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  2. Thumbnail for Students meet celebrated French writer | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s students recently met the celebrated French writer Marie NDiaye, who has just this year been added to the syllabus for first-year Modern & Medieval Languages undergraduates specialising in French.
  3. Thumbnail for Making waves: Undergraduate iceberg research published in journal | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Research documenting the effects of a breakaway Antarctic iceberg by a St Catharine’s alumna while she was an undergraduate at the College has been published in an international journal, with the support of a Geography Fellow. 
  4. Thumbnail for “Superstar” student recognised for her outstanding contribution to sport | St Catharine's College, Cambridge A Catz postgraduate student has been recognised for her outstanding contribution to sports as part of the inaugural University of Cambridge Sports Awards. Robyn Macrae (2017, medical research) was among only seven students across the entire Univ
  5. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4). Friday 17 February 2023. The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the
  6. Thumbnail for Reflections on restoring the ozone layer | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Reflections on restoring the ozone layer. Tuesday 7 February 2023. An Emeritus Fellow of St Catharine’s has dedicated his career to restoring the ozone layer. Formerly the Co-Director of the Centre for Atmospheric Science in
  7. Thumbnail for Catz @ Cambridge Festival | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Four Fellows from St Catharine’s College are due to showcase their research and expertise during the Cambridge Festival, a series of free events run by the University of Cambridge between 31 March and 10 April:
  8. Thumbnail for Fellows named as Highly Cited Researchers | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellows named as Highly Cited Researchers. Monday 29 November 2021. St Catharine's Fellows Professor Ron Martin (1974) and Professor Anthony Davenport (1995) have just been named by Clarivate (the Web of Science) as Highly Cited
  9. Thumbnail for Catz vets with all creatures great and small | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s is home to a thriving community of Veterinary Medicine students, with five new students admitted each year. These students encounter a wide range of animals during their degree and accompanying extramural placements. 
  10. Thumbnail for Meet our newest organ scholar | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Talented students are admitted as organ scholars by St Catharine’s through Cambridge’s Inter-Collegiate Organ Scholarship scheme, and go on to play a vital and much-valued role within ... During my second organ scholarship at the Chapel Royal at St
  11. The Mether Initiative | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for The Mether Initiative | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Mether Initiative – named after the ancient Celtic communal drinking vessel used at gatherings to welcome guests in peace and friendship – aims to create a physical and virtual non-partisan space where future leaders, academics and
  12. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  13. Thumbnail for Potential new cancer drug created to pass the acid test | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s Fellow is part of an international team who created a new candidate drug (a compound with therapeutic potential that has been altered to enhance its effectiveness) in the hope of improving cancer treatment after establishing
  14. Net zero by 2040: St Catharine’s publishes environmental…
    Thumbnail for Net zero by 2040: St Catharine’s publishes environmental sustainability strategy | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s has published its new environmental sustainability strategy setting out an ambition to achieve carbon-equivalent net zero status by 2040 and to deliver a detailed roadmap setting out how the College intends to achieve this goal.
  15. Thumbnail for Catz players selected for Varsity rugby matches | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Nine St Catharine’s students have been selected to play for the Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club (CURUFC) in Varsity matches against Oxford. Six players were selected for the women’s teams and a further three students for the
  16. Thumbnail for Emeritus Fellow and alumni recognised by the New Year honours list | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The contributions of St Catharine’s Emeritus Fellow Professor John Pickard (1964, Medical Sciences) and alumni Andrew McKeon (1973, History) and James Lambert (1975, History of Art) have been recognised by the New Year honours list, alongside the
  17. Thumbnail for Safeguarding sites of Nazi persecution in the Channel Islands | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Gilly Carr was among a delegation from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) who presented recommendations to safeguard sites on the Channel Island of Alderney earlier in July. The island was the
  18. Thumbnail for Student debunks Malayan independence myth | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Since its launch, it has provided scholarships for MPhil and PhD students in the humanities and social sciences, and supported the development of Malay World Studies at the University of Cambridge
  19. Thumbnail for Levelling Up Left Behind Places: New book published by Emeritus Fellows | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Levelling Up Left Behind Places: New book published by Emeritus Fellows. Wednesday 26 January 2022. Two Emeritus Fellows of St Catharine’s College have just published a new book, in conjunction with other colleagues, on Levelling Up
  20. Thumbnail for Plantation bell in Fitzwilliam Museum exhibition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A plantation bell that was on display at St Catharine’s until 2019 will help to reveal global stories and histories of exploitation, resilience and liberation as part of the Fitzwilliam Museum’s major exhibition, Black Atlantic: Power, People,
  21. Thumbnail for Catz student sails to victory | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Congratulations to St Catharine’s undergraduate student Olivia Jacklin on representing the University of Cambridge at two recent national sailing events organised by the British Universities Sailing Association (BUSA).
  22. Thumbnail for Research Fellow advances academic writing in and on Afghanistan | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s has enjoyed success in recent weeks by championing academic writing on and in Afghanistan. Dr Nafay Choudhury (2021), the College’s Jeremy Haworth Research Fellow, has won prizes for his research
  23. Thumbnail for Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves. Thursday 18 November 2021. St Catharine's Fellow Professor Ian Willis (1989) has arrived in Antarctica to retrieve data from polar research instruments that were set up two
  24. Thumbnail for Sticking together: Students compete in Varsity lacrosse and hockey matches | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Six St Catharine's students proudly represented the University of Cambridge against Oxford in Varsity lacrosse and hockey matches last weekend.
  25. Thumbnail for Fellow awarded prestigious prize by the American Mathematical Society | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s has been announced as one of the winners of the 2023 Bôcher Memorial Prize by the American Mathematical Society. Professor Pierre Raphaël (2019) receives the prize in its centenary year, as it has been awarded for
  26. Thumbnail for Fellow celebrates opening of Heart and Lung Research Institute | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Professor Nick Morrell (2013), Fellow and Director of Studies in Medicine at St Catharine's, welcomed HRH The Duchess of Gloucester on 10 July to the official opening of the Heart and Lung Research Institute (HLRI), a major new
  27. Thumbnail for Student represents UK in international first aid competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s student was the team manager for a group of first aiders selected by St John Ambulance (SJA) to represent the UK in a recent international competition. Emma Dinnage, a final-year Natural Sciences undergraduate, is a District
  28. Thumbnail for Master’s Fund supports rowing camp | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Members of the St Catharine’s College Boat Club (SCCBC) were able to attend a training camp during the Easter vacation, thanks to the Master’s Fund created as a result of a generous donation of £100,000 from Jon (1983,
  29. Catz student to captain cross-country running club | St…
    Thumbnail for Catz student to captain cross-country running club | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   James Rennie, a second-year Geography undergraduate, has been announced as the next Men’s Captain for the University of Cambridge’s cross-country running club, the Hare and Hounds (CUHH). James has served as the club’s press officer for the
  30. Thumbnail for Mussel survey reveals alarming degradation of River Thames ecosystem since the 1960s | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Professor David Aldridge (1997), Fellow and Dawson College Professor of Zoology at St Catharine's, was part of a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge who replicated a 1964 River Thames survey and found that mussel numbers h
  31. Professor Sir Michael Peckham (1935–2021) | St Catharine's…
    Thumbnail for Professor Sir Michael Peckham (1935–2021) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   It is with great sadness that St Catharine’s College learnt that Professor Sir Michael Peckham, alumnus and Honorary Fellow of the College, died on 13 August 2021. The College flag will be flown at half-mast in his memory on 25 August 2021.
  32. Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College,…
    Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If you have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  33. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  34. Catz scientists celebrate new University positions | St…
    Thumbnail for Catz scientists celebrate new University positions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge She said, “It's great that the University has introduced the new Teaching and Scholarship career pathway, to recognise the contributions and achievements of teaching-focused academics. ... He commented,“It is wonderful that the University now fully
  35. Exploring the ethics of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing | St…
    Thumbnail for Exploring the ethics of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s alumna Dr Caitríona Cox (2011, Medical Sciences) recently returned to Cambridge as an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow at The Healthcare Improvement Studies (THIS) Institute. Students and staff at St Catharine’s kindly agreed to
  36. Thumbnail for New equality, diversity and inclusion strategy published | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s has published its first ever strategy explaining our approach to fostering equality, diversity and inclusion, which was recently approved by the College’s Governing Body (our Trustees).
  37. Oar-inspiring display from Catz rowers at Fairbairns | St…
    Thumbnail for Oar-inspiring display from Catz rowers at Fairbairns | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The St Catharine’s College Boat Club (SCCBC) demonstrated remarkable team spirit throughout the Fairbairn Cup held 2–3 December and the ensuing celebrations at their end of term dinner. The Fairbairn Cup (known affectionately as Fairb
  38. Thumbnail for Fellow recognised as Future Leader | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   An alumna and Fellow of St Catharine’s is among the UK’s “most promising research leaders” who will benefit from £101 million from by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to tackle major global issues and commercialise innovations.
  39. Thumbnail for Supporting Cambridgeshire’s young people with care experience | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Another outcome of the report was the setting up of the CUSPE Scholarship by co-authors Ernestine Hui and Ellie Blake, a scheme which is designed to support young people leaving
  40. Thumbnail for Fellow elected President of the Society for Old Testament Study | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow elected President of the Society for Old Testament Study. Thursday 3 February 2022. Members of the Society for Old Testament Study have elected a Fellow of St Catharine’s to serve as their President from January 2023.
  41. Thumbnail for Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty. Monday 6 December 2021. St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Niamh Gallagher (2009, History) spoke to Irish national broadcaster RTÉ to mark the centenary of the
  42. The Master's Fund | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for The Master's Fund | St Catharine's College, Cambridge This fund will provide grants to individuals or specific projects in areas that are otherwise unlikely to be supported through existing funds. Applications to this fund are encouraged from all sections of the St Catharine’s community (students,
  43. College documents | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for College documents | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Access documents for St Catharine's College, Cambridge, including the College Charter, Accounts and Statutes, plus our Data Protection and Freedom of Information policies.
  44. Thumbnail for President publishes two new books | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The President of St Catharine’s College has published two new books in a little over a month. Professor Katharine Dell (1996) is celebrating the publication of The Theology of the Book of Proverbs (2023, Cambridge University Press) on 31 August
  45. Thumbnail for Fellow awarded European Research Council grant | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s has been awarded a prestigious consolidator grant by the European Research Council (ERC). Professor Chiara Ciccarelli (2018), Director of Studies in Physics and Astrophysics at St Catharine's, has received a €2.1
  46. Catz undergraduate wins Social Impact Award | St Catharine's…
    Thumbnail for Catz undergraduate wins Social Impact Award | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s undergraduate Tse Uweja (2018, Engineering) has been recognised by the Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards 2020/21 for her important work on social and climate justice. The Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards are
  47. Thumbnail for Small wonder: Fellow harnesses advanced microscopy to reveal key to antifungal resistance | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Andrzej Harris is part of an international team of scientists that has used advanced microscopic techniques to take a close-up look at a protein that enables invasive fungal infections to resist treatment. Their
  48. Undergraduate study | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Undergraduate study | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Read about applying to study an undergraduate degree at St Catharine's College, Cambridge
  49. STEM in SONG | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Watch our video: There in front of me Through songs and performances STEM in SONG is intended to open up Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in an entertainingly different way. In 2019, we celebrated the International Year of the Periodic
  50. Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories | St Catharine's…
    Thumbnail for Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories. Wednesday 19 April 2023. St Catharine’s is celebrating the important role that five students played in a historic series of victories for Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC). In a feat
  51. Thumbnail for Catz duo win Cuppers Moot competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Two St Catharine’s students have won the 2023 Cuppers Moot organised by the Cambridge University Law Society. Lily Greenhough and Vanessa Iheama, both second-year Law undergraduates, successfully represented the College in a moot court, which

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