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  2. Lesson 4
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 4 Conversation continued from lesson 3. Tadashi and Marie are talking and Marie wants to know who’s who. マリー あの方はどなたですか。 正 私の先生です。 マリー お名前は何ですか。 正 原教授です。 マリー あちらの方は。 正 原先生の奥さまです。 マリー どの方が正さんのおとうさまですか。 正 こちらです。どうぞ。 Tadashi then introduces Marie to his father. 正 おとうさん、マリー・ペレさんです。 一 始めまして。正の父です。 マリー 始めまして。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 一 こちらこそ。お国はどちらですか。 マリー フランスです。 一 そうですか。フランスのどちらですか。 マリー モンペリエです。 4.1 The prefix お again お名前は何ですか。 お国はどちらですか。 We saw this use of お in 3.2. Sometimes it is almost obligatory, as in the case of the word for ‘money’, お金 (おかね), where お has become an integral part of. the word and the formality has been neutralised, but お is often used where the formality is in fact a matter of being polite about other people and their possessions. Note here, for example,
  3. Joseph Needham : Joseph Needham's journal of his tour in…
    Joseph Needham : Joseph Needham's journal of his tour in North-West China, Aug.7-Dec.14, 1943. Joseph Needham. <p style='text-align: justify;'>In this journal, Dr. Needham records his journey in a truck from Chungking (重慶 Chongqing) to Lanchow (蘭州 Lanzhou) via Chengtu (成都 Chengdu), then up through Gansu province to Tunhuang (敦煌 Dunhuang) and back. [Full itinerary]. On the first leg of the journey to Lanchow, he was accompanied by SBSCO staff members H.T. Huang (Huang Hsing-Tsung / Huang Xingzong) 黃興宗 and Liao Hung-Ying (Liao Hongying) 廖鴻英, as well as Derek Bryan from the British Embassy, Edward Beltz, an American oil geologist, and a young scientist Chen Tzu-hsin (Chen Zixin) 陳自信. In another truck travelled the famous explorer Sir Eric Teichman (1884-1944). From Lanchow to Chienfodong and back he was accompanied by H.T. Huang (who travelled back to Lanchow separately), Rewi Alley (1897-1987), Sun Kuang-chun (Sun Guangjun) 孫光俊 and Wang Wan-sheng (Wang Wansheng) 王萬盛, two boys from the Lanchow Bailie School 蘭州培黎學校, the painter Wu Tso-Rjen (Wu Zuoren) 吳作人, as well as a driver, Kuang Wei 鄺威, and a mechanic from Lanchow Yu Te-hsin (Yu Dexin) 宇德新. While at
  4. Lesson 33
    15 Jun 2023: Lesson 33. A conversation between Mr and Mrs Yamakawa. 一. 信子. 一. 信子. 一. 信子. 今日、大山君から聞いたんだが、ブリテイッシュ・エンジニ. アリングのブラウン様が交通事故にあって、入院されたそうだ。. まあ、それはいけませんね。おけがはひどいんでさか。. いや、そうでもないらしいが、あしたいっしょにお見舞いにいって. みよ。. はい、何を持っていてさしあげるのがよろしいでしょうか。. そうだな。一人でさびしがっているようだから、僕は英語の雑誌で. も持っていって上げるつもりなんだが。. そうですね。それでは私はくだものでも買っておきましょうか。. The doctor visits Mr Brown’s ward. 医者 具合はどうですか。. ブラウン まだ動くとあちこち痛みますが、少しずつ楽になってきました。. 医者 頭痛はどうですか。. ブラウン まだ頭の後ろの方がズキズキしますが。. 医者 それでは、痛み止めをもう一度上げましょう。ご家族とは連絡が. つきましたか。. ブラウン
  5. 1 CSD Communications Today I would like to present ...
    17 Jan 2023: 1. CSD Communications Today I would like to present to you: CSD Communications! 今天我给大家介绍一下 CSD 通讯!. CSD Communications are a fast alternative to publish your data. If you deposit your data as a CSD. Communication, it will be immediately accessible today with no need for an associated scientific. paper! CSD 通讯是一条快速发表数据的通道!如果您选择以 CSD 通讯发表所存储的数据,它们将立即. 对公众开放而无需相关联的科学论文!. Guidelines - 存储准则页面. If you are new to depositing data, we have some handy, easy to follow guidelines and these are. especially important for data deposited as CSD Communications as there is no scientific paper to. accompany it. Ensuring researchers get the credit they deserve is important so if you are publishing. CSD Communications make sure the list of authors includes everyone that contributed to the dataset. including the Crystallographer, Data Collection/Data solution/Refinement Scientist, Synthetic. Chemist, Supervisor and so on. Once your CSD Communication is deposited with us,
  6. Japanese - 2011 with clarification
    9 Jul 2018: Japanese. Romanization System. The modified Hepburn system of romanization as employed in Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary (3rd and later editions) is used. For the syllabic nasal, n is always used preceding b, m, and p. Romanization for words of foreign (i.e., non-Japanese) origin follows the American National Standard system for the romanization of Japanese; e.g., ベトナム(Betonamu); ヴェトナム(Vetonamu). Word Reading. The reading of Japanese words follows standard Japanese language usage, insofar as this can be determined from standard Japanese dictionaries. A current modern reading is preferred to an obsolete one, except where the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading for a particular name or book title. The characters 日本 are romanized as Nihon unless the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading; e.g., Dai Nippon Teikoku, Nippon’ichi, Nippon eitaigura, etc. If there are various readings, the reading that appears most frequently in dictionaries is used. Capitalization. 1. Personal Names: (a) Capitalize each word of a personal name, except the particle no. Sugawara no Takasue no Musume 菅原孝標女. (b) Capitalize title and terms of address,
  7. Vision and mission | 机构愿景 - Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management - …
    FT Responsible Business Education Awards: 2 wins for Cambridge Judge. Purpose of Finance course wins top Teaching award and a study on paedophile hunters wins Academic Research award, while Cambridge Judge is Highly Commended for School-wide activities in the Financial Times awards for business education responsibility and impact. Non-degree programmes. Need help funding your degree programme studies at Cambridge Judge? Explore our scholarship and loan opportunities. Not sure which programme is for you? Search our portfolio of over 40 well-crafted programmes that will expand your skills and understanding in service of your organisational, personal development and career objectives. The B Corp movement is helping to shift the focus of capitalism from shareholders to all stakeholders: find out how Cambridge fits in. Find an expert. We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists. Find an expert. We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists. Join us in achieving real world impact. We invite you to invest in our future and help us to remain at the forefront of global business research and education.
  8. Chinese reference works | Cambridge University Library
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese reference works. All reference books are located in the East Asian Reading Room (Aoi Pavilion). The materials are on open stacks and can be used in the reading room onsite. If you have any questions, please contact FA.999. Far East: reference. FB.1.1-. Bibliography: general 书目. FB.11.1-. Library catalogues: official libraries until 1850. FB.13.1-. Library catalogues: public libraries in China after 1850. FB.16.1-. Library catalogues: private Chinese collections. FB.18.1-. Library catalogues: foreign collections after 1850. FB.18:01.1-. 汉籍所在调查报告. FB.21.4-. General bibliographies. FB.21:01.1-. 全国总书目. FB.21:02.1-. 中国国家书目. FB.21:03.1-2. 全国内部发行图书总目(1949-1986). FB.25.1-. Special bibliographies. FB.29.5-. Bibliographies of & indexes to collectanea & periodicals. FB.29:06.1-. 台湾地区汉学论著选目汇编本. FB.31.1015-1096. 古今图书集成. FB.31.1101-1174. 中国大百科全书. FB.31:03.1-32. 中国大百科全书 (second edition). FB.34:02. 中国年鉴 (latest issue). FB.34:06. 中国百科年鉴 (latest issue). FB.68:01.1-22. Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological index series.
  9. 简单驱逐复杂 ——华为人力资源管理精髓
    9 Jul 2023: 厚积薄发. 华为的创新理念与创新实践. 田涛. 一、关于创新:概念、分类与解析. 人性悖论:安于现状与厌倦现状. 一部人类史:范式依赖与颠覆的变奏曲. 科技史:发明—创新—发明—创新……的螺旋史. (一)创新:人类进步与动荡的原动力. (二)创新的结构与模式. 制度创新. 组织创新. 技术与产品创新. 服务创新. 商业模式创新. 追随—模仿型创新(连续性创新). 微创新与服务创新. 颠覆性创新(非连续性创新). (三)军队:最具创新精神的组织. 军队特质:与死亡对抗的组织. 军事科技创新引领商业创新. ——从材料学、医学、航天技术到信息技术……. ——与商业技术创新的本质区别:不计成本. 军事组织创新的悖论:冒险与保守的代价. 二、华为的创新理念ABC. A、基础理念:客户需求是企业一切创新的原点. 客户需求:显性需求(满足需求)隐性需求(创造需求). B、派生理念:目标导向结果导向的循环创新. C、派生理念:厚积薄发,机会主义是创新的敌人. ——非多元化非资本化. 三、华为的创新实践.
  10. 2021 年 3 月,第三期 Third Issue, March 2021 CHINA ...
    9 Jul 2023: 2021 年 3 月,第三期. Third Issue, March 2021. CHINA REPORT. 中国报告 Originated and Selected by China Advisory Council. 中国顾问理事会撰选. Preface…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….1 Xiyang Daniel He, Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School; Secretary-General, China Advisory Council. 前言…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….3 何玺阳,剑桥大学嘉治商学院 院士,中国顾问理事会秘书长. 中国资本市场三十周年 / 30th Anniversary of China’s Capital Markets. 忆中国证券市场 30 年…………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….6 王波明,《财经》杂志总编辑. The Thirty-Year Evolution of China's Securities Market ………………………….…………………….….10 Wang Boming Editor-in-Chief CAIJING Magazine. 中国证券市场展望 / Outlook for China’s Securities Markets.
  11. Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group/ 剑桥中国移民研讨小组简介 | The Centre…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement. Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group/ 剑桥中国移民研讨小组简介. 剑桥中国移民研讨小组简介. Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG). For upcoming dates, please consult:. 剑桥中国移民研讨小组为依托剑桥大学全球人口流动研究中心、剑桥移民学社、牛津 大学移民、政策及社会研究中心建设的跨学科、多机构中英文研讨小组,旨在为相关 学界仝仁提供平等开放的平台及紧密支持的研究型社群。自 2019 年 11 月成立以来, 已举办线上线下研讨多次,参加学人遍布全球多间机构。在移民研究、人口流动、区 域发展研究、城市研究等多主题集思广益,促进各地学人交流合作。在海内外流动人 口研究相关社科界域拥有广泛影响力。. The Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG) is an interdisciplinary independent research and discussion group co-organised by the Centre for the Studies of Global Human Movement at University of Cambridge, Cambridge Migration Studies Society as well as the University of Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS). The target of this group

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