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  2. Local: C:\Documents and Settings\ismerr\My Documents\Diss\BTA050304 - …
    5 Dec 2023: Keywords: Border Tax, Emission Trading, WTO law, International trade. The leading industrial and developing countries are in principle committed to contributing their fair share to tackle climate change in order to ... under international law and, in
  3. JP MO 21July05 CMI EP REV
    5 Dec 2023: This paper considers the regulatory issues that arise in the European and Australiancontext. ... line owner; thus owner and user can, but need not, be the same.
  4. Document 1
    6 Dec 2023: EPRG Working Paper 1032 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1057. Tim Laing and Michael Grubb. ... two instruments see Butler, L. and K. Neuhoff (2006). Comparison of Feed in Tariff,
  5. PDF - Competitive Bidding for a Longterm Electricity Distribution…
    9 Jul 2023: Again the market is substituted for the regulatory commission.” H Demsetz, “Why Regulate Utilities?” Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. ... Some Systematic Evidence”, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.
  6. NILLESEN POLLITT FINAL dutch regulatory failure7
    5 Dec 2023: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE 0446. The Consequences for Consumer Welfare of the. ... Amsterdam, The Netherlands Michael G Pollitt2. Senior Lecturer in Business Economics Judge Institute of Management.
  7. EPRG 1204_Abstract
    7 Dec 2023: This  is  evident  in  that  research articles on nuclear energy policy are not confined to a few select journals but are published  in  philosophy, sociology, psychology, law, economics, management, science, engineering,
    5 Dec 2023: JEL: L94, L51, K2. 1 Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Director of the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research ... 1 Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of
  9. paper_ceepr.dvi
    5 Dec 2023: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE 0455. Market Power in the England and Wales Wholesale Electricity Market 1995-2000. ... Frontier Economics. [6] Competition Commission (2001), “AES and British Energy: A Report by the Competition Com-.
  10. Lucia Reisch - Publications (PDF)
    9 Jul 2023: 951 02/2018, Harvard Law School,. John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business, Harvard University, Cambridge,. ... Economics and Human Biology, 18 (July), 139-152. Impact Factor 1.901 (2015), ISI.
  11. The relationship between regulation and competition policy for…
    5 Dec 2023: The EU, in contrast, has always placed more emphasis on the application of competition law, and has sought to make sector regulation consistent with general competition law. ... While the United States had strong Constitutional protection of regulated
  12. CBR Annual Report 2019
    9 Jul 2023: Cambridge, on 24 March 2021. Frank made foundational contributions to labour economics, industrial economics and economic theory. ... He continued to be highly active as an editor of the Cambridge Journal of Economics and was made one of its patrons in
  13. The assessment of customer detriment in the retail energy market
    8 Dec 2023: The CMA’s assessment of customer detriment in the GB retail energy market EPRG Working Paper 1703 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1707. ... The CMA considered and rejected introducing a widespread price cap as a remedy.
  14. The Political Economy of Carbon Pricing: a…
    8 Dec 2023: The Political Economy of Carbon Pricing: a Panel Analysis EPRG Working Paper 1627 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1663. ... 3Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge and Energy Policy Research Group.
  15. Learning by Doing with Constrained Growth Rates
    6 Dec 2023: EPRG Working Paper EPRG 0826 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 0850. ... The political process for building acceptability on plant sitting and nuclear waste management.
  16. PDF - Socio-technical dynamics underlying radical innovation: the…
    9 Jul 2023: from beverage cans to bridges.” (Petroski, 1996:6) Recent application of transaction cost economics to the design of efficient architectures. ... new dimension to the perspectives presented so far (Garud & Rappa, 1994; Hargadon &. Douglas, 2001).
    5 Dec 2023: The law places limits on the number and background of civil servants working in the CNE. ... The membership of the board is prescribed by law and consists of representatives of generators (with more than 9MW connected to the system) and transmission
  18. CJBS WP 2018/02
    9 Jul 2023: extant theory and supporting artefacts, the authors provide a robust description of the. ... including law (Black’s Law Dictionary 2011), management (Logan 1984), economics. (Henderson and Van den Steen 2015), and marketing (Haeckel 2010).
  19. On Dividend Policy
    8 Dec 2023: 2017). But price discrimination is unremarkable in economics, is a predictable outcome of rising competition and is frequently welfare enhancing5. ... Considerable economics literature exists which analyses welfare implications of second-degree price
  20. Unintended consequences: The snowball effect …
    8 Dec 2023: Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1828. Ibrahim Abada, Andreas Ehrenmann, Xavier Lambin. ... The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors alone and might not represent the views of ENGIE†ENGIE‡ENGIE, EPRG Associate
  21. _pdf_ Wolf
    6 Dec 2023: EPRG Working Paper 0805. Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 0811. Christian Wolf and Michael G. ... that privatisation is associated with comprehensive and sustained. improvements in performance and efficiency.
  22. BRUNEKREEFT NEUHOFF NEWBERY final UP overview 08Nov acc
    5 Dec 2023: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE 0463. Electricity Transmission:. An Overview of the Current Debate. ... Gert Brunekreeft, Karsten Neuhoff and David Newbery1,2. 08 November 2004. University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics,
  23. PDF - Privatising national oil companies: assessing the impact on…
    9 Jul 2023: AND. MICHAEL G. POLLITT†. First version: January 2008 This version: 29 February 2008. ... both at the University of Cambridge, the 9th European Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), and the 11th Annual Conference of
  24. Document 1
    7 Dec 2023: EPRG Working Paper 1226 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1254. Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael G. ... benchmarking based on the idea of differing governance traditions (following La . Porta et al., 1999).
  25. ARE 212
    5 Dec 2023: UNIVERSITY OFCAMBRIDGEDepartment ofApplied Economics. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. Not to be quoted without permission. ... economics, dating at least from Schumpeter’s 1943 classic Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.
  26. PDF - A study of inefficient going concerns in bankruptcy - working…
    9 Jul 2023: Stockholm School of Economics, EBRD and the 2005 CEPR meetings at Gerzensee,. ... bankruptcy-law design. For example, Povel (1999) considers the trade-off between. creditor- and debtor-friendly bankruptcy procedures, within a framework where the.
  27. PDF - A study of inefficient going concerns in bankruptcy - working…
    9 Jul 2023: Stockholm School of Economics, EBRD and the 2005 CEPR meetings at Gerzensee,. ... bankruptcy-law design. For example, Povel (1999) considers the trade-off between. creditor- and debtor-friendly bankruptcy procedures, within a framework where the.
  28. Centre for Business Research: UK Economy Forecast Report
    9 Jul 2023: Ken Coutts is Honorary Research Associate at the Centre For Business Research (CBR) in the Judge Business School, Emeritus Assistant Director of Studies in the Faculty of Economics, and Life Fellow ... Established in 1994, it is now one of the leading
  29. Incentive Regulation of Electricity Distribution Networks:
    6 Dec 2023: Tooraj Jamasb. Faculty of Economics University of Cambridge. Michael Pollitt Judge Business School. ... University of Cambridge. 19 June 2007. Corresponding author. Faculty of Economics, Electricity Policy Research Group,.
  30. Lessons from Australia’s National…
    11 Dec 2023: the latter tying the economics of the physical power system to Resource Adequacy and new capacity. ... The view taken by the ACCC in their draft and final reports were erroneous and inconsistent with the economics of price discrimination.
  31. CBR Annual Report 2019
    9 Jul 2023: The Centre has. made a significant contribution to the development of research methods and theory in the analysis of law and finance. ... Helen Mussell This is a rigorous, thorough, and original paper. While rooted in law, including the ethics of law, it
  32. CBR Annual Report 2019
    9 Jul 2023: The conference was attended by government and industry representatives from Japan as well as leading academics in the areas of computer science, innovation economics, and private law. ... Employment relations International Labour Review; Industrial Law
  33. Cambridge Judge Business School Working Paper No. 3/2014 “PAY ...
    9 Jul 2023: talk” communication that pertains to previous studies in social psychology and economics, to be. ... Table 1 in that article). Much of previous social psychological or experimental economics research on.
  34. Learning by Doing with Constrained Growth Rates
    6 Dec 2023: EPRG Working Paper 0813 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 0828. Christian Wolf This paper investigates whether there are systematic performance and efficiency differentials between National Oil Companies (NOCs) and privately-owned ... An earlier
  35. CBR working paper abstracts (PDF)
    9 Jul 2023: WP36 Contract Law, Social Norms and Inter-Firm Cooperation Aug 96 Alessandro Arrighetti, Reinhard Bachmann and Simon Deakin Analyses the influence of the institutional framework, in terms of contract law and ... considers the relevance of economic theory
  36. CBR_Report_2021_single_pgs (008).pdfrev
    9 Jul 2023: He has degrees in physics, operational research and economics from Bristol, Lancaster and London (Birkbeck College) universities respectively. ... Its research draws on expertise in University of Cambridge departments ranging from the Faculties of
  37. Abstract_EPRG1205_revised
    7 Dec 2023: of liability in amount; (5) compulsory financial security; (6) jurisdiction; and  (7) applicable law and non‐discrimination of victims.8  This section covers the Paris Convention ‐ ... a Nuclear Accident.
  38. Centre for Strategic Philanthropy Annual Report 2020-2021
    9 Jul 2023: in the coming years and I am excited to see its progress go. ... Attendees: 230. Profiles: senior manager, CEO, chairman-level attendees, charitable organisations and academics.
  39. Negotiated Settlements:
    5 Dec 2023: 23 November 2006. JEL Classification: L51 Economics of regulation, L97 Utilities general, L95 Gas utilities, pipelines, water utilities. ... This reflects a simple reality – the economics of getting Canadian production to market have historically been
  40. cover28
    5 Dec 2023: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE 0328. The Difficult Transition to Competitive Electricity Markets in the U.S. ... market bubble, a better understanding by investors of the real economics and market risks.
    9 Jul 2023: Professor O’Hara is an expert on market microstructure, and she publishes widely in banking and financial intermediaries, law and finance, and experimental economics. ... Adair MorseAssociate Professor of Finance at Berkeley Haas and a Fellow at the
    9 Jul 2023: us navigate the evolving landscape of alternative finance by contextualising it through the lens of finance, economics, geography, law and trust. ... London School of Economics, and is currently completing a PhD in Economic Sociology at the University of
  43. SSRN Version July 2012
    9 Jul 2023: soft law elements, may affect both the rights and powers of different parties within the. ... 15. regulatory changes especially in the soft law relating to CEOs and board process we include.
  44. CBR Annual Report 2019
    9 Jul 2023: Innovation & Technology Management; Journal. of Product Innovation. Law and Socio-Legal Studies American Journal of Comparative Law; Journal. ... of Law and Society; Journal of Corporate Law. Studies. Employment relations International Labour Review;
  45. BIS_Dual Funding Structure for Research in the UK_16May13_e1
    9 Jul 2023: Established in 1994, it is now one of the leading centres for social science research on economics, law and business  in the UK, and has a growing European and global reputation. ... The CBR is a multi‐disciplinary centre
  46. HEI_Business Report Consolidated 22Nov13_e1
    9 Jul 2023: Established in 1994, it is now one of the leading centres for social science research on economics, law and business in  the  UK, and  has  a  growing  European  and  global  reputation. ... as it draws on expertise in Cam
  47. PDF - Mergers and Acquisitions: The Influence of Methods of Payment…
    9 Jul 2023: ON BIDDER’S SHARE PRICE. R Chatterjee and A Kuenzi. WP 6/2001. ... THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT OF HYPOTHESES. 5. consolidation in many industries (e.g.
  48. Consumers as Financiers: Consumer Surplus, Crowdfunding, and Initial…
    9 Jul 2023: project. Hence, intermediary funding results in inefficient underinvestment. Our result is related to the insights on market power and innovation in the economics. ... efficient projects get funding in the first place. A long literature in economics
  49. Layout 1
    9 Jul 2023: The  Centre  has made  a  significant  contribution  to  the  development  of  research  methods  and  theory  in  the analysis  of  law  and  finance. ... The  CBR  is  a  multi‐disciplinary  centre. Our  research  is 
  50. Universities, Business and Knowledge Exchange Maria Abreu, Vadim…
    9 Jul 2023: Kingston University • KPMG LLP • Legal & General • Logica plc • London School of Economics • London. ... The Centre draws on expertise in several University of Cambridge Departments including Economics, Law, Geography, Land Economy, Engineering
  51. Cyber Risk OutlookM AY 2 0 1 9 Cyber ...
    9 Jul 2023: Law Enforcement and Internationalization. International cooperation between nation-states and their national cyber security communities steadily increased in 2018. ... Several national and transnational law enforcement agencies have taken the fight to

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