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  2. Small Data, Big Time—A retrospect of the first weeks of COVID-19
    29 Apr 2024: Small Data, Big Time—A retrospect of the first weeks of COVID-19. Qingyuan Zhao. [To be read before The Royal Statistical Society at the Society’s 2021 annual conference held inManchester on Wednesday, September 8th, 2021, the President, Professor Sylvia Richardson, in theChair]. Abstract. This article reviews some early investigations and research studies in the first weeks of the coron-avirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic from a statistician’s perspective. These investigations werebased on very small datasets but were momentous in the initial global reactions to the pandemic. Thearticle discusses the initial evidence of high infectiousness of COVID-19 and why that conclusion wasnot reached faster than in reality. Further reanalyses of some published COVID-19 studies show thatthe epidemic growth was dramatically underestimated by compartmental models, and the lack of fitcould have been clearly identified by simple data visualization. Finally, some lessons for statisticiansare discussed.Keywords: Infectious disease modeling; Selection bias; COVID-19; Model diagnostics. 1 Introduction. Starting from a regional disease outbreak in Wuhan, China, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)rapidly grew into a once-in-a-lifetime
  3. Lesson 40
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 40 Kuniko comes home from school. 国子 おかあさん、ただいま。 信子 あら、お帰りなさい。今日はいつもより早いのね。 国子 そうでもないわよ。五分ぐらい早いかもしれないけど。 信子 お茶を入れましょう。ケーキが買ってありますよ。 国子 わあ、嬉しい。手を洗って、着がえてくるわ。 Kuniko and her mother are having tea together. 信子 国ちゃんはチョコレート・ケーキとこちらのシユークリーム とどちらが好き。 国子 どっちも好きだけど、今日はシユークリームにしようかな。 いただきます。 信子 日本茶よりもお紅茶の方がケーキに合うでしょう。 国子 そうね。ミルク・ティーがいいわ。今日は体育の時間に二 キロも走ったのよ。 信子 そう。だれが一番だったの。 国子 それがね、クラスで一番背の低い宮坂さんが一番だったの。 彼女より背が高くて、足の長い人がたくさんいるのに、宮坂 さんが一番走るのが速いから不思議ね。 信子 それで、国ちゃんは。 国子 私は三番。木村さんが二番。百メートル競争では私の方が
  4. C:\Users\Monte Christo\AppData\Local\Temp\msoC52.tmp
    11 Dec 2020: I N S I D E T H I S. I S S U E :. F A C U L T Y O F A S I A N. A N D M I D D L E. E A S T E R N S T U D I E S ,. C A M B R I D G E. Cambridge Chinese Studies. Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1. Welcome 1. Seminar Series. Michaelmas 2020. 2. —. 3. Interviews with. Prof. Geoffrey. Sampson,. Prof. Roel. Sterckx, and. Emma Wu. 4. —. 11. Student Updates. 12. CUCF Updates. 13. Staff Updates 14. Graduate. Student Updates. 15. —. 16. Where Are. They Now? 17. Notices and. Advertisements. 19. Life Outside the. Library. 18. has been, for many of us, a tougher term than most. With such limitations on socialising, travelling, and even on accessing archival re-sources, I’m delighted to introduce a new sec-tion to our newsletter: Life Outside the Li-brary, where we feature the hobbies and ven-tures our own staff and students have taken up, re-visited, or managed to continue during the lockdown. There is more to all of us than just being learners or teachers of Chinese language, history, and culture (I hope!) and so this feature will hopefully inspire us all to do more of what we love in these trying times. And finally, our own second year cohort have even shown that a pandemic is no obstacle for starting a new
  5. Gareth Conduit's coverage
    21 Aug 2022: Email Coverage. Media coverage for research projects and industrial contracts during 2021. Coverage is summarized forPrediction of Human Panel-based Sensory Perceptions (2021). Optibrium Partners with Intellegens to Apply Novel Deep Learning Methods to Drug Discovery, Analytics Insight. PacBio’s Precision Health Partnership, NVIDIA’s Open Source SDK, More, Bio ITWorld. Optibrium Shows Deep Learning to Successfully Predict Human Panel-based Sensory Perception of Novel Compounds Used for Flavours and Fragrances, Bio ITWorld. Optibrium Shows Deep Learning To Successfully Predict Human Panel-based Sensory Perception Of Novel Compounds Used For Flavours And Fragrances, Biotechnology News Magazine. Cambridge ‘common scents’ boosts fragrance tech and drug discovery, Business Weekly. Optibrium’s partnership with Intellegens smells like success, Cambridge Independent. Optibrium Publishes Peer Reviewed Study on Computer-aided Sensory Development, Cosmetics & Toiletries. Optibrium Shows Deep Learning to Successfully Predict Human Panel-based Sensory Perception of Novel Compounds Used for Flavours and Fragrances, Daily Advent. Optibrium Shows Deep Learning to Successfully Predict Human Panel-based
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pRebound in western style/p" }, { "label": "Script", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left: 20px;'Songti/div/div" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "China" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 fascicle" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'This is the sole surviving copy of a work which under several guises enjoyed a wide circulation in China from the late fifteenth century onwards but gradually disappeared as an independent entity, being incorporated instead into popular encyclopaedias./pp style='text-align: justify;'The work is similar in nature to the bestiaries of mediaeval Europe. It contains illustrations of 168 countries or peoples, each with an accompanying text, as well as an appendix which comprises, in addition to a list of 31 further places without illustrations, woodcuts of one bird and 14 animals, each named but without explanatory texts./pp style='text-align: justify;'The entries are a mixture of real and imaginary countries. Those which can
  7. FaradayPaper2TriggChineseTraditional
    1 Jul 2008: 科學科學科學科學需不需要宗教需不需要宗教需不需要宗教需不需要宗教????. 特利格特利格特利格特利格著著著著. 摘要摘要摘要摘要. 科學是否必然是一套涵括一切的封閉系統?科學并非自主的學科,其方法也并非理性的. 定義。反之,科學本身必須依賴一些重要的預設。我們也許預設物質世界的規律與秩. 序,以及人類思想掌握這些規律與秩序的能力。然而,有神論可以訴諸創造者的理性來. 解釋這一切。. 理性的力量理性的力量理性的力量理性的力量
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pDetchōsō 粘葉装/p" }, { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "大毘盧舎那成仏経疏" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Mount Kōya (高野山), Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired by purchase in 1949./p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "3 jō 帖 Leaf height: 246 mm, width: 159 mm." }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho (大毘盧舎那成仏経疏) is a commentary on Daibirushana jōbutsukyō (大毘盧舎那成仏経疏, Mahāvairocana-sūtra, in short, Dainichikyō 大日経). The commentary was given orally by Shan Wu Wei 善無畏 and written down by Yi Xing 一行. Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho (in 20 volumes) was brought to Japan by Kūkai 空海 (774-835). Kūkai (also called Kōbō-daishi 弘法大師) was the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism (真言宗) and established Kongōbu-ji 金剛峰寺, a temple on Mount Kōya (高野山) in 816. Kongōbu-ji was the head temple of the Shingon-shu 真言宗 sect. Publications which were
  9. FaradayPaper10HolderChineseTraditional
    17 Jul 2008: 精心設計的宇宙精心設計的宇宙精心設計的宇宙精心設計的宇宙????. 厚德厚德厚德厚德著著著著. 摘要摘要摘要摘要. 宇宙似乎經過精細調控,才能產生生命。本文探討宇宙調控的證據,并評估反對設計論. 的主要理論,即「多元宇宙」的解釋。. 引言引言引言引言 「宇宙好比『金发歌蒂和三只熊』這個故事裡的粥 《格林童話》中故事,金髮小姑娘歌蒂到三只熊的家裡,要喝「既不熱也不冷,刚刚好的粥」—譯者按 ,似乎『恰到好處』地適於生命,在許多方面確實耐人尋味。」保羅.戴維斯 Paul Davies 在《歌蒂之謎》(The Goldilocks Enigma)1一書如是說道。若宇宙是各大一神論宗教所說的神所創造的,就不足為奇:神有很好的理由創造一個在進化過程中產生能與祂建立關係的智能生物之宇宙。反對這種設計之說的主要理論是多元宇宙論。後者主張多重宇宙的存在,認為每一個宇宙都有不同的物理參數。本文指出這多元宇宙假設的各種問題,并辯稱神的設計是宇宙學資料的更合理解釋。2 大爆炸大爆炸大爆炸大爆炸
  10. 9 Jul 2023: 改革开放 40 年企业家精神的流变. 只有观念才能改变观念. 哈耶克在《走向奴役之路》的名著中有一句名言:观念的转变和人类意志的力量,塑造了. 今天的世界。. 40 年前的 1978,中国国家史上前所未有的诞生了一个观念,这就是中共十一届三中全会提. 出的:以经济建设为中心。自此发端,依赖十亿国民的意志力量和国家力量,过往 40 年,中. 国形成了人类商业史上最波澜壮阔的一次经济大潮,而大潮漩涡的中流砥柱者则是企业家阶. 层。. 观念与时代共跳芭蕾舞,共同发育了中国有史以来从规模到结构、从风范到勇气都罕有的. 企业家群体,而遍布于中国大地角角落落的成千上万的企业家和商人们,在为共和国创造财. 富、奠基实力的同时,也沉淀出了色彩杂陈、品相多样的精神质地。下面我从三个时间断面和. 三个层面对 40 年来中国企业家精神做一个粗略的描述—. 实业英雄群体(1978—):代表人物包括鲁冠求、张瑞敏、柳传志、任正非等人,他们背后.
  11. 2021 年 3 月,第三期 Third Issue, March 2021 CHINA ...
    9 Jul 2023: 2021 年 3 月,第三期. Third Issue, March 2021. CHINA REPORT. 中国报告 Originated and Selected by China Advisory Council. 中国顾问理事会撰选. Preface…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….1 Xiyang Daniel He, Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School; Secretary-General, China Advisory Council. 前言…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….3 何玺阳,剑桥大学嘉治商学院 院士,中国顾问理事会秘书长. 中国资本市场三十周年 / 30th Anniversary of China’s Capital Markets. 忆中国证券市场 30 年…………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….6 王波明,《财经》杂志总编辑. The Thirty-Year Evolution of China's Securities Market ………………………….…………………….….10 Wang Boming Editor-in-Chief CAIJING Magazine. 中国证券市场展望 / Outlook for China’s Securities Markets.

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