The University is joining organisations across Cambridgeshire today by asking staff to switch off, to help save money and the environment.

The Carbon Trust says that about 20 per cent of the energy used by UK businesses is wasted due to poor housekeeping – such as not turning off lights and equipment.

The Switch Off Day will demonstrate how even small changes in behaviour can make a large difference.

Staff are today encouraged to take simple actions, such as turning off lights when they aren’t needed and switching off monitors when people are away from their desks. Most important will be making sure all unnecessary equipment, like computers, photocopiers and printers, is switched off, and not just left on standby, at the end of the day. Meter readings will be taken before and after the day to show the reductions that were made.

Carbon dioxide, released as a result of burning fossil fuels to create electricity, is causing climate change. By reducing the amount of energy we waste, we not only save money, but can also each play our part in reducing climate change.

Paul Hasley, University Energy Manager, said: “Reducing energy wastage is one of the easiest ways organisations and businesses can reduce their contribution to climate change, and reduce their bills as well. We hope that this Switch Off Day will highlight to people that simple actions like turning off lights can reduce this waste of energy and money.”

The Switch Off Day is being held to support Energy Saving Week (October 24 to 29), a national programme run by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) to raise awareness of the human impact on climate change. For energy-saving tips and useful links visit the Switch Off Day web site link above right.

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