 5, 6, and 7. I also participated, with different responsibilities and co-authors, in the first (1996), second (2001) and third (2006) editions. Oosterhoff on Trusts: Text, Commentary and Materials, 7th edition; with Albert Oosterhoff, Robert. Chambers, and Mitchell McInnes (Toronto: Carswell, 2009). In this edition, I was responsible for chapters 1, 10 and 15. I also
  11. PowerPoint 演示文稿
    9 Jul 2023: 华为故事与华为的成长逻辑之二. 小推车推出来的世界500强. 《人类星光灿烂时》. 关于英雄、冒险、开拓与征服的故事. 华为画像. 小人物创造大历史. 在全球170个国家以上的商业版图 世界500强中,排名第83位. 18万知识劳动者,165种国籍 4万外籍员工,近5万泛90后员工. “枪林弹雨”中的华为人. 华为的背景:“我们都患过疟疾”. 蚊子龙卷风. 利比亚战乱中的坚守. 客户是华为人的鸦片. 征战发明通信的欧洲大陆. 最性感的技术草图. 面包与诗. 鲜花与使命. ,. 每个人心中都卧虎藏龙. 这头卧虎是我们的欲望. 也是我们的恐惧. 导演 李安. “赚够100万,与华为告别”. “大学是激发雄心的地儿”:权力的诱惑. 开路虎越野车上下班的“富家子”. “科技男孩”徐聪和他的90后弟兄们. “总统就坐在我邻桌”. 一部华为史,一部英雄史. 华为英雄观. 胜则举杯相庆. 败则拼死相救. 集体主义之上的个人英雄主义. 不完美的英雄也是英雄. 华为英雄观. 图灵悲剧与图灵实验室. 1000亿的浪费与世界500强. 最佳时间、最佳年龄、最佳角色.
  12. PowerPoint 演示文稿
    9 Jul 2023: 华为故事与华为的成长逻辑之三. 简单驱逐复杂. 阿甘,一个傻傻的奋斗者……. 任正非:我就是阿甘. 华为画像. 小人物创造大历史. 在全球170个国家以上的商业版图 世界500强中,排名第83位. 18万知识劳动者,165种国籍 4万外籍员工,近5万泛90后员工. “枪林弹雨”中的华为人. 挑战极限的“中国男儿”. 零下30度与零上40度. 任正非:走遍世界角角落落的“老英雄”. “弟兄们能去的地儿,我为什么不能去”. 华为研发:跨越时区的“无名英雄”群体. “我们不相信…!!!”. 华为文化. 类校园文化. 余承东的“第一印象”. 校园文化特质. 简单、开放、单纯. 理想主义一腔热血. 海思总裁的“最深印象”. “对客户好,华为就好,华为好,你也就好…”. 我在大理石中看见天使,. 于是我不停地雕刻,. 直至使他自由。. 米开朗基罗. 华为精神动力学ABC. 分好钱、分好权、共享成就感. 华为文身:一边吹牛,一边战斗. 劳动创造世界,人才雇佣资本. “只有华为,既用好了中国人,又用好了西方人”. Renato,典型的华为范儿. “山沟里的秀才”.
  13. Vincent Mak - CV (PDF)
    3 Apr 2024: 1. C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E. Wah Sung Vincent Mak(麥華嵩). Address: Cambridge Judge Business School University of Cambridge Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1AG United Kingdom Tel: 44 (0)1223 764295 Email: Faculty webpage: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE.  Professor of Marketing & Decision Sciences, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge (since 2019; with tenure).  Reader (Associate Professor) in Marketing & Decision Sciences, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge (2016-2019; with tenure).  University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Marketing & Decision Sciences, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge (2014-2016; with tenure).  University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Marketing, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge (2009-2014).  Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2008-2009). EDUCATION.  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  2008 PhD in Marketing.  Visiting Scholar, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (January-May 2008).  University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  14. A1-1 A1-2 A2-1 A2-2 B1 B2 C1 C2 聞く ...
    4 Dec 2023: A1-1 A1-2 A2-1 A2-2 B1 B2 C1 C2. 聞く. 身近な場面でよく使われ. る基本的な語句がわかる。. 限られた範囲であれば、自. 分の専門分野でよく使わ. れる語句がわかる。. 身近な場面でよく使われ. る簡単な表現がわかる。. 自分の専門分野で必要な. 基本的な語句や表現が. わかる。. 日常的な話題について短. くはっきり話されれば、. 大切なポイントを聞き取. ることができる。. 日常のコミュニケーショ. ンでよく使われる表現が. わかる。自分の専門分野. でよく使われる語句を. 含む簡単な指示や説明が. わかる。. よく知っている話題なら、メ. ディア(音声メディア・テレ. ビ・動画など)から、主な内容. やデータを推測しながら聞き. 取ることができる。自分の専. 門分野でよく耳にする指示や. 説明がだいたいわかる。. 自分の専門分野の話題につい. て、構成がまとまっていれば. 理解できる。特定のポイント. を聞き分け、示すことができ. る。メディア(動画・講義・ウ. ェビナーなど)から、主要な事.
  15. Seminar 22 May 2024
    16 May 2024: The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography. Wednesday 22 May 2024, 2pm-4pm. Michael Nylan. Distinguished Professor, University of California, Berkeley. Documents [Shū] (ca. 221 BC) by Fu Sheng. Two chapters (ch. 1, pp. 1-3; ch. 14, pp. 1-4) from the text in English follow. (out of a total of 30 that were in circulation in the Han). Ch. 1 is also in Chinese to see how much emendation Professor Nylan brings to the text, based on the extant sources. 1. Canon of Yao <a>1A.1 encomium in verse<a> Yao, Examiner of Old Heroes, named "Propagator of Merit," was impressive and clear-sighted. He knew how to put all things in order and at ease. Truly attentive to his duties, he was capable of relinquishing his powers and privileges to worthy men. His bright influence shone wide to earth's four corners, reaching above and below. He was able to make his instructive example shine forth, to draw the Nine Clans close to him. Once the Nine Clans were settled, then Yao distinguished by insignia the Hundred Families. And once the Hundred Families themselves became shining examples, that induced harmony in the myriad polities, at which point the masses flourished, and the era came to be at peace. <a>1A.2 account of Xi and He and
  16. Small Data, Big Time—A retrospect of the first weeks of COVID-19
    3 Jun 2024: Small Data, Big Time—A retrospect of the first weeks of COVID-19. Qingyuan Zhao. [To be read before The Royal Statistical Society at the Society’s 2021 annual conference held inManchester on Wednesday, September 8th, 2021, the President, Professor Sylvia Richardson, in theChair]. Abstract. This article reviews some early investigations and research studies in the first weeks of the coron-avirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic from a statistician’s perspective. These investigations werebased on very small datasets but were momentous in the initial global reactions to the pandemic. Thearticle discusses the initial evidence of high infectiousness of COVID-19 and why that conclusion wasnot reached faster than in reality. Further reanalyses of some published COVID-19 studies show thatthe epidemic growth was dramatically underestimated by compartmental models, and the lack of fitcould have been clearly identified by simple data visualization. Finally, some lessons for statisticiansare discussed.Keywords: Infectious disease modeling; Selection bias; COVID-19; Model diagnostics. 1 Introduction. Starting from a regional disease outbreak in Wuhan, China, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)rapidly grew into a once-in-a-lifetime
  17. The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report Emmanuel Schizas,…
    9 Jul 2023: The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report. Emmanuel Schizas, Grigory McKain, Bryan Zhang, Altantsetseg Ganbold, Pankajesh Kumar, Hatim Hussain, Kieran James Garvey, Eva Huang, Alexander Huang, Shaoxin Wang, Nikos Yerolemou. With the support of. 2. The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) is an international and interdisciplinary research centre based at the University. of Cambridge Judge Business School. It is dedicated to the study of innovative instruments, channels, and systems emerging outside of traditional finance. This includes, among others, crowdfunding, marketplace lending, alternative credit and investment analytics,. alternative payment systems, cryptoasset, distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) as well as related regulations and regulatory innovations (e.g. sandboxes and RegTech). 3. 目次 執筆および執筆協力. 4. 謝辞. 5. 本レポートの概要. 7. CCAF Foreword. 15. Foreword by EY. 16. RegTech 関連団体からのメッセージ. 17 International RegTech Association (IRTA). 17 The RegTech Association (Australia). 17 Fintech Association of Japan. 17. 1. はじめに. 18 規制当局による RegTech の定義とその限界. 18 RegTech の機能的定義. 18 なぜ RegTech
  18. Multilingual Models in Neural Machine Translation
    21 Nov 2023: Multilingual Models in Neural MachineTranslation. Guangyu Yang. Department of EngineeringUniversity of Cambridge. This dissertation is submitted for the degree ofMaster of Philosophy in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence. Clare Hall August 2023. Dedicated to my loving parents. Declaration. I, Guangyu Yang of Clare Hall, being a candidate for the MPhil in Machine Learning andMachine Intelligence, hereby declare that this report and the work described in it are my ownwork, unaided except as may be specified below, and that the report does not contain materialthat has already been used to any substantial extent for a comparable purpose. All software used in this thesis was written in Python and PyTorch. The open-sourceHugging Face transformers library1 [47] was used for downloading pre-trained models andinference. The sacreBLEU library2 [26] was used to download datasets and evaluate theperformance of the models using the BLEU metric. The BLEURT library3 [34] was used toevaluate the performance of the models using the BLEURT metric. The OpenICL frameworkwas used to experiment with in-context learning. And the Direct Preference Optimizationcodebase4 [28] was used for unsupervised preference optimization with MBR. The
  19. 2018 Global FinTech Hub Report - The Future of Finance is…
    9 Jul 2023: The Future of Finance is Emerging:. New Hubs, New LandscapesGlobal Fintech Hub Report. 2018. Hangzhou. 2018-11-14. Launched By. ForewordAs a new promoter for the global economic and financial. development, Fintech is becoming a focus for each country to. ignite their economy, and a new Fintech landscape is. emerging. At the same time, there is a growing awareness of. the importance of regulatory capabilities, innovative. environment, and the availability of digital infrastructure,. which may be fundamental for the sustainable development. of Fintech. Since the first launch of the Global Fintech Hub Index 2018 in. Amsterdam in June, we continued to broaden our observation. scope, and studied more than 70 cities in 6 continents, and. drew a “30N” global landscape that included the TOP30. global Fintech hubs and many emerging hubs. Time is something we cannot lose, and opportunity is what. we cannot miss. A slogan for the new Fintech era is more. integrated, more generous, and more borderless. It represents. the good wishes for an inclusive financial system, where. “everyone is born equal” and are calling us to seize the. moment, be brave to lead, and to create a new world. 1. 传统金融机构拥抱金融科技. Out of the
  20. CULTIVATING GROWTH The 2nd Asia Pacific Region Alternative Finance ...
    9 Jul 2023: CULTIVATING GROWTH The 2nd Asia Pacific Region. Alternative Finance Industry Report. September 2017. AUSTRALIANCENTRE FORFINANCIAL STUDIES. In Collaboration With:. CONTENTS. Executive SummaryMethodologyTaxonomy. Market Size & Growth Alternative Finance Models. Geography of Alternative Finance in the Asia Pacific region. The Dynamics of the Asia-Pacific Alternative Finance Market. Top Funded Industries. Alternative Finance Market Fundamentals Institutional Funding. Stakeholder Arrangements. Gender Dynamics. Cross Border Transactions. The Regulatory Landscape Industry Perceptions of Regulation. Industry Perceptions of Risk in China. Business Model Innovation. Regional and Country-specific trends. China. East Asia Japan. South Korea. Taiwan. Mongolia. Oceania Australia. New Zealand. South East Asia Singapore. Indonesia. Malaysia. Thailand. Cambodia. South & Central Asia India. Endnotes. 202223. 2424303234. 3636384145. 47495153. 54. 56. 5860636669. 707276. 808285889194. 9597. 100. 4 Cultivating Growth: Asia Pacific Alternative Finance Industry. RESEARCH TEAM. Kieran GarveyKieran is the Head of Regulation & Policy at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School. His research interests include the
  21. The Eagle 2023 THE EAGLE 2023 1 The Eagle ...
    1 Sep 2023: The Eagle 2023. THE EAGLE 2023 1. The Eagle 2023VOLUME 105. WELCOME. 2. Published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by St John’s College, CambridgeFirst published in the United Kingdom in 1858 by St John’s College, Cambridge. Cover photo by: Rich MarshamPrevious page photo: Ascension Day carol, St John’s College Choir directed by Christopher Gray, May 2023. Credit: Joe Giddens, Press Association. Designed by Out of the Bleu (07759 919440; by CDP (01517 247000; The Eagle is published annually by St John’s College, Cambridge, and is provided free of chargeto members of the College and other interested parties. THE EAGLE 2023 3. Photo: Spring at St John’s, March 2022 Credit: Paul Everest WELCOME. ContentsWelcome. Contributors. 6. Editorial. 7. Message from the Master. 8. Features. St John’s in the 1970s. 14. Cleaning up: converting waste streams into green energy. 17. Writer in Residence. 21. Making way for tigers: decoding the relocation of people from India’s Protected Areas. 24. Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture. 28. College life. Senior Tutor’s report on student welfare support. 34. Education report – Mathematics. 36. The SBR. 39. A day in

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