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    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pRebound in western style/p" }, { "label": "Script", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left: 20px;'Songti/div/div" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "China" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 fascicle" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'This is the sole surviving copy of a work which under several guises enjoyed a wide circulation in China from the late fifteenth century onwards but gradually disappeared as an independent entity, being incorporated instead into popular encyclopaedias./pp style='text-align: justify;'The work is similar in nature to the bestiaries of mediaeval Europe. It contains illustrations of 168 countries or peoples, each with an accompanying text, as well as an appendix which comprises, in addition to a list of 31 further places without illustrations, woodcuts of one bird and 14 animals, each named but without explanatory texts./pp style='text-align: justify;'The entries are a mixture of real and imaginary countries. Those which can
  3. FaradayPaper8SimplifiedChinese
    20 Dec 2010: FARADAY PAPER 8. 地球的年龄地球的年龄地球的年龄地球的年龄. 罗伯特罗伯特罗伯特罗伯特.怀特怀特怀特怀特. Robert S. White “我们看不见起源的踪迹,也看不见未来的憧憬”,Hutton 1788。 “我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是首先的,我是末后的;我是初,我是終。” 啓二十二13. 摘要摘要摘要摘要. 根据最可靠的估计,地球物质的年龄是四十五亿六千六百万年 準确度高达数百万年 。. 宇宙的年龄则是三倍 一百三十七亿年 。虽然地球史上的大部分阶段都有生物,现代. 人的历史则只占了地球年龄的数十万分之一。本文探讨鉴定地质年龄的科学根据,地球. 年龄的历史性及近代观点,以及圣经与科学证据对神学观点的影响。
  4. Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary) 一 yı̄ one 二 ...
    20 Aug 2021: Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary). 一 yı̄ one. 二 èr two. 三 sān three. 四 sı̀ four. 五 wǔ five. 六 liù six. 七 qı̄ seven. 八 bā eight. 九 jiǔ nine. 十 shı́ ten. 日 rı̀ the sun. 月 yuè the moon. 山 shān mountain. 水 shuı̌ water. 木 mù wood. 火 huǒ fire. 大 dà to be big. 小 xiǎo to be small. 子 zı̌. 衣 yı̄ clothes. 女 nǔ̈ female. 心 xı̄n heart. 问 wèn to ask. 几 jı̌. 信 xı̀n to trust, letter. 品 pı̌n to taste. 生 shēng to give birth to, to be born, raw,. student. Lessons 1-3. 你 nı ̌ pro. you (singular). 好 hǎo adj. good, fine, nice. 马丁 Mǎdı̄ng Martin, name of an American student. 林娜 Lı́nnà Linna, name of a French student. 李一民 Lı̌ Yı̄mı́n Li Yimin, name of a Chinese teacher. 阿明 AĀ mı́ng A’ming, name of a Thai student. 您 nı́n pron. you (polite singular). 零 lı́ng num. zero. 早上 zǎoshang n. morning. 是 shı̀ v. to be. 哪 nǎ pron. which, what. 国 guó n. country, state, nation. 人 rén n. person, people. 我 wǒ pron. I, me. 呢 ne part. used at the end of an interrogative sentence. 他 tā pron. he,him. 美国 Měiguó the United States (U.S.A). 英国 Yı̄ngguó the United
  5. FARADAY PAPER 17 リベットの実験とそれが意識的な意志に対してもつ意味合い ピーター・G・H・クラーク (Peter…
    4 May 2017: FARADAY PAPER 17. リベットの実験とそれが意識的な意志に対してもつ意味合い. ピーター・G・H・クラーク. Peter Clarke. Type/paste Title here. Type/paste author here. 要旨 ベンジャミン・リベットと彼の同僚の有名な実験は、われわれが動く決意をしたことに気づく前にすでにわれわれの大脳が随意運. 動を始めていることを示すものと解釈されてきた。そして、このことは、われわれの意志の有効性に対して疑問を生じさせる。これ. らの主張には、多くの神経科学者や哲学者によって異議が唱えられてきた。本論では、この問題の議論を紹介し、手引きとなる考. 察を行う。. 科学者の客観的三人称的説明は一つの単一の主体の. 補完的側面について述べている1。これに代わる見方とし. ては、心-大脳同一説があり、これによると、心と大脳の活. 動は同一の実体と考えられ、同一の実体の二つの側面と. は考えられない。私は、心と大脳が同一というのは言語学. 的に問題があるように思われるので、二面的一元論のほう.
  6. The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report Emmanuel Schizas,…
    9 Jul 2023: The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report. Emmanuel Schizas, Grigory McKain, Bryan Zhang, Altantsetseg Ganbold, Pankajesh Kumar, Hatim Hussain, Kieran James Garvey, Eva Huang, Alexander Huang, Shaoxin Wang, Nikos Yerolemou. With the support of. 2. The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) is an international and interdisciplinary research centre based at the University. of Cambridge Judge Business School. It is dedicated to the study of innovative instruments, channels, and systems emerging outside of traditional finance. This includes, among others, crowdfunding, marketplace lending, alternative credit and investment analytics,. alternative payment systems, cryptoasset, distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) as well as related regulations and regulatory innovations (e.g. sandboxes and RegTech). 3. 目次 執筆および執筆協力. 4. 謝辞. 5. 本レポートの概要. 7. CCAF Foreword. 15. Foreword by EY. 16. RegTech 関連団体からのメッセージ. 17 International RegTech Association (IRTA). 17 The RegTech Association (Australia). 17 Fintech Association of Japan. 17. 1. はじめに. 18 規制当局による RegTech の定義とその限界. 18 RegTech の機能的定義. 18 なぜ RegTech
  7. FaradayPaper2TriggChineseSimplified
    1 Jul 2008: 科学需不需要宗教科学需不需要宗教科学需不需要宗教科学需不需要宗教????. 特利格著特利格著特利格著特利格著. 摘要摘要摘要摘要. 科学是否必然是一套涵括一切的封闭系统?科学并非自主的学科,其方法也并非理性的定. 义。反之,科学本身必须依赖一些重要的预设。我们也许预设物质世界的规律与秩序,以. 及人类思想掌握这些规律与秩序的能力。然而,有神论可以诉诸创造者的理性来解释这一. 切。. 理性的力量理性的力量理性的力量理性的力量
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "信長記" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pFormerly belonged to Heinrich von Sieboldís collection and donated to Cambridge University Library in 1911. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "9帖; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "元禄頃 ()" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Shinchō Ki" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.341.2" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 1209 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library." }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Manuscripts, Japanese" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Siebold, Heinrich von, 1852-1908" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Bibliography", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left: 20px;'存巻1、2、4-6、11
  9. C:\Users\Monte Christo\AppData\Local\Temp\msoC52.tmp
    11 Dec 2020: I N S I D E T H I S. I S S U E :. F A C U L T Y O F A S I A N. A N D M I D D L E. E A S T E R N S T U D I E S ,. C A M B R I D G E. Cambridge Chinese Studies. Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1. Welcome 1. Seminar Series. Michaelmas 2020. 2. —. 3. Interviews with. Prof. Geoffrey. Sampson,. Prof. Roel. Sterckx, and. Emma Wu. 4. —. 11. Student Updates. 12. CUCF Updates. 13. Staff Updates 14. Graduate. Student Updates. 15. —. 16. Where Are. They Now? 17. Notices and. Advertisements. 19. Life Outside the. Library. 18. has been, for many of us, a tougher term than most. With such limitations on socialising, travelling, and even on accessing archival re-sources, I’m delighted to introduce a new sec-tion to our newsletter: Life Outside the Li-brary, where we feature the hobbies and ven-tures our own staff and students have taken up, re-visited, or managed to continue during the lockdown. There is more to all of us than just being learners or teachers of Chinese language, history, and culture (I hope!) and so this feature will hopefully inspire us all to do more of what we love in these trying times. And finally, our own second year cohort have even shown that a pandemic is no obstacle for starting a new
  10. Curing Thousands of Diseases | Corpus Christi College University of…
    Thumbnail for Curing Thousands of Diseases | Corpus Christi College University of Cambridge 10 May 2024: Search. Curing Thousands of Diseases. One of the great privileges of working in The Parker Library is the opportunity to slowly discover the collections, to spend a few minutes looking at a manuscript whose shelfmark you don’t recognise, to talk to readers working on things you’ve never considered, to share in the excitement of new discoveries, and to learn just a little bit more about an item, bit by bit. One could spend a lifetime getting to know the collection, but even given many such lifetimes, there would still be many items that I will never even begin to understand; for now, they must remain filed away in memory, black holes sitting next to the tiny pinpricks of light that are connected to their neighbors on the shelves. Every year we welcome the students from the Corpus Christi Medicine and English Summer School Program to The Parker Library. During each of these visits we give the participants a tour of our current exhibition and then bring out a few items that we believe may be of particular interests to the students that they are allowed to (gently) explore as we talk about the history of the book. This year, I was delighted to share MS 227, Curing Thousands of Diseases, an eight volume Chinese work that was
  11. 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政 | Major Chinese bank says new green policies have…
    12 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政 | Major Chinese bank says new green policies have consequences for its lending decisions – new report. 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政. 安德鲁•沃塞. 中国最大的国有银行之一中国工商银行表示,在贷款审批过程中将考虑环保新政。剑桥大学可持续领导力研究所(CISL)通过其可持续金融中心参与就此项工作为中国工商银行提供建议。. 本周,由G20财长和央行行长会议批准成立的绿色金融研究小组第二次会议在英国伦敦举行。. 会上,中国工商银行(全球总资产规模最大的银行)介绍了他们的“环境压力测试”结果。该测试主要面向工行的高耗能贷款客户,测量向其提供贷款存在的风险。. 此项研究已经对包括工商银行客户在内的一些高污染企业产生了重大影响。.

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