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1 - 50 of 13,236 search results for People aliens where 247 match all words and 12,989 match some words.
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  2. Events | Cambridge Festival
    17 May 2024: Search site. Events. Search. 10:00am-2:00pm on Saturday 23 March. Department of Engineering. 1:15pm-2:00pm on Wednesday 20 March. Faculty of Classics. 1:15pm-2:00pm on Tuesday 26 March. Faculty of Classics. 2:00pm-4:00pm on Sunday 24 March. East
  3. Cargo cults | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: People’s ongoing pursuit of status and power subverts the sociability they strive to achieve. ... Money, too, which people found alien and difficult to acquire or comprehend, was often targeted as a threat to unity.
  4. 'Would an alien have a periodic table? Yes.' | Yusuf Hamied…
    16 May 2024: Would an alien have a periodic table? Yes.'. People. ... BBC how it came to be, why it is perfect – and whether aliens would have it too.
  5. sleeping | University of Cambridge
    17 May 2024: 12 Aug 2020. Sleep paralysis – a condition thought to explain a number of mysterious experiences including alleged cases of alien abduction and demonic night-time. ... 25 Feb 2015. People who sleep for more than eight hours a day have an increased risk
  6. Laila Mufidah | The Woolf Institute
    Thumbnail for Laila Mufidah | The Woolf Institute 15 May 2024: Throughout my teaching career in a range of countries, I experienced insights into some of people's traditions and culture, experiencing how seemingly small differences can feel so alien to someone ... As a result, many times, it was a moment of
    17 May 2024: People’s ongoing pursuit of status and power subverts the sociability they strive to achieve. ... New Laws and orders also often promised to vanquish sorcerers and the disruptions they caused.</p> <p>Money, too, which people found alien and difficult
  8. History of Philosophy and Science | Conservation Research Institute
    17 May 2024: Department of History of Philosophy and Science
  9. Fungus Hunt 2005 | Department of History and Philosophy of Science
    17 May 2024: It is a purple parasite, which bursts from the body of its host, Cystoderma amianthinum, like the Alien. ... Twenty people associated with HPS came on the hunt. We were lucky with the weather – rain stopped as we arrived and started up again as we left.
  10. CamFest Speaker Spotlight: Dr Claire Hynes
    Thumbnail for CamFest Speaker Spotlight: Dr Claire Hynes 8 Mar 2024: To address the disconnection between Black people’s lived experiences and the strange, sometimes warped, representations of those experiences. ... In order to move beyond ‘ tickboxing’, questions need to be asked about the fairness of systems and
  11. 16 May 2024: investing their talent and resources to inspire young people into STEM careers.
  12. Sara Caputo | People | HPS
    17 May 2024: Search site. Department of History and Philosophy of Science. Sara Caputo. British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow. Biography. Sara Caputo's general areas of interest are eighteenth- and nineteenth-century transnational maritime history, British and
  13. Prof David Aldridge | Department of Zoology
    17 May 2024: 2019) Developing a list of invasive alien species likely to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems in the European Union. ... 2014) Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain.
  14. Ethnography | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: Studies that throw light upon alien practices and values often lead to self-examination. ... London: Dent. Dresch, P. 1992. Ethnography and general theory or people versus humankind.
  15. Cambridge Science Festival | University of Cambridge
    17 May 2024: 13 Mar 2017. Do aliens exist? Can brain scans reveal our naughtiest thoughts? ... What keeps people fit. 17 Mar 2014. A remarkable new project that looks at brain donor’s involvement in brain research and the search for cures for dementia will be
  16. Monsters | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: The lives of local monsters and ‘their’ people are thus deeply, intricately, and intimately entangled. ... Comaroff, J. & J.L. Comaroff 2002. Alien-nation: zombies, immigrants, and millennial capitalism.
  17. Phenomenology | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: terms of how alien we are to one another, as well as to ourselves. ... Anthropological Theory 9(4), 419-38. Waldenfels, B. 2011. Phenomenology of the alien: basic concepts.
  18. Colonialism / postcolonialism | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf. Wolf, E. 1982. Europe and the people without history. ... as a consequence there is no such thing as normal Black people in the colonial world.
  19. Autism | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: This is because both sameness and difference imply a ‘norm’ against which people’s individual value is measured. ... Metaphilosophy 40, 499-516. ——— 2009c. Humans, aliens & autism. Daedalus 138(3), 44-59.
  20. Citizenship | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: These projects work in the interface between people, policy, markets, and the state. ... These studies bring out the complex relationships between people and state bureaucracy, and between people and law.
  21. Science | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: Traweek, like Latour and Woolgar, explicitly played up the strangeness of treating physicists as if they were an alien cultural and social form. ... If anthropologists’ accounts persistently irritate and offend the people they are describing, then
    17 May 2024: premised on alien concepts of the bourgeois liberal individual, and producing elitist and perniciously gendered scriptings of nationhood (Chatterjee 1986, 2012). ... In <em>Implicit understandings: observing, reporting, reflecting on encounters between
  23. Our Books and Their Journeys
    17 May 2024: What is this exhibition about? Cambridge University Library's Medieval Greek manuscripts have travelled thousands of miles and hundreds of years, shifting between people and places. ... ideas. It was the first hint that ‘my people’ were out there,
  24. Kepler, Galileo and Aliens | Faraday
    Thumbnail for Kepler, Galileo and Aliens | Faraday 15 Feb 2024: Search. Prof. Martin Barlow. Share. Research Seminar given by Prof. Martin Barlow. Date: February 15, 2024. Speakers: Prof. Martin Barlow. Category: Astrophysics, Exoplanets, Extra-terrestrial Life, Human Life, Physics and Cosmology, Theology,
  25. Dr Andrew Sanger | Faculty of Law
    17 May 2024: Published: May 2015. "The Great International Law Bake Off: Alien Tort Claims and the Creation of International/National Hybrid Norms" (Cambridge Journal of International Law Conference 2013).
  26. Ontological turn, the | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: People see the world in different ways, but the world is still the world. ... However, there are other people involved in divination who do not think this is the case.
  27. Christopher Evans | Department of Archaeology
    16 May 2024: Perring and M. Pitts, Alien Cities: Consumption and the origins of urbanism in Roman Britain: 69-72. ... Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society: 56. Evans, C. Review: R. Williams, 'People of the Black Mountains'.
  28. PdOC Film Night - 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' | Postdocs of…
    17 May 2024: The aliens implement 'Plan 9', a scheme to resurrect the Earth's dead. ... If not, the aliens will then destroy mankind with armies of the undead.
  29. MIASU Seminar: Chima Michael Anyadike-Danes | Department of Social…
    17 May 2024: The forms of mobility associated with international migration can lead immigrants to encounter alien regimes of time discipline that seek to structure people’s lives in ways they had not imagined. ... The majority of the LA Mongolian population dwell
  30. Rock, Paper, Semantics: How aliens and origami inform our…
    16 May 2024: Search site. Department of Archaeology. Rock, Paper, Semantics: How aliens and origami inform our understanding of lithics and language evolution.
  31. Professor Simon Conway Morris | Department of Earth Sciences
    16 May 2024: EMBO Rep 11, 898–898 (2010). Morris, S. C. Aliens at home?
  32. Thomas Merton and Interfaith Dialogue | The Woolf Institute
    Thumbnail for Thomas Merton and Interfaith Dialogue | The Woolf Institute 15 May 2024: and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers. ... There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.".
  33. Deleuze | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: That Deleuze, of all people, could be credited with such a break could be considered surprising, especially since it would be easy to see him as an intellectually (as opposed to ... And while Deleuze brushed this off as ‘a joke meant to make people
  34. Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Seminar Series (PalMeso) | Department of…
    16 May 2024: Rock, Paper, Semantics: How aliens and origami inform our understanding of lithics and language evolution.
  35. Dewhirst Classification | Institute of Astronomy
    16 May 2024: 7. Astrobiology. SETI. Life. Extraterrestrials, Aliens. Evolution of life in the Universe. ... Airglow 89. Alien life 7. Almanacs, I. Amateur observing, 8. Aperture synthesis, radio, 23.
  36. CCI Conservation Seminar - Prof Helen Roy | Conservation Research…
    17 Apr 2024: growing threat of invasive alien species; an increasing number of species are being transported beyond their natural ranges into new areas through a wide range of human activities. ... As an example, Helen is leading a Darwin Plus funded study to
  37. State Responsibility for Breaches of Investment Contracts - Jean Ho | …
    17 May 2024: for the creation of international law, developing principally from arbitral awards, and mimicking, to a considerable extent, the general international law on the protection of aliens and alien property. ... Why should people read your book? What’s in
  38. 3rd Global Conference - Diasporas: An Inclusive Interdisciplinary…
    17 May 2024: 3rd Global Conference - Diasporas: An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference. The dispersion of communities of people physically displaced from their perceived ‘homeland’ to other parts of the globe has been a defining feature ... Whether they are
  39. Mental Health | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: 8) people around the world considered to be living with a ‘mental disorder’. ... mental experiences people have and how they make sense of them (Luhrmann 2020; Weisman et al.
  40. Latin America | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: nature of the peoples that they governed as a barrier to achieving it. ... This suggested that mestizo peasant farmers, working class people, and even some indigenous people in the north and centre of Mexico, still saw indigenous Chiapas as a culturally
    17 May 2024: Infrastructures like roads and railways are tangible material forms that exist in particular places and that people use in their everyday lives. ... It is this ability to connect that enables things and people to move, and societies to function.
  42. Digital anthropology | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: technologies, as against the study of the use and consequences of digital technologies by ordinary people. ... An example is Patricia Lange’s (2014) work on how young people create material for YouTube.
  43. Transhumanism | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: It then highlights people and ideas that speculate on and project futures reflective of transhumanism’s specific stripe of posthumanism. ... rights and power impossible, regardless of the categories used, and despite the struggles of people to expand
  44. Writing anthropology | Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology
    17 May 2024: apprenticeship among the Songhay people who live in Niger and Mali in West Africa. ... The book builds on interviews with local people and police investigators, newspaper articles, and observation of the court case.
  45. Prof. Martin Barlow – Kepler, Galileo and Aliens | Faraday
    Thumbnail for Prof. Martin Barlow – Kepler, Galileo and Aliens | Faraday 9 Jan 2024: On 13th February at 1pm Prof. Martin Barlow will give a seminar entitled ‘Kepler, Galileo and Aliens’. ... Abstract. While it is often supposed that the idea that aliens may exist is a recent idea, this is not supported by the actual history of
    17 May 2024: These studies bring out the complex relationships between people and state bureaucracy, and between people and law. ... This could be by creating new laws or constitutions, new categories of people and political subjects, or by changing public opinion.
  47. Dr Oliver Shorttle | Department of Earth Sciences
    16 May 2024: Despite the alien nature of many of these new worlds, the key result from this burgeoning field is that terrestrial planets are the most abundant, with 11% of sun-like stars
    17 May 2024: An example is Patricia Lange’s (2014) work on how young people create material for YouTube. ... anthropology tends to investigate the ways people regard each other as acting appropriately or inappropriately.
  49. Reproduction on Film: Outlaws | Department of History and Philosophy…
    17 May 2024: What do a human fly, alien pod people and talking apes from the future all have in common? ... prospect of a silent, extraterrestrial takeover by emotionless, vegetal 'pod people'.
    17 May 2024: both in accordance with and by rupturing the social norms of the people they haunt. ... can capsize ships; the <i>uissuit</i>, a ‘strange people that live in the sea.
  51. Dr Nigel Taylor | Department of Zoology
    17 May 2024: PJ, Kourantidou M, Kramer AM, Renault D, Wasserman RJ & Courchamp F (2021) Global economic costs of aquatic invasive alien species. ... Synopses of Conservation Evidence Series. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Taylor NG & Dunn AM (2018) Predatory

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