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  2. Thumbnail for PhD student supports project exposing links between slavery and art | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A postgraduate student from St Catharine’s has been working with a steering group of marginalised young people on the ‘Colonial Legacies of the Liverpool Sandbach Family’ project, which seeks to address the erasure of colonial history in
  3. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 1–4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If you have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  4. Card donation form | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Card donation form | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   BBDonorFormLoader.newBlackbaudDonationFormZoned('renxt', 'p-U11Iit3qFEifbneulALYpA', '5cd82646-30b8-4af1-9c27-3ca1d565010e', 'eur')
  5. Thumbnail for Students complete hike to support Islamic Relief | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Four St Catharine’s undergraduates have completed a 14.5km sponsored hike of Mount Snowdon organised by Cambridge University Islamic Society in support of Charity Week (24–31 October 2022) that
  6. Thumbnail for Prize for Junior Research Fellow’s paper on currency exchangers in Afghanistan | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Dr Nafay Choudhury (2021), Jeremy Haworth Research Fellow at St Catharine’s, has been awarded a prize by the Law and Society Association for his paper ‘Order in the Bazaar: The Transformation of Nonstate Law in Afghanistan's Premier Money
  7. Music | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Music | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s has for many years had one of the strongest musical traditions of the Cambridge Colleges.
  8. Thumbnail for Reflections on restoring the ozone layer | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Reflections on restoring the ozone layer. Tuesday 7 February 2023. An Emeritus Fellow of St Catharine’s has dedicated his career to restoring the ozone layer. Formerly the Co-Director of the Centre for Atmospheric Science in
  9. Thumbnail for PhD student commended for access and outreach initiative | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A postgraduate student from St Catharine’s is part of a team that has been recognised for their contributions to education by the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Teaching & Learning. Lorena Gordillo-Dagallier (a Chemical Engineering &a
  10. Library | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Library | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Shakeshaft and Sherlock Libraries are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  11. Thumbnail for Overturning how we think about immune regulation across the body | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow at St Catharine’s College has led extensive new research that looks set to overturn the established model about how one type of white blood cell regulates immune responses in tissues – what was assumed to be a static part of the i
  12. Thumbnail for Bringing the work of a Norwegian philosopher to a wider audience | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Two members of the Fellowship of St Catharine’s College have co-authored a new article that brings attention to the life of Norwegian philosopher and arctic explorer Peter Wessel Zapffe (1899–1990) and translates a paragraph on Job from his
  13. Thumbnail for Fellow wins international ecology prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s College has been awarded a prestigious international prize in recognition of their outstanding and sustained scientific contributions to terrestrial ecology. Professor William Sutherland CBE (2008), Environment Fellow
  14. Thumbnail for Student leads Ballet Club ahead of new production of Coppélia | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s alumna who returned for her postgraduate studies is leading the Cambridge University Ballet Club this year as it prepares for its next Annual Show. Alongside her responsibilities as the Club’s President, Pin Yu Chew (2017,
  15. Thumbnail for Fellows named as Highly Cited Researchers | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Two Fellows of St Catharine’s have been named as Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate. Professor Anthony Davenport (1995; Emeritus Fellow 2023) and Professor Sir Peter Barnes FRS (1966, Medical Sciences; Honorary Fellow 2011) are among the 6,849
  16. Net zero by 2040: St Catharine’s publishes environmental…
    Thumbnail for Net zero by 2040: St Catharine’s publishes environmental sustainability strategy | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s has published its new environmental sustainability strategy setting out an ambition to achieve carbon-equivalent net zero status by 2040 and to deliver a detailed roadmap setting out how the College intends to achieve this goal.
  17. Fellows | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Fellows | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Resources for St Catharine's Fellows
  18. Thumbnail for Success across the board for Catz chess players | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s is delighted to report that 2021–22 has proved to be a vintage year for chess, with members of the College Chess Club celebrating both team and individual victories. Their prowess hasn’t gone unnoticed, and soon St
  19. Thumbnail for Catz welcomes record-equalling numbers of Gates Scholars | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s is proud to confirm that our most recent postgraduate intake included four students who have been awarded Gates Cambridge Scholarships ­– matching the largest ever group of Gates Scholars admitted back in 2016.
  20. Thumbnail for Plantation bell in Fitzwilliam Museum exhibition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A plantation bell that was on display at St Catharine’s until 2019 will help to reveal global stories and histories of exploitation, resilience and liberation as part of the Fitzwilliam Museum’s major exhibition, Black Atlantic: Power, People,
  21. Thumbnail for Students recreate Catz in Minecraft Cambridge | St Catharine's College, Cambridge In total, the group cleared 50,000 blocks and placed 24,360 blocks, including 2,834 blocks of bricks to reproduce the College’s familiar exterior.
  22. Thumbnail for Fellow celebrates opening of Heart and Lung Research Institute | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Professor Nick Morrell (2013), Fellow and Director of Studies in Medicine at St Catharine's, welcomed HRH The Duchess of Gloucester on 10 July to the official opening of the Heart and Lung Research Institute (HLRI), a major new
  23. Our history | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Our history | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The history of St Catharine's College, Cambridge, from its 15th-century foundations to its newest building projects.
  24. Thumbnail for PhD student celebrated for his global impact | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s postgraduate student was among the 16 students from the University of Cambridge recognised for exceptional achievement in social impact at the annual Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards ceremony last week. Malik Al Nasir,
  25. Thumbnail for Fellow launches new ‘sewcial’ group | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Members of the College community are invited to join a new craft ‘sewcial’ group launched by Dr Sura Qadiri (2018), Fellow and Director of Studies for Modern and Medieval Languages.
  26. Thumbnail for Student publishes first poetry pamphlet | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Student publishes first poetry pamphlet. Wednesday 8 June 2022. A St Catharine’s student is celebrating the publication of their debut pamphlet of original poetry this week. ‘Stephen the Phlebotomist’ (2022, Nine Pens Press) is a
  27. Fellows | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Fellows | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Fellows. The Master and the Official and Professorial Fellows make up the College's Governing Body. In addition to the members of Governing Body listed below, further groups of Fellows areretired) and News. Events. Social. St Catharine's
  28. Thumbnail for Supporting intercollegiate sports | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Awad Shah, a second-year Economics undergraduate and the St Catharine’s JCR Sports and Societies Officer 2023–24, explains:. ... Sheherazad Che. Third-year Natural Sciences undergraduate. League Secretary for Cambridge University Mixed Lacrosse Club
  29. Thumbnail for Check in: Update on chess at Catz | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s students are optimistic about the future after leading the Cambridge University Chess Club (CUCC) and attracting new members to the St Catharine’s College Chess Club. CUCC successes Omeet Atara, a second-year Human, Social &
  30. Thumbnail for Fellow graduates as an astronaut | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Jenni Sidey (2016) is today among the first class of astronaut candidates to graduate under the Artemis programme run by the United States’ National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). As one of two Canadian
  31. Thumbnail for The tea set: Meet the students behind the Bubble Tea Society | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s undergraduates are responsible for a new society that brings together students for a taste of bubble tea. Initially established as a College society in late 2021, the Bubble Tea Society became a word-of-mouth sensation and is now
  32. Thumbnail for Celebrating International Women's Day 2021 | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine's is proud to be celebrating International Women's Day on 8 March 2021. International Women's Day has occurred for well over a century with the first gathering held in 1911, and the day has been celebrated by the St Cath
  33. Thumbnail for Fellow advances public understanding of constitutional law | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow advances public understanding of constitutional law. Friday 19 August 2022. A St Catharine’s Fellow has been drawing upon his legal expertise to help the general public and lawmakers understand the legal implications of
  34. Thumbnail for Catz student scores final try in Varsity Match | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Alex King, a third-year Natural Sciences undergraduate at St Catharine’s, scored the final try in the 140th Varsity Men’s Rugby Union Match at Twickenham on 2 April.
  35. Thumbnail for Student wins drama prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Churchill College, the Faculty of English and the Marlowe Society have announced that the 2022 ‘Other’ Prize for Drama has been awarded to St Catharine's student Maddie Lynes (2018, English), who graduated last week, for the play Her Very
  36. Natural Sciences | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Natural Sciences | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Natural Sciences. What most people call 'science', Cambridge calls the 'Natural Sciences' (and hence 'natsci' is the local slang for a Cambridge science student). Most students who wish to study science in Cambridge would apply to read
  37. Thumbnail for Mussel survey reveals alarming degradation of River Thames ecosystem since the 1960s | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Professor David Aldridge (1997), Fellow and Dawson College Professor of Zoology at St Catharine's, was part of a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge who replicated a 1964 River Thames survey and found that mussel numbers h
  38. Students | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Students | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Information of interest to current students at St Catharine's
  39. Thumbnail for Fellow receives prestigious maths award | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow receives prestigious maths award. Friday 26 May 2023. A Fellow of St Catharine’s has received the Clay Research Award, which celebrates the outstanding achievements of the world's most gifted mathematicians. Professor Pierre
  40. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8). Thursday 1 December 2022. The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the
  41. Catz students set the pace for the University’s rowers | St…
    Thumbnail for Catz students set the pace for the University’s rowers | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Four St Catharine’s students were selected for crews entered by the Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC) for the Fullers’ Fours Head of the River ­– three of them in the stroke seat:
  42. Thumbnail for Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty. Monday 6 December 2021. St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Niamh Gallagher (2009, History) spoke to Irish national broadcaster RTÉ to mark the centenary of the
  43. Thumbnail for Outreach at Catz: Ali’s story | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Originally from Iraq, Ali Jassam (2020, Maths) grew up in London and attended the Chelsea Academy, a coeducational Church of England secondary school and sixth form with academy status.
  44. Thumbnail for Safeguarding sites of Nazi persecution in the Channel Islands | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Gilly Carr was among a delegation from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) who presented recommendations to safeguard sites on the Channel Island of Alderney earlier in July. The island was the
  45. Thumbnail for Catz postgraduate publishes coming of age memoir | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Next week sees the publication of a student’s first-hand account of surviving physical and racial abuse to discover a sense of self-worth thanks to artist, poet and civil rights activist Gil Scott-Heron. Letters to Gil: A Memoir (2021, William
  46. College life | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for College life | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine's is committed to academic excellence and success, while maintaining a relaxed and sociable atmosphere. We are fortunate to be located in the centre of Cambridge - within short walking distance of most University departments and
  47. Admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Find information about applying for undergraduate or postgraduate study at St Catharine's
  48. Thumbnail for “Superstar” student recognised for her outstanding contribution to sport | St Catharine's College, Cambridge A Catz postgraduate student has been recognised for her outstanding contribution to sports as part of the inaugural University of Cambridge Sports Awards. Robyn Macrae (2017, medical research) was among only seven students across the entire Univ
  49. Thumbnail for Fellow elected President of the Surgical Research Society | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow elected President of the Surgical Research Society. Friday 10 February 2023. Members of the Surgical Research Society (SRS) have elected a Fellow of St Catharine’s to serve as their President from March 2023. Professor Michael
  50. Thumbnail for Research Fellow advances academic writing in and on Afghanistan | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s has enjoyed success in recent weeks by championing academic writing on and in Afghanistan. Dr Nafay Choudhury (2021), the College’s Jeremy Haworth Research Fellow, has won prizes for his research
  51. Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College,…
    Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Kittbag). The men's team set expectations high for the season to come after "a resounding 50-24 victory" against the combined forces of Lucy Cavendish/Churchill/Magdalene.

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