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  2. 气候变化——事关人人 对于投资者和金融机构的影响政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC )第五次评估报告( AR5 )的主要发现 更多信息,请访问 气候变化:投资者和金融机构. 气候变化会引入无法预知的风险,从而对投资产生重大的影响。抑制. 气候变化的政策同样可能影响投资。然而,在可再生能源和能源效率. 等领域也可能出现机遇 。. 应对气候变化. 由于气候变化的影响,投资者和金融机构将. 继续面临下行风险(调整顺序)。投资可能. 造成个别资产价值大幅下跌,银行信誉和客. 户偿还能力降低。然而,气候变化的影响也. 可能促成新的开始和机遇。. 影响. 实体风险和政策措施可能对投资者和金融机构产生. 巨大的影响. 已关闭. 整合. 有效地应对全球变化需要大量的资本投资和融资. 不确定性. 特定的投资和机动性的融资将依赖于政府政策. 影响力. 投资者和金融机构的决策对于社会应对气候变化有关. 键的影响. 影响 融合和应对 不确定性 影响力. 极端天气事件. 20世纪50年代到90. 年,由于洪水和旱灾.
  3. 気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約 Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge…
    気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約. Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership. climateeveryone’s business. 現在産業革命時代の始まり. 残りの炭素予算(排出可能上限). 2目標に必要な炭素排出上限(炭素予算). 既に使用した炭素予算(既排出量). RCP「2.6」に従わなければ20502070年までに炭素予算をオーバーする。. 2011年までに. 炭. 素予算の約半分を既に使. 用. 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書、第1作業部会. 本書について気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)は、地球の気候変化に関連する最新かつ最も包括的な分析結果である。. 本書は、AR5の中で経済・ビジネス部門に最も関連のある知見をまとめた要約であり、膨大で専門性の高いAR5を企業が活用できるよう、正確、適切かつ読みやすい形にまとめるという考えから作成された。.
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "管子箋註" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "2冊; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K13399." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "文化02 (1805)" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Kanshi Senchū" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FB.805.2" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 2441 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library.; Published: 京、林吉野屋権兵衛等" }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value": "旧題斉・管夷吾著、日本・冢田大峯注" }, { "label": "Bibliography", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left:
  5. Japanese Works : Hanjimono
    Japanese Works : Hanjimono. Japanese Works. <p style='text-align: justify;'>A scrapbook of written ephemera in a scroll style. 土井利恒 (Doi Toshitsune or Doi Toshitsugu) collected various written documents and pasted them to a scroll, with illustrations included. The impression of the ex-libris stamp indicates that this had been kept by the Doi family (土井家). This scroll was prepared around Bunsei 文政 period (1818-1830). Originally some of the paper used to make this scroll had been used by members of the Doi family (before it was re-cycled to make this scroll) and it bears writing containing the names of the family.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The title of the scroll means 'puzzles' or 'riddles'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The following items are included (Hayashi Nozomu & Peter Kornicki: Early Japanese Books in Cambridge University Library: a Catalogue of the Aston, Satow and Von Siebold Collections):</p><div>1. 世の中はさまざま<br />2. 金手本忠臣顔(明和6年焼餅屋刊本ノ写)<br />3. 〔唐人の寝言〕(仮題)<br />4. 似輪国追従郡腰抜八幡宮勧化縁起 寛政11<br />5. 意気原性、世事田(系図)寛政11<br />6. 役人一首<br />7.
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pRebound in western style/p" }, { "label": "Script", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left: 20px;'Songti/div/div" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "China" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 fascicle" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'This is the sole surviving copy of a work which under several guises enjoyed a wide circulation in China from the late fifteenth century onwards but gradually disappeared as an independent entity, being incorporated instead into popular encyclopaedias./pp style='text-align: justify;'The work is similar in nature to the bestiaries of mediaeval Europe. It contains illustrations of 168 countries or peoples, each with an accompanying text, as well as an appendix which comprises, in addition to a list of 31 further places without illustrations, woodcuts of one bird and 14 animals, each named but without explanatory texts./pp style='text-align: justify;'The entries are a mixture of real and imaginary countries. Those which can
  7. Chinese Works : Yi yu tu zhi
    Chinese Works : Yi yu tu zhi. Chinese Works. <p style='text-align: justify;'>This is the sole surviving copy of a work which under several guises enjoyed a wide circulation in China from the late fifteenth century onwards but gradually disappeared as an independent entity, being incorporated instead into popular encyclopaedias.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The work is similar in nature to the bestiaries of mediaeval Europe. It contains illustrations of 168 countries or peoples, each with an accompanying text, as well as an appendix which comprises, in addition to a list of 31 further places without illustrations, woodcuts of one bird and 14 animals, each named but without explanatory texts.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The entries are a mixture of real and imaginary countries. Those which can be identified with some certainty, in addition to areas now incorporated in the terrritory of China itself, include peoples located in East, Central, North, Southeast and West Asia, India, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Among the fabulous entries some are familiar from the European tradition, such as the Land of Dogs, or "Cannibals that each other eat, the Anthrophagi, and men whose heads
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "信長記" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pFormerly belonged to Heinrich von Sieboldís collection and donated to Cambridge University Library in 1911. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "9帖; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "元禄頃 ()" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Shinchō Ki" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.341.2" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 1209 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library." }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Manuscripts, Japanese" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Siebold, Heinrich von, 1852-1908" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Bibliography", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left: 20px;'存巻1、2、4-6、11
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "男色比翼鳥" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired from William George Aston in 1911./ppBook bears ex-libris stamp of Ernest Mason Satow. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "6 volumes ; (ōhon 大本)" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "Hōei 宝永 4 [1707]" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Nanshoku hiyokudori" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.764.77" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Published: Edo : Yamadaya Sanshirō 山田屋三四郎." }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Aston, William George, 1841-1911; Satow, Ernest Mason, 1843-1929; Okumura Masanobu 奥村政信" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value": "Azuma no Kamiko 東の紙子" }, { "label": "Bibliography",
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "文芸類纂" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired from William George Aston in 1911./ppBook bears ex-libris stamp of Ernest Mason Satow. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "8巻8冊; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "明治11 (1878)" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Bungei Ruisan" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.521.1" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 43 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library.; Published: 無刊記" }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Aston, William George, 1841-1911; Satow, Ernest Mason, 1843-1929" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value": "榊原芳野編、狩野良信画" }, { "label":
  11. Video & Audio: Multiple Religious and…
    Search. Search this site. Search all of You are not logged in. Multiple Religious and National Identities: Mazu. Multiple Religious and National Identities: Mazu Pilgrimages across the Taiwan Strait after 1987. Duration: 1 hour 25 mins. Share. Share this media item:. Embed this media item:. <iframe width="_width_" height="_height_" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>. Choose size:. 1280x720. 640x360. 480x270. About this item. Description:. 2017 Chuan Lyu Lecture in Taiwan Studies given on Monday, 15th May, 2017 by Prof. CHANG Hsun ( 張 珣 ), Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, under the overall title "Religion and Social Transformations in Contemporary Taiwan". The annual Chuan Lyu Lectures in Taiwan Studies is generously funded by the Chuan Lyu Foundation. Created:. 2017-06-15 15:26. Collection:. Publisher:. University of Cambridge. Copyright:. University of Cambridge. Language:. eng (English). Keywords:. Abstract:. After the lifting of Martial Law in 1987 and the opening of cross-Strait trade, transportation, and postal service between Taiwan and China in 2000, pilgrimages to China have become a routine activity for many temples in

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