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1 - 10 of 18 search results for KA :ZA31 op | where 0 match all words and 18 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. 14 Feb 2007: "!$#&%')(,.-0/214356,8793:<;='>:(?4@ ,.ACBED>79FG?4@IHKJ+@@LNM. OPQP RSUT">RQVWRXKYZ[U 0] Y_a[bcdRSe"fKRSWgh[ P RSi P RXY_]RQejRQk_RSml. n op deWUdKWqi bkb[UYZrjsturvj]wxW0 ... u P __z]w9rIRX0U ]_UR|wdzw" 08 n WdfWdRSwzRXKR P i.]_UWghRXK[RS[KWU]W n) z]Uk
  3. 13 Feb 2006: "$#&%')(,.-0/214356,8793:<;='>:(?4@ ,.ACBED>79FG?4@IHKJ+@@LNM. OPQP RSUT>RQVWRXKYZ[U 0] Y_a[bcdRSefKRSWgh[ P RSi P RXY_]RQejRQk_RSmln op deWUdKWqi bkb[UYZrjsturvj]wxW0 RSUTKr0sdyrvjRXz ... nK h j[RS}RQRSR>op deWU]KW0R P i_ P z>w VRXkb P RQgrh}RQeb
  4. 13 Nov 2006: HIGLRRV0NgZ.M>C9XD"td 9;" d kº?n?»dA@Q? HI:=]y?Ho.3R?H¥p?HR?H>Z[E0NgZ.M>F9 KÁ t!d 9 t Á d
  5. Hopf measuring comonoids and enrichment
    4 Apr 2018: P : Mon(V)op Mon(V) Comon(V) (30)is called the Sweedler hom in [4]. ... The functor P (, ) : Mon(V)op Mon(V) Comon(V) is continuousin each variable.
  6. Vanishing cycles and non-classical parabolic cohomologyA. J.…
    29 Jan 2010: y0! (R0iig Symk F)x! (R1g! Symk F)x! (R1g Symk F)x! 0k k kA B CHere the top line is the exact sequence (2.8.1), and the bottom ... P1 op whosegeneric bre is j:X! P1K. Hence in the notation of 2.15 the morphism jZ :X!
  7. HX1Lycée Louis le Grand 2015-2016 Physique Classe de Mathématiques ...
    31 Aug 2023: On a donc ici Epe = 12 kA2 cos2(ωt φ). Au final, on obtient Em = Ec Epe = 12 kA. ... 2. On s’intéresse aux valeurs moyennes des différentes formes d’énergie. On a :. ⟨Ec⟩ =12 kA. 2〈sin2(ωt φ). 〉et ⟨Epe⟩ =. 12 kA. 2〈cos2(ωt φ).
    20 Dec 2023: Then there is a bounded K-Banach algebra isomorphism. ()T : A〈/r〉 A〈/r〉op. ... Proof. We apply Lemma 2.2.10 with A = O(X), δ = x B(A), B := A〈/r〉op,b = and f : A B the natural inclusion.
  9. Modular Forms of Weight one Jef Laga Contents 1. ...
    15 Feb 2021: Letp OK be a prime above p Q. Write Op for the localization of OK at p. ... mor-phisms G GLd(Op)). Then composing ρ,τ with the projection GLd(Op) GLd(kp) yieldsabsolutely irreducible representations ρ̃, τ̃.
  10. 16 May 2002: ø0òFôþú3õ S 76pü /øP"8 ôõòGúö 4/øõquõ=ònõÿZô òÛükõö 3ü"8 þòFô úö t5/øWõ O òFü YE dþöõ+úþúç#õòú ø ú ( õôõ.þ7ø0ü éèrþ ôúõþúú òÛü õöøøVúö t5/ ... 6üöõòÛü ø0/õòÛøWô?
  11. 26 Apr 2006: pjw6Onj[tkj"t8z}}nNpxoLsOvX}r6r[sOYj[v.Srt3nN vjwp3n.yro8zìáKáç!Ká%é¤èäYrodpxq6n66oLrtLn.tXrw|!pxq!sOt1Yj[hn.o.lQn6rW6r[p(o3nN6sOoLnjW6nNY!sSpxsSrBr[|!p3qYjwpÁlQntLsO}6Sz6n.nNpxr6rl ... 491ý;Hù:M49Oý70ãûý. òÈÀoZpEÌ qÂ7r!ÞòÈÀ(op"

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