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1 - 18 of 18 search results for KA :ZA31 op | where 0 match all words and 18 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. 14 Feb 2007: "!$#&%')(,.-0/214356,8793:<;='>:(?4@ ,.ACBED>79FG?4@IHKJ+@@LNM. OPQP RSUT">RQVWRXKYZ[U 0] Y_a[bcdRSe"fKRSWgh[ P RSi P RXY_]RQejRQk_RSml. n op deWUdKWqi bkb[UYZrjsturvj]wxW0 ... u P __z]w9rIRX0U ]_UR|wdzw" 08 n WdfWdRSwzRXKR P i.]_UWghRXK[RS[KWU]W n) z]Uk
  3. Hopf measuring comonoids and enrichment
    4 Apr 2018: P : Mon(V)op Mon(V) Comon(V) (30)is called the Sweedler hom in [4]. ... The functor P (, ) : Mon(V)op Mon(V) Comon(V) is continuousin each variable.
  4. Vanishing cycles and non-classical parabolic cohomologyA. J.…
    29 Jan 2010: y0! (R0iig Symk F)x! (R1g! Symk F)x! (R1g Symk F)x! 0k k kA B CHere the top line is the exact sequence (2.8.1), and the bottom ... P1 op whosegeneric bre is j:X! P1K. Hence in the notation of 2.15 the morphism jZ :X!
  5. HX1Lycée Louis le Grand 2015-2016 Physique Classe de Mathématiques ...
    31 Aug 2023: On a donc ici Epe = 12 kA2 cos2(ωt φ). Au final, on obtient Em = Ec Epe = 12 kA. ... 2. On s’intéresse aux valeurs moyennes des différentes formes d’énergie. On a :. ⟨Ec⟩ =12 kA. 2〈sin2(ωt φ). 〉et ⟨Epe⟩ =. 12 kA. 2〈cos2(ωt φ).
    20 Dec 2023: Then there is a bounded K-Banach algebra isomorphism. ()T : A〈/r〉 A〈/r〉op. ... Proof. We apply Lemma 2.2.10 with A = O(X), δ = x B(A), B := A〈/r〉op,b = and f : A B the natural inclusion.
  7. Modular Forms of Weight one Jef Laga Contents 1. ...
    15 Feb 2021: Letp OK be a prime above p Q. Write Op for the localization of OK at p. ... mor-phisms G GLd(Op)). Then composing ρ,τ with the projection GLd(Op) GLd(kp) yieldsabsolutely irreducible representations ρ̃, τ̃.
  8. 16 May 2002: ø0òFôþú3õ S 76pü /øP"8 ôõòGúö 4/øõquõ=ònõÿZô òÛükõö 3ü"8 þòFô úö t5/øWõ O òFü YE dþöõ+úþúç#õòú ø ú ( õôõ.þ7ø0ü éèrþ ôúõþúú òÛü õöøøVúö t5/ ... 6üöõòÛü ø0/õòÛøWô?
  9. 13 Feb 2006: "$#&%')(,.-0/214356,8793:<;='>:(?4@ ,.ACBED>79FG?4@IHKJ+@@LNM. OPQP RSUT>RQVWRXKYZ[U 0] Y_a[bcdRSefKRSWgh[ P RSi P RXY_]RQejRQk_RSmln op deWUdKWqi bkb[UYZrjsturvj]wxW0 RSUTKr0sdyrvjRXz ... nK h j[RS}RQRSR>op deWU]KW0R P i_ P z>w VRXkb P RQgrh}RQeb
  10. 13 Nov 2006: HIGLRRV0NgZ.M>C9XD"td 9;" d kº?n?»dA@Q? HI:=]y?Ho.3R?H¥p?HR?H>Z[E0NgZ.M>F9 KÁ t!d 9 t Á d
  11. 26 Apr 2006: pjw6Onj[tkj"t8z}}nNpxoLsOvX}r6r[sOYj[v.Srt3nN vjwp3n.yro8zìáKáç!Ká%é¤èäYrodpxq6n66oLrtLn.tXrw|!pxq!sOt1Yj[hn.o.lQn6rW6r[p(o3nN6sOoLnjW6nNY!sSpxsSrBr[|!p3qYjwpÁlQntLsO}6Sz6n.nNpxr6rl ... 491ý;Hù:M49Oý70ãûý. òÈÀoZpEÌ qÂ7r!ÞòÈÀ(op"
  12. Modi�ed Realizability Toposes and Strong Normalization Proofs…
    21 Aug 2008: 1. ): ka#. and. (S. 2. ) 9a 2 U:fa(ga)# =) sfg#:. ... Though cast in. category-theoretic language, the result in op. cit. is essentially the inter-denability result of second.
  13. Modi�ed Realizability Toposes and Strong Normalization Proofs…
    21 Aug 2008: 1. ): ka#. and. (S. 2. ) 9a 2 U:fa(ga)# =) sfg#:. ... Though cast in. category-theoretic language, the result in op. cit. is essentially the inter-denability result of second.
  14. Shan.dvi
    20 Dec 2018: Coding and Cryptography. T. W. Körner. December 20, 2018. Transmitting messages is an important practical problem. Coding theoryincludes the study of compression codes which enable us to send messagescheaply and error correcting codes which ensure
  15. Geometric Group TheoryLectures by Ana KhukhroNotes by Alexis Marchand …
    10 Mar 2020: Consider images of [0,) under ψe,ψh,ψk – at least two ofthese images will be at a bounded distance from each other, so at least two of A,hA,kA are ... Remark 5.30. Consider the closure of the class of finite groups and abelian groups under the
  16. INDEX TO SGA 1 INDEX TO SGA 1 �� ...
    29 Jan 2010: INDEX TO SGA 1. INDEX TO SGA 1! " # $ % & $ ' & " ( # ) # # & , -! / #! 0 ' %! 1 2! 3 , -! / #! % / 2 # )! ' #! 4 , -! / #! # ) % & #! 5 # 6 # 7 # / #! # ) % & #! 38 9 % - - # ) # ) : " % / # % & # " #! / -! / #! # ) % & #! 8; < - - & $ % % ' = # = #
  17. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Volume ??, Number ...
    11 Apr 2015: We have two two-placerelation symbols and =, propositional connectives , &, V , = , ,unrestricted quantifiers , , restricted quantifiers r, r, a class forming op-erator. ... a]k = {=(f) |f f ka & f is injective}. a (153).
  18. Geometric inverse problems with emphasis on two dimensions Gabriel ...
    1 Feb 2023: Geometric inverse problems. with emphasis on two dimensions. Gabriel P. Paternain, Mikko Salo, Gunther Uhlmann. iii. To our families and all who have supported us. This material has been published by Cambridge University Press & Assessment
  19. AAA Part IB of the Mathematical Triposof the University ...
    13 Jan 2013: AAA. Part IB of the Mathematical Triposof the University of Cambridge. Michaelmas 2012. Linear Algebra. Lectured by:Prof. I. Grojnowski. Notes by:Alex Chan. Comments and corrections should be sent to This work is licensed under a

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