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  2. The G20’s race to green the financial system | G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 |…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). The G20’s race to green the financial system | G20走向绿色金融系统的征程. The G20’s race to green the financial system. Andrew Voysey, Director, Finance Sector . 7 September 2016. At their summit this year in Hangzhou, G20 leaders have been tackling head-on the effects of a languishing and increasingly unequal global economy. Encouraging more inclusive economic growth was high on their political agenda, perhaps because they understand its connection to the recent surge of anti-establishment politics around the world. And for the first time, in what may prove to be a watershed moment, they also discussed how to "green" the financial system as part of supporting strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (G20 leaders “Green Finance” communiqué.). They were right to do so; risks to growth linked to environmental issues are becoming more complex and interconnected and more material to business. A key question is whether financial institutions are managing environmental risks appropriately? Can better analysis of these risks lead to a more efficient allocation of capital and drive the long-term stable and sustainable global growth that the G20
  3. 为何选择剑桥大学?| Why Cambridge? | Cambridge Institute for Sustainability…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 为何选择剑桥大学?| Why Cambridge? “在韧性精神方面我们可以从英国经验中学到很多,这对我们的工作十分有益”. 副市长,2015年7月. 剑桥大学的专业视角及其政策和产业影响. 八百多年来,剑桥大学的学院文化、人员规模和跨学科方法帮助前沿人才取得了伟大成就。其至今引领了无法计数的重大突破,并将取得更多成果。在推动知识贡献并将其转化为政府和产业领导者可采用的实际、相关的专业见解等方面,CISL扮演了充分角色。. CISL集合了对宏观层面趋势和挑战的深入理解,尤其关注国家、区域和机构战略政策的实际操作。. 通过剑桥大学的前沿思想和我们在政府和企业的高级实践者网络,CISL在可持续领导力、绿色金融、自然资源安全、企业可持续发展创新、低碳经济转型等领域具有专业视角。. 我们的专业背景.
  4. G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 | The G20’s race to green the financial system |…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 | The G20’s race to green the financial system. G20走向绿色金融系统的征程. 安德鲁沃伊齐. 在今年的杭州峰会上,二十国集团首脑们积极地探讨了应对全球经济增长乏力和日益严重的失衡现象。. 在他们的政治议程中,鼓励更具包容性的经济增长是一项重要议题。这可能是因为他们意识到了包容性增长和近来全球范围内反政府政治活动之间的联系。. 而且,在此次具有分水岭意义的会议上,他们也首次就如何“绿化”金融系统,并以此促进强劲、可持续、平衡的经济增长展开了讨论。. 这么做无疑是正确的。环境问题给增长带来的风险变得日益错综复杂,同时也使企业经营面临着切实的压力。目前一个关键的问题便是:金融机构是否做到了对环境风险进行妥善的管理?对这些风险进行更深入的分析是否能够提高资产配置的效率并实现G20追求的长期稳定可持续的全球经济增长?.
  5. How the UK is contributing to sustainable business models in China |…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). How the UK is contributing to sustainable business models in China | 看英国如何助力中国可持续商业模式. How the UK is contributing to sustainable business models in China. Simon Stewart, Director, Education, Training & Talent Development (China), China-Britain Business Council. 27 February 2017. Carbon dioxide levels are reportedly at historic highs. News of pollution has become so routine in China that we risk becoming immune to the urgency of the message. In a business context, the question is not whether we are experiencing environmental degradation, but rather whether companies have the appetite to do something about it – and if so, how? The UK’s executive education sector is working in China to encourage international businesses to shift their mindset from traditional business decision-making models to sustainable models. There has been progress at a policy level and an increase in the number of domestic and overseas companies championing the sustainability cause. However, the reality is that not enough governments, companies or consumers are yet willing to make the sacrifices required to create real change, although international
  6. 再制造、循环经济以及中国——访剑桥大学可持续领导力学院 | Remanufacturing, the circular economy…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 再制造、循环经济以及中国——访剑桥大学可持续领导力学院 | Remanufacturing, the circular economy and China. 再制造、循环经济以及中国——访剑桥大学可持续领导力学院. James Beresford. 10 December 2014. 人口的不断增长给原材料供应和环境带来了压力,各个行业都在探索发展可持续的商业企业,并在这样的探索过程中努力挖掘其财务的潜力。James. Beresford与RIF交流了CISL在帮助像再制造这样的可持续性产业的过程中所扮演的角色。James是CISL的高级项目经理,. 领导CISL的在线课程的设计和开发。James拥有伦敦帝国学院环境科技硕士学位以及英国剑桥大学自然科学学士学位。. RIF:. 请您介绍一下CISL的主要工作。. James:. 可持续领导力学院——或者称作CISL——是一个非常独特的地方。我们学院隶属于剑桥大学,它将学术界、企业和政策制定者汇聚在一起,. 共同研究解决诸如气候变化和资源安全 等全球性的关键挑战所需要的领导能力。.
  7. 看英国如何助力中国可持续商业模式 | How the UK is contributing to sustainable business …
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 看英国如何助力中国可持续商业模式 | How the UK is contributing to sustainable business models in China. 看英国如何助力中国可持续商业模式. 文:司徒谋 (Simon Stewart)英中贸易协会(中国区)教育、培训及人才发展总监. 据报道,二氧化碳水平已经处于历史高位。在中国,关于污染的新闻已经司空见惯,以致于我们对这些消息透露出来的严峻形势渐趋无感。在商言商,问题的重点不是争论我们是否正处于环境恶化当中,而是企业是否有意愿采取行动解决环境问题。如果有意愿,又该如何去做?. 英国的教育机构一直致力于在中国推动跨国企业思维模式的转变,即从传统的商业决策模式转向可持续模式。目前这一工作已在政策层面取得了一些进展,同时也有越来越多的国内外企业开始支持可持续事业。尽管像渣打银行和联合利华这样的跨国巨头都在对传统模式的质疑中引入了可持续的实践,然而,现实情况是,愿意为实质性的改变做出必要牺牲的政府、企业和消费者还不够多。.
  8. 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政 | Major Chinese bank says new green policies have…
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政 | Major Chinese bank says new green policies have consequences for its lending decisions – new report. 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政. 安德鲁•沃塞. 中国最大的国有银行之一中国工商银行表示,在贷款审批过程中将考虑环保新政。剑桥大学可持续领导力研究所(CISL)通过其可持续金融中心参与就此项工作为中国工商银行提供建议。. 本周,由G20财长和央行行长会议批准成立的绿色金融研究小组第二次会议在英国伦敦举行。. 会上,中国工商银行(全球总资产规模最大的银行)介绍了他们的“环境压力测试”结果。该测试主要面向工行的高耗能贷款客户,测量向其提供贷款存在的风险。. 此项研究已经对包括工商银行客户在内的一些高污染企业产生了重大影响。.
  9. Chinese Periodicals | Cambridge University Library
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese Periodicals. Cambridge University Library holds more than 1,000 tiles of Chinese language peridocials. The list is a union catalogue including periodicals from Chinese Department and other departements in the University Library, college and department libraries at University of Cambridge and Neehdam Resarch Institute Library. The latest unbound parts of selected current Chinese periodicals previously displayed in the East Asian Reading Room have been withdrawn as they are now available in the CNKI/CAJ database. Bound volumes of earlier issues of these periodicals will be found on the Ground Floor of the Aoi Pavilion. For earlier issues still in process of binding please ask the Chinese Section at Locations. Cambridge University Library. EARR. Enquire in East Asian Reading Room. FA. Aoi Pavilion, Basement (FA formerly in EARR). FB. Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor (FB formerly in EARR). FG-FH. Order in East Asian Reading Room. FM. Order in East Asian Reading Room. L1-L999. Order in West Room (Periodicals). Microfilm. Order in Microfilm Reading Room. NPR. Order in West Room (Periodicals). OP. Order in Official Publications Room. PH. Pigeon-hole in West Room.
  10. Chinese reference works | Cambridge University Library
    27 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese reference works. All reference books are located in the East Asian Reading Room (Aoi Pavilion). The materials are on open stacks and can be used in the reading room onsite. If you have any questions, please contact FA.999. Far East: reference. FB.1.1-. Bibliography: general 书目. FB.11.1-. Library catalogues: official libraries until 1850. FB.13.1-. Library catalogues: public libraries in China after 1850. FB.16.1-. Library catalogues: private Chinese collections. FB.18.1-. Library catalogues: foreign collections after 1850. FB.18:01.1-. 汉籍所在调查报告. FB.21.4-. General bibliographies. FB.21:01.1-. 全国总书目. FB.21:02.1-. 中国国家书目. FB.21:03.1-2. 全国内部发行图书总目(1949-1986). FB.25.1-. Special bibliographies. FB.29.5-. Bibliographies of & indexes to collectanea & periodicals. FB.29:06.1-. 台湾地区汉学论著选目汇编本. FB.31.1015-1096. 古今图书集成. FB.31.1101-1174. 中国大百科全书. FB.31:03.1-32. 中国大百科全书 (second edition). FB.34:02. 中国年鉴 (latest issue). FB.34:06. 中国百科年鉴 (latest issue). FB.68:01.1-22. Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological index series.
  11. Curing Thousands of Diseases | Corpus Christi College University of…
    Thumbnail for Curing Thousands of Diseases | Corpus Christi College University of Cambridge 26 Apr 2024: Search. Curing Thousands of Diseases. One of the great privileges of working in The Parker Library is the opportunity to slowly discover the collections, to spend a few minutes looking at a manuscript whose shelfmark you don’t recognise, to talk to readers working on things you’ve never considered, to share in the excitement of new discoveries, and to learn just a little bit more about an item, bit by bit. One could spend a lifetime getting to know the collection, but even given many such lifetimes, there would still be many items that I will never even begin to understand; for now, they must remain filed away in memory, black holes sitting next to the tiny pinpricks of light that are connected to their neighbors on the shelves. Every year we welcome the students from the Corpus Christi Medicine and English Summer School Program to The Parker Library. During each of these visits we give the participants a tour of our current exhibition and then bring out a few items that we believe may be of particular interests to the students that they are allowed to (gently) explore as we talk about the history of the book. This year, I was delighted to share MS 227, Curing Thousands of Diseases, an eight volume Chinese work that was

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