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151 - 200 of 1,070 search results for postgraduate entry requirements | where 70 match all words and 1,000 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. Thumbnail for Students meet celebrated French writer | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s students recently met the celebrated French writer Marie NDiaye, who has just this year been added to the syllabus for first-year Modern & Medieval Languages undergraduates specialising in French.
  3. Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College,…
    Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  4. Thumbnail for Bronze Eco Church Award for the Chapel | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s College Chapel has won a Bronze Award from Eco Church, a project run by A Rocha UK in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The United Reformed Church and Allchurches Trust Limited.
  5. Thumbnail for Catz players selected for Varsity rugby matches | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Nine St Catharine’s students have been selected to play for the Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club (CURUFC) in Varsity matches against Oxford. Six players were selected for the women’s teams and a further three students for the
  6. Thumbnail for Mussel survey reveals alarming degradation of River Thames ecosystem since the 1960s | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Professor David Aldridge (1997), Fellow and Dawson College Professor of Zoology at St Catharine's, was part of a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge who replicated a 1964 River Thames survey and found that mussel numbers h
  7. Thumbnail for Safeguarding sites of Nazi persecution in the Channel Islands | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Gilly Carr was among a delegation from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) who presented recommendations to safeguard sites on the Channel Island of Alderney earlier in July. The island was the
  8. Thumbnail for Catz student selected for 2022 Men’s Boat Race | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s MBA student James Hunter has been selected to represent Cambridge in the 2022 The Gemini Boat Race. The Oxford and Cambridge Men's Blue Boats for were officially revealed on 7 March. James is a former Lightweight international
  9. Thumbnail for Potential new cancer drug created to pass the acid test | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s Fellow is part of an international team who created a new candidate drug (a compound with therapeutic potential that has been altered to enhance its effectiveness) in the hope of improving cancer treatment after establishing
  10. Thumbnail for Research Fellow advances academic writing in and on Afghanistan | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s has enjoyed success in recent weeks by championing academic writing on and in Afghanistan. Dr Nafay Choudhury (2021), the College’s Jeremy Haworth Research Fellow, has won prizes for his research
  11. Thumbnail for New equality, diversity and inclusion strategy published | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Laurence Fredricks (2019, Land Economy), an alumnus who has returned for a Planning, Growth and Regeneration MPhil, and LGBT+ Officer on the MCR Committee representing postgraduates, added:.
  12. Thumbnail for Emeritus Fellow and alumni recognised by the New Year honours list | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The contributions of St Catharine’s Emeritus Fellow Professor John Pickard (1964, Medical Sciences) and alumni Andrew McKeon (1973, History) and James Lambert (1975, History of Art) have been recognised by the New Year honours list, alongside the
  13. Thumbnail for Boat Races and Bumps: Round-up of rowing news | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Selection news: Men’s Lightweight Boat Race on 20 March Three St Catharine’s students have been selected for the Cambridge crew in the 49th Men’s Lightweight Boat Race on the Championship Course in London:
  14. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  15. Thumbnail for Combining archery and music no drawback for Catz student awarded an extraordinary Full Blue | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Thursday 9 July 2020. A postgraduate student at St Catharine’s has been rewarded with an extraordinary Full Blue in archery by the Women’s Blues Committee.
  16. Thumbnail for Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty. Monday 6 December 2021. St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Niamh Gallagher (2009, History) spoke to Irish national broadcaster RTÉ to mark the centenary of the
  17. Thumbnail for Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves. Thursday 18 November 2021. St Catharine's Fellow Professor Ian Willis (1989) has arrived in Antarctica to retrieve data from polar research instruments that were set up two
  18. Catz postgraduate wins at climate tech competition | St…
    Thumbnail for Catz postgraduate wins at climate tech competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Catz postgraduate wins at climate tech competition. Tuesday 6 October 2020.
  19. Keep in touch | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Keep in touch | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Keep in touch. All alumni are encouraged to stay in touch with the College and our Alumni & Development team values any updates that you can share about your recent news and current contact details. Make a gift. The College is a
  20. Thumbnail for Student represents UK in international first aid competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s student was the team manager for a group of first aiders selected by St John Ambulance (SJA) to represent the UK in a recent international competition. Emma Dinnage, a final-year Natural Sciences undergraduate, is a District
  21. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4). Friday 17 February 2023. The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the
  22. Thumbnail for Catz @ Cambridge Festival | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Four Fellows from St Catharine’s College are due to showcase their research and expertise during the Cambridge Festival, a series of free events run by the University of Cambridge between 31 March and 10 April:
  23. Thumbnail for The impact of faith on COVID-related distress | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Research by a St Catharine's Fellow suggests that the psychological distress caused by lockdowns (UK) and experience of infection (US) was reduced among those of faith compared to non-religious people. Professor Sriya Iyer (2000) has published
  24. Thumbnail for Welcoming new Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars | St Catharine's College, Cambridge A significant proportion of Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars are based at St Catharine’s (five each year on average). ... Samuel Stark, a Computer Science PhD student, has been able to study at St Catharine’s thanks to the Harding
  25. Thumbnail for Junior Research Fellow shortlisted for prestigious article prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s has been shortlisted by the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) for its annual Socio-Legal Article Prize. ‘Order in the Bazaar: The Transformation of Non-State Law in Afghanistan’s Premier Money
  26. Thumbnail for Supporting intercollegiate sports | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s is home to a wide variety of sports clubs that welcome students of all abilities and engage in (largely very friendly) competition against teams from other Cambridge Colleges.  Awad Shah, a second-year Economics undergraduate
  27. Thumbnail for Levelling Up Left Behind Places: New book published by Emeritus Fellows | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Levelling Up Left Behind Places: New book published by Emeritus Fellows. Wednesday 26 January 2022. Two Emeritus Fellows of St Catharine’s College have just published a new book, in conjunction with other colleagues, on Levelling Up
  28. Thumbnail for Catz postgraduate becomes a Cambridge Digital Humanities Associate | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Catz postgraduate becomes a Cambridge Digital Humanities Associate. Monday 10 May 2021. ... St Catharine’s postgraduate student Malik Al Nasir (2020, History) has been welcomed by the Cambridge Digital Humanities (CDH) as the team’s
  29. Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories | St Catharine's…
    Thumbnail for Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories. Wednesday 19 April 2023. St Catharine’s is celebrating the important role that five students played in a historic series of victories for Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC). In a feat
  30. Thumbnail for President publishes two new books | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The President of St Catharine’s College has published two new books in a little over a month. Professor Katharine Dell (1996) is celebrating the publication of The Theology of the Book of Proverbs (2023, Cambridge University Press) on 31 August
  31. Thumbnail for Fellow shortlisted for book prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s is in contention for the 2023 Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction. Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a New World 1848–1849 (2023, Allen Lane) by Professor Sir Chris Clark (1990), Ostrer Professorial Fellow in
  32. Thumbnail for Fellow awarded prestigious prize by the American Mathematical Society | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s has been announced as one of the winners of the 2023 Bôcher Memorial Prize by the American Mathematical Society. Professor Pierre Raphaël (2019) receives the prize in its centenary year, as it has been awarded for
  33. Thumbnail for Boost for Fellow's rare disease research | St Catharine's College, Cambridge However, rare disease research can be fragmented. Researchers can lack access to specialist facilities, as well as advice on regulation, trial designs, preclinical regulatory requirements, and translational project management, which are
  34. Thumbnail for Seed money helps to revive the College allotment | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Before this year, a small group of postgraduates had been tending to the allotment, which is located near the College’s sports pitches next to plots maintained by local residents. ... The new funding will ensure we can use the allotment to promote
  35. The Mether Initiative | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for The Mether Initiative | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Mether Initiative – named after the ancient Celtic communal drinking vessel used at gatherings to welcome guests in peace and friendship – aims to create a physical and virtual non-partisan space where future leaders, academics and
  36. Thumbnail for Master’s Fund supports rowing camp | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Members of the St Catharine’s College Boat Club (SCCBC) were able to attend a training camp during the Easter vacation, thanks to the Master’s Fund created as a result of a generous donation of £100,000 from Jon (1983,
  37. Thumbnail for Catz scientists make breakthrough in obesity | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s PhD student and one of the College’s alumni are part of a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge and the University of East Anglia who made an important discovery in the race to find treatments for obesity and
  38. Thumbnail for New cash market proposal to stop financing fossil fuel expansion | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s is pleased to be among the 60 leading institutions and trusts in UK higher education collaborating on a new effort to create a market for cash products that do not contribute to the financing of fossil fuel expansion, alongside the
  39. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  40. Thumbnail for Catz student sails to victory | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Congratulations to St Catharine’s undergraduate student Olivia Jacklin on representing the University of Cambridge at two recent national sailing events organised by the British Universities Sailing Association (BUSA).
  41. Thumbnail for Plantation bell returned to Guyana | St Catharine's College, Cambridge A plantation bell that was on display at St Catharine’s until 2019 has been returned to Guyana and is now owned by the National Museum in Georgetown, the country’s capital.
  42. Thumbnail for Amazing spaces: The new-look MCR | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Once admitted, postgraduate students at St Catharine’s become members of the Middle Combination Room (MCR). ... I wanted to revive the MCR space as a friendly and inviting central hub where postgraduate students could hang out, study and get to know
  43. International gold medal for student science project | St…
    Thumbnail for International gold medal for student science project | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s undergraduate student is part of a multidisciplinary team from the University of Cambridge that has just won the top prize in an international science competition. Anthony Phung, a second-year Natural Sciences undergraduate,
  44. Oar-inspiring display from Catz rowers at Fairbairns | St…
    Thumbnail for Oar-inspiring display from Catz rowers at Fairbairns | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The St Catharine’s College Boat Club (SCCBC) demonstrated remarkable team spirit throughout the Fairbairn Cup held 2–3 December and the ensuing celebrations at their end of term dinner. The Fairbairn Cup (known affectionately as Fairb
  45. Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College,…
    Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  46. Cambridge before Catz | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Cambridge before Catz | St Catharine's College, Cambridge to where he wishes'. And are there any echoes of tardy students in the requirement that 'the guild-brother who does not attend his morning conference is to pay his sester
  47. Thumbnail for Sticking together: Students compete in Varsity lacrosse and hockey matches | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Six St Catharine's students proudly represented the University of Cambridge against Oxford in Varsity lacrosse and hockey matches last weekend.
  48. Thumbnail for Catz finalists in 2024 Student-Led Teaching Awards | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Two Fellows and an alumnus of St Catharine’s are finalists in the 2024 Student-Led Teaching Awards (STLAs), which reward outstanding teaching and student support across the University of Cambridge and its Colleges. Now in their tenth year, the
  49. Thumbnail for Conserving an architectural model of St Catharine’s from 1940 | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s is proud to reveal the results of weeks of research and conservation work on an 81-year-old architectural model of the College, completed in partnership with the Cambridge Colleges’ Conservation Consortium (CCCC).
  50. Thumbnail for Student debunks Malayan independence myth | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Research by a St Catharine’s postgraduate student has debunked a longstanding myth about the birth of an independent Malaya.
  51. Thumbnail for Broadening horizons through exchanges | St Catharine's College, Cambridge I hoped the exchange would develop my skills in this field and give me a taste of a postgraduate research environment.”. ... It was already a requirement stated during the application process but, truthfully, it was essential to know some of the local

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