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  2. Thumbnail for Broadening horizons through exchanges | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Anna explained, “It was a great learning environment for me, with grammar-based classes followed by extra-curricular activities surrounded by people who were fluent German speakers. ... I gained so much by being able to connect with other students in
  3. Cambridge before Catz | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Cambridge before Catz | St Catharine's College, Cambridge England. I think it's really important to remember that Cambridge has always been home to people from all over the world; from across the Roman Empire, connected in Viking trade ... The Danelaw – Norse overlordship of parts of England – dissolved its
  4. Thumbnail for Catz undergraduates launch charity challenge | St Catharine's College, Cambridge All funds raised by the challenge will be donated to the Yemen Crisis Appeal organised by CARE International in response to of the 24 million people in need of humanitarian assistance ... With over 70 people from across the Catz community getting
  5. Students | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Students | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Information of interest to current students at St Catharine's
  6. Thumbnail for Using AI to map Antarctic meltwater | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine's has co-authored new research using artificial intelligence techniques to map slush on Antarctic ice shelves, which found that 57% of all meltwater is held in the form of slush, with the remaining amount in surface ponds
  7. Thumbnail for Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow speaks to Irish broadcaster to mark centenary of Anglo-Irish Treaty. Monday 6 December 2021. St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Niamh Gallagher (2009, History) spoke to Irish national broadcaster RTÉ to mark the centenary of the
  8. Exploring the ethics of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing | St…
    Thumbnail for Exploring the ethics of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Around half of people infected show no symptoms, and are unaware that they are infected at all.
  9. Thumbnail for New professorships recognise world-class teaching at St Catharine’s | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Working together with the bright, motivated young people on the veterinary course and at St Catharine’s is hugely rewarding, and I am extremely pleased the University now formally recognises teaching
  10. Thumbnail for Fellow receives prestigious maths award | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow receives prestigious maths award. Friday 26 May 2023. A Fellow of St Catharine’s has received the Clay Research Award, which celebrates the outstanding achievements of the world's most gifted mathematicians. Professor Pierre
  11. Thumbnail for Outreach at Catz: Ali’s story | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Originally from Iraq, Ali Jassam (2020, Maths) grew up in London and attended the Chelsea Academy, a coeducational Church of England secondary school and sixth form with academy status.
  12. Thumbnail for Safeguarding sites of Nazi persecution in the Channel Islands | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s Fellow Dr Gilly Carr was among a delegation from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) who presented recommendations to safeguard sites on the Channel Island of Alderney earlier in July. The island was the
  13. Thumbnail for Fellows celebrate University promotions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The national and international impact of Dr Carr’s work is exemplified by her recent roles coordinating an expert review of the number of people killed during the Nazi Occupation of
  14. Catz students set the pace for the University’s rowers | St…
    Thumbnail for Catz students set the pace for the University’s rowers | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Four St Catharine’s students were selected for crews entered by the Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC) for the Fullers’ Fours Head of the River ­– three of them in the stroke seat:
  15. Thumbnail for Pioneering alumnus celebrated with blue plaque | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Nubian Jak Community Trust is the only commemorative plaque and sculpture scheme focused on memorialising the historic contributions of Black and minority ethnic people in Britain and beyond – in response
  16. Thumbnail for Catz players selected for Varsity rugby matches | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Nine St Catharine’s students have been selected to play for the Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club (CURUFC) in Varsity matches against Oxford. Six players were selected for the women’s teams and a further three students for the
  17. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Sports highlights (Weeks 7 & 8). Thursday 1 December 2022. The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the
  18. Thumbnail for Research Fellow advances academic writing in and on Afghanistan | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s has enjoyed success in recent weeks by championing academic writing on and in Afghanistan. Dr Nafay Choudhury (2021), the College’s Jeremy Haworth Research Fellow, has won prizes for his research
  19. Thumbnail for Students meet celebrated French writer | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s students recently met the celebrated French writer Marie NDiaye, who has just this year been added to the syllabus for first-year Modern & Medieval Languages undergraduates specialising in French.
  20. Thumbnail for Participating in public dialogue on human embryo research | St Catharine's College, Cambridge This is different from other forms of public engagement because it goes beyond just informing people about the science; it also aims to get back the public’s perspectives on the
  21. Thumbnail for Catz postgraduate publishes coming of age memoir | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Next week sees the publication of a student’s first-hand account of surviving physical and racial abuse to discover a sense of self-worth thanks to artist, poet and civil rights activist Gil Scott-Heron. Letters to Gil: A Memoir (2021, William
  22. Thumbnail for Fellow launches book ahead of centenary of the Chinese Communist Party | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The Chinese Communist Party: A Century in Ten Lives shines a spotlight on the engaging personal histories of people who led or engaged with the Party, one for each of the
  23. Good Friday Agreement | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Search. Pagination. Page 1. News. Events. Social. St Catharine's College, Cambridge CB2 1RL, UK. Tel: 01223 338 300. Copyright 2024 St Catharine's College Cambridge.
  24. Thumbnail for Fellow recognised as Future Leader | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Future Leaders Fellowships are awarded by UKRI to support universities and businesses in developing their most talented early career researchers and innovators, and to attract new people to their organisations, including
  25. Thumbnail for Fellow elected President of the Surgical Research Society | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow elected President of the Surgical Research Society. Friday 10 February 2023. Members of the Surgical Research Society (SRS) have elected a Fellow of St Catharine’s to serve as their President from March 2023. Professor Michael
  26. Thumbnail for Potential new cancer drug created to pass the acid test | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s Fellow is part of an international team who created a new candidate drug (a compound with therapeutic potential that has been altered to enhance its effectiveness) in the hope of improving cancer treatment after establishing
  27. Thumbnail for New activities kick off Tunku centenary celebrations | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. New activities kick off Tunku centenary celebrations. Wednesday 19 October 2022. St Catharine’s is proud kick off celebrations marking 100 years since Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, joined the
  28. Admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for Admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Find information about applying for undergraduate or postgraduate study at St Catharine's
  29. Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories | St Catharine's…
    Thumbnail for Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Catz students celebrate Boat Race victories. Wednesday 19 April 2023. St Catharine’s is celebrating the important role that five students played in a historic series of victories for Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC). In a feat
  30. Thumbnail for Boat Races and Bumps: Round-up of rowing news | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   Selection news: Men’s Lightweight Boat Race on 20 March Three St Catharine’s students have been selected for the Cambridge crew in the 49th Men’s Lightweight Boat Race on the Championship Course in London:
  31. Thumbnail for New cash market proposal to stop financing fossil fuel expansion | St Catharine's College, Cambridge St Catharine’s is pleased to be among the 60 leading institutions and trusts in UK higher education collaborating on a new effort to create a market for cash products that do not contribute to the financing of fossil fuel expansion, alongside the
  32. Thumbnail for Bronze Eco Church Award for the Chapel | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s College Chapel has won a Bronze Award from Eco Church, a project run by A Rocha UK in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The United Reformed Church and Allchurches Trust Limited.
  33. LGBTQ+ support | St Catharine's College, Cambridge
    Thumbnail for LGBTQ+ support | St Catharine's College, Cambridge The society prides itself on being a place of community, inclusion and discussion for queer people of colour. ... They are focussed on supporting people to explore the right options for themselves.
  34. Thumbnail for Catz runners prepare for half marathon | St Catharine's College, Cambridge I’m running to raise money for CPSL Mind– a charity that I think does very important work supporting people who are struggling with their mental health, and our local branch ... More than 12,000 people will be running the half marathon, which is no
  35. Thumbnail for President publishes two new books | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The President of St Catharine’s College has published two new books in a little over a month. Professor Katharine Dell (1996) is celebrating the publication of The Theology of the Book of Proverbs (2023, Cambridge University Press) on 31 August
  36. Thumbnail for PhD student celebrated for his global impact | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s postgraduate student was among the 16 students from the University of Cambridge recognised for exceptional achievement in social impact at the annual Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards ceremony last week. Malik Al Nasir,
  37. Thumbnail for Catz postgraduate becomes a Cambridge Digital Humanities Associate | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Established in 2017, the CDH Associate Programme aims to build an expert community, to enable the sharing of research and infra-structural knowledge, and to bring together people doing digital humanities
  38. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 5 & 6) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  39. Thumbnail for Catz scientists make breakthrough in obesity | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s PhD student and one of the College’s alumni are part of a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge and the University of East Anglia who made an important discovery in the race to find treatments for obesity and
  40. Thumbnail for Nurturing environmental sustainability across College life | St Catharine's College, Cambridge With all the right people in the right room working to a single strategy, we can progress much more quickly towards being a climate positive community.”.
  41. Thumbnail for Student represents UK in international first aid competition | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A St Catharine’s student was the team manager for a group of first aiders selected by St John Ambulance (SJA) to represent the UK in a recent international competition. Emma Dinnage, a final-year Natural Sciences undergraduate, is a District
  42. Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College,…
    Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 1 & 2) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  43. Thumbnail for Update on 2022 undergraduate admissions | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Applying to university can be an anxious time for young people so it is essential that we retain a clear, consistent approach for the 2022–23 admissions cycle.”.
  44. Thumbnail for Catz student selected for 2022 Men’s Boat Race | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   St Catharine’s MBA student James Hunter has been selected to represent Cambridge in the 2022 The Gemini Boat Race. The Oxford and Cambridge Men's Blue Boats for were officially revealed on 7 March. James is a former Lightweight international
  45. Thumbnail for Fellow returns from archaeological dig at former concentration camp | St Catharine's College, Cambridge From 1941 onward, Ravensbrück was also a place of execution and tens of thousands of people were murdered, died of hunger and disease, or were killed in medical experiments.
  46. Thumbnail for Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Search. Home. Fellow arrives in Antarctica to advance study of ice shelves. Thursday 18 November 2021. St Catharine's Fellow Professor Ian Willis (1989) has arrived in Antarctica to retrieve data from polar research instruments that were set up two
  47. Thumbnail for Junior Research Fellow shortlisted for prestigious article prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s has been shortlisted by the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) for its annual Socio-Legal Article Prize. ‘Order in the Bazaar: The Transformation of Non-State Law in Afghanistan’s Premier Money
  48. Thumbnail for ‘Wheely good’ summer for Catz student with new Facebook icon and first paper as first author | St Catharine's College, Cambridge Platelet transfusions are often given to people experiencing active, severe bleeding (as occurs during surgery) or to prevent bleeding in advance (for example, for patients being treated with chemotherapy).
  49. Thumbnail for Weddings at Catz: Alumni pick Catz for their celebrations | St Catharine's College, Cambridge We also did our thank-you speech at the dinner like fines that you’d do at undergrad socials, so we made different groups of people stand up and drink whilst ... The cold buffet at the end of the day was also delicious and huge – and definitely
  50. Thumbnail for Sports highlights (Weeks 3 & 4) | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   The following highlights from various sports clubs and teams were compiled from recent reports. If any captains or team members have a result that you'd like to feature in the next round-up, please contact
  51. Thumbnail for Fellow shortlisted for book prize | St Catharine's College, Cambridge   A Fellow of St Catharine’s is in contention for the 2023 Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction. Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a New World 1848–1849 (2023, Allen Lane) by Professor Sir Chris Clark (1990), Ostrer Professorial Fellow in

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