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401 - 450 of 1,321 search results for scholarships 2022 | where 323 match all words and 998 match some words.
  1. Results that match 1 of 2 words

  2. Thumbnail for President publishes two new books | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The President of St Catharine’s College has published two new books in a little over a month. Professor Katharine Dell (1996) is celebrating the publication of The Theology of the Book of Proverbs (2023, Cambridge University Press) on 31 August
  3. Admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Find information about applying for undergraduate or postgraduate study at St Catharine's
  4. Thumbnail for Fellows spark debate on climate change and carbon emissions targets | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine's Fellow Commoner The Rt Hon. the Lord Browne of Ladyton (2019) and Fellow Professor Julian Allwood (2018) have made key contributions to advancing the debate around climate change and carbon emissions targets.
  5. Thumbnail for Catz scientists make breakthrough in obesity | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s PhD student and one of the College’s alumni are part of a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge and the University of East Anglia who made an important discovery in the race to find treatments for obesity and
  6. Chapel services | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Chapel services | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Regular Chapel Services begin again in October Luminaria - Tuesday 8 October at 6.30pm A beautiful, candle lit service, sung by the Girls' ChoirJoin online Night Songs - Thursday 10 October at 9.30pm A short and beautiful candle lit service, sung by
  7. Thumbnail for Student represents UK in international first aid competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s student was the team manager for a group of first aiders selected by St John Ambulance (SJA) to represent the UK in a recent international competition. Emma Dinnage, a final-year Natural Sciences undergraduate, is a District
  8. Thumbnail for Emeritus Fellow and alumni recognised by the New Year honours list | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The contributions of St Catharine’s Emeritus Fellow Professor John Pickard (1964, Medical Sciences) and alumni Andrew McKeon (1973, History) and James Lambert (1975, History of Art) have been recognised by the New Year honours list, alongside the
  9. Thumbnail for Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves. Thursday 18 November 2021. St Catharine's Fellow Professor Ian Willis (1989) has arrived in Antarctica to retrieve data from polar research instruments that were set up two
  10. Thumbnail for Fellow shortlisted for book prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s is in contention for the 2023 Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction. Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a New World 1848–1849 (2023, Allen Lane) by Professor Sir Chris Clark (1990), Ostrer Professorial Fellow in
  11. PhD student receives the American Folklore Society Polly Stewart…
    Thumbnail for PhD student receives the American Folklore Society Polly Stewart Award | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The committee unanimously agreed that Elena shows great promise in that regard and was particularly excited by her work to recentre women’s voices in Italian and Irish fairy tale scholarship.
  12. Thumbnail for New and outgoing Senior Tutors work together in response to coronavirus | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s College has been fortunate to be able to draw upon the combined skills and expertise of our outgoing and incoming Senior Tutors to ensure continuity in our response to the evolving public health emergency caused by Novel Coronavirus
  13. Student health & wellbeing | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Student health & wellbeing | St Catharine's College, Cambridge There is a lot of support available within College and University, through the NHS, and through charitable organisations. You can find out more about all of these by clicking on the buttons below. We would always encourage you to talk to the team or
  14. Thumbnail for Plantation bell returned to Guyana | St Catharine's College, Cambridge A plantation bell that was on display at St Catharine’s until 2019 has been returned to Guyana and is now owned by the National Museum in Georgetown, the country’s capital.
  15. Oar-inspiring display from Catz rowers at Fairbairns | St…
    Thumbnail for Oar-inspiring display from Catz rowers at Fairbairns | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The St Catharine’s College Boat Club (SCCBC) demonstrated remarkable team spirit throughout the Fairbairn Cup held 2–3 December and the ensuing celebrations at their end of term dinner. The Fairbairn Cup (known affectionately as Fairb
  16. Thumbnail for Seed money helps to revive the College allotment | St Catharine's College, Cambridge     A grant from the Master’s Fund is supporting efforts to revitalise a plot of local land as a College allotment where St Catharine’s students can come together to garden and cultivate food.
  17. Thumbnail for Fellows named as Highly Cited Researchers | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellows named as Highly Cited Researchers. Monday 29 November 2021. St Catharine's Fellows Professor Ron Martin (1974) and Professor Anthony Davenport (1995) have just been named by Clarivate (the Web of Science) as Highly Cited
  18. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4). Friday 17 February 2023. The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the
  19. Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College,…
    Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  20. Thumbnail for Combining archery and music no drawback for Catz student awarded an extraordinary Full Blue | St Catharine's College, Cambridge A postgraduate student at St Catharine’s has been rewarded with an extraordinary Full Blue in archery by the Women’s Blues Committee. In parallel with representing the University in archery, Eleanor Brug (2012, Natural Sciences) has also played
  21. Thumbnail for Partnership with Cambridge Women’s Aid | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Cambridge Women’s Aid and St Catharine’s College today announced that they have worked together to provide 1,456 nights of safe accommodation to women and children escaping domestic abuse this summer.  In response to an acute shortage of refuge
  22. Thumbnail for Beating COVID-19 by screening new medicines with heart cells | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Professor Anthony Davenport (1995), is a senior author of a new study that uses artificially-grown heart cells to advance the search for new therapies for patients with COVID-19.
  23. Thumbnail for CD Recordings | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine's choirs and musicians have made three CD recordings. Purchase your copy today!
  24. Catz postgraduate wins at climate tech competition | St…
    Thumbnail for Catz postgraduate wins at climate tech competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Lorena Gordillo-Dagallier (2018, Engineering), a second year PhD student with at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies (Sensor CDT), has been announced as one of four winners of the International C40
  25. Latin Graces | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Latin Graces | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Latin Graces. At St Catharine's, grace is traditionally said in Latin at Formal Hall and Feasts. Here you can find the texts of the two most commonly-used graces in College. News. Events. Social. St Catharine's College, Cambridge CB2
  26. Thumbnail for Unlocking the experience of British internment during WWII | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Unlocking the experience of British internment during WWII. Thursday 18 May 2023. A cutting-edge book has been published today by a Fellow of St Catharine’s that presents an updated discussion and analysis of civilian 'enemy alien'
  27. Thumbnail for Catz choristers & musicians: Home & away | St Catharine's College, Cambridge On top of the calendar of concerts and recitals hosted at St Catharine’s, our musicians – including our talented choristers – are contributing to performances away from College in Cambridge, London and Durham over the next two months. Members
  28. Thumbnail for Catz postgraduates help design open-source ventilator for use in low- and middle-income countries | St Catharine's College, Cambridge In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, two PhD students from St Catharine's have joined a team at the University of Cambridge that has designed an open-source ventilator in partnership with local clinicians, engineers and manufacturers across Africa
  29. Thumbnail for Then and now: Music in 1473 and 2023 | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following article has been published as part of a series celebrating 550 years since St Catharine’s was founded in 1473. St Catharine’s has for many years had one of the strongest musical traditions of the Cambridge Colleges. Appropriately
  30. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  31. Thumbnail for Safeguarding sites to remember the Holocaust | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s is today launching the world’s first expert-informed charter to protect sites of the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma from unprecedented threats – ranging from Holocaust denial to climate change – so future
  32. Thumbnail for Choral music competition recognises Catz student | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Undergraduate student Alex Wallace (2019, Mathematics) has been announced as a finalist in the Walter Hussey Composition Competition, a choral music composition competition organised by Reading Phoenix Choir in honour of the late Walter H
  33. Chapel | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Chapel | St Catharine's College, Cambridge People come into Chapel for a whole range of reasons, and you don't have to be religious or used to attending a church.  The big door on Main Court is open all day every day (and you can use your camcard to get in any time of day or night, via t
  34. Thumbnail for College exhibition celebrates scientific pioneer | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A new exhibition celebrating the Italian natural philosopher Alessandro Volta (1745–1827) is on display at St Catharine’s until the end of October 2023. The exhibition has been possible thanks to alumnus and Fellow Dr Peter Wothers (1988,
  35. Thumbnail for Supporting charities close to our hearts | St Catharine's College, Cambridge December is one of the most popular times for charitable giving in the UK so it felt like a fitting time to celebrate just a few of the ways that the St Catharine’s community supports charities. Our students, staff, Fellows and alumni give their
  36. Thumbnail for Sticking together: Students compete in Varsity lacrosse and hockey matches | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Six St Catharine's students proudly represented the University of Cambridge against Oxford in Varsity lacrosse and hockey matches last weekend.
  37. Thumbnail for Fellow explores the importance of Anne Damer in queer history | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Caroline Gonda (1996) recently spoke at an online event about the significance of sculptor Anne Damer (1748/1749–1828) in queer history. The talk was hosted by Strawberry Hill House to mark LGBT+ History Month. Dr
  38. Cookie Policy | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Search. Home. Cookie Policy. News. Events. Social. St Catharine's College, Cambridge CB2 1RL, UK. Tel: 01223 338 300. Copyright 2024 St Catharine's College Cambridge.
  39. Exploring the ethics of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing | St…
    Thumbnail for Exploring the ethics of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s alumna Dr Caitríona Cox (2011, Medical Sciences) recently returned to Cambridge as an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow at The Healthcare Improvement Studies (THIS) Institute. Students and staff at St Catharine’s kindly agreed to
  40. Thumbnail for Student wins international awards for climate justice research | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Fulbright programme is now considered amongst the most prestigious scholarship awards globally, with 60 Nobel Laureates and 39 Heads of State/Government among its 390,000 global alumni.
  41. Thumbnail for Fellow awarded European Research Council grant | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s has been awarded a prestigious consolidator grant by the European Research Council (ERC). Professor Chiara Ciccarelli (2018), Director of Studies in Physics and Astrophysics at St Catharine's, has received a €2.1
  42. Thumbnail for Pioneering alumnus celebrated with blue plaque | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A blue plaque was unveiled this week to commemorate St Catharine’s alumnus Dr Cecil Belfield Clarke (1914, Natural Sciences), one of our earliest Black students on record. The plaque celebrates his contributions as a Barbados/Cambridge scholar,
  43. Thumbnail for BioRISC: Improving the links between science and policy makers | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following article was first published in this year's edition of The Wheel, the College's annual newsletter, in July 2021. 
  44. Thumbnail for Small wonder: Fellow harnesses advanced microscopy to reveal key to antifungal resistance | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Andrzej Harris is part of an international team of scientists that has used advanced microscopic techniques to take a close-up look at a protein that enables invasive fungal infections to resist treatment. Their
  45. Thumbnail for Fellow launches book ahead of centenary of the Chinese Communist Party | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Professor Hans van de Ven (1988), Fellow and Director of Studies in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at St Catharine’s, has co-edited a new book published by Cambridge University Press ahead of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party.
  46. Thumbnail for Catz duo win Cuppers Moot competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Two St Catharine’s students have won the 2023 Cuppers Moot organised by the Cambridge University Law Society. Lily Greenhough and Vanessa Iheama, both second-year Law undergraduates, successfully represented the College in a moot court, which
  47. Thumbnail for Making the most of life as an MBA candidate | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s location in the heart of Cambridge, one of the UK’s fastest growing technology hubs, offers students the chance to engage with the city’s start-ups and more established businesses during their studies. We caught up with
  48. Thumbnail for Nephew and aunt share a Catz connection | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Being awarded a scholarship to participate in the Heidelberg exchange programme offered by Catz has also been a highlight that I will cherish – a chance to delve into the German language
  49. Thumbnail for Participating in public dialogue on human embryo research | St Catharine's College, Cambridge An alumna of St Catharine’s who returned for a PhD in Biological Sciences has blogged and appeared in a new video about participating in a public dialogue project on human embryo research. This comes at a time when the Human Fertilisation and
  50. Thumbnail for Fellow finds clues to susceptibility of older people to severe COVID-19 in ageing heart cells | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Genes that play an important role in allowing SARS-CoV-2 to invade heart cells become more active with age, according to research led by St Catharine's Fellow Professor Anthony Davenport (1995) that has been published in the Journal of Molecular
  51. Fellow wins prestigious Royal Historical Society 2020 Whitfield Prize …
    Thumbnail for Fellow wins prestigious Royal Historical Society 2020 Whitfield Prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Visit the Bloomsbury website to find out more. ‘An outstandingly interesting monograph whose intelligent revisionism is grounded in impressive scholarship.’.

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