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  2. Bainite in Steels, by H
    20 Mar 2019: 钢中的贝氏体. 作者:H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia. 译者:哈尔滨工业大学,甄良. Bainite in Steels, by H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia. Translated by: Zhengliang, Harbin Institute of Technology. 引言. 在典型的钢的时间-温度转变(TTT)图中存在一个较宽的中间温度范围,在这个温度范围内既不形成珠光体也不形成马氏体,而是形成细铁素体条(或板条)与渗碳体颗粒的集合体。这些中间组织通常称为贝氏体。这种组织是Davenport and Edgar Bain在研究奥氏体的等温分解时发现的。在athermal处理过程中,当冷速对珠光体形成来说太快、而对形成马氏体来说又太慢时会发生贝氏体转变。随转变温度的下降,贝氏体的性质发生变化。可以分成两类:上贝氏体和下贝氏体。. 上贝氏体. 下贝氏体. 形状变化. 贝氏体中的碳. 动力学. 转变过程. 粒状贝氏体. 回火. 合金元素. 应用. 主要参考文献. 图库. 本站点评述. 上贝氏体. 上贝氏体的显微组织中有细铁素体片,每一铁素体片厚约0.2 m m、长约10 m
    17 Jun 2010: 石墨片超快激光器闪耀登场! 1 of 2 2010/6/17 10:56. 首页|新闻|产品|访谈|视点|商城|展会|市场分析|技术方案|应用方案|白皮书|欢迎您,光临中国光电网. 当前位置:中国光电网 >> 新闻 >> 浏览文章. 石墨片超快激光器闪耀登场!. 2010年03月29日 [来源:本站原创]. 本文关键字:超快激光器. 英国剑桥大学及法国CNRS的研究人员已经制造出超快锁模(mode-locked)石墨片(graphene)激光器。由于石墨片为零能隙的半导体,这项研究成果不仅令人意外,而且显示了石墨片在光电器件上大有可为。. 石墨片为蜂巢晶格的碳原子平面,其电子能以极高速运动,行为类似无静止质量的相对论性粒子,亦即所谓的狄拉克粒子(Dirac particle)。自2004年问世以来,石墨片不断以其独特的电子与力学性质惊艳科学界,并在器件应用上展现广泛潜力,因此被看好可能会取代硅成为未来电子器件新材料。最近,剑桥大学的Andrea Ferrari与其同事借助石墨片超快激光器的发明,证明了石墨片也可以应用于光电产品上。.
  4. Chinese reference works | Cambridge University Library
    28 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese reference works. All reference books are located in the East Asian Reading Room (Aoi Pavilion). The materials are on open stacks and can be used in the reading room onsite. If you have any questions, please contact FA.999. Far East: reference. FB.1.1-. Bibliography: general 书目. FB.11.1-. Library catalogues: official libraries until 1850. FB.13.1-. Library catalogues: public libraries in China after 1850. FB.16.1-. Library catalogues: private Chinese collections. FB.18.1-. Library catalogues: foreign collections after 1850. FB.18:01.1-. 汉籍所在调查报告. FB.21.4-. General bibliographies. FB.21:01.1-. 全国总书目. FB.21:02.1-. 中国国家书目. FB.21:03.1-2. 全国内部发行图书总目(1949-1986). FB.25.1-. Special bibliographies. FB.29.5-. Bibliographies of & indexes to collectanea & periodicals. FB.29:06.1-. 台湾地区汉学论著选目汇编本. FB.31.1015-1096. 古今图书集成. FB.31.1101-1174. 中国大百科全书. FB.31:03.1-32. 中国大百科全书 (second edition). FB.34:02. 中国年鉴 (latest issue). FB.34:06. 中国百科年鉴 (latest issue). FB.68:01.1-22. Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological index series.
  5. Chinese Periodicals | Cambridge University Library
    28 Apr 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese Periodicals. Cambridge University Library holds more than 1,000 tiles of Chinese language peridocials. The list is a union catalogue including periodicals from Chinese Department and other departements in the University Library, college and department libraries at University of Cambridge and Neehdam Resarch Institute Library. The latest unbound parts of selected current Chinese periodicals previously displayed in the East Asian Reading Room have been withdrawn as they are now available in the CNKI/CAJ database. Bound volumes of earlier issues of these periodicals will be found on the Ground Floor of the Aoi Pavilion. For earlier issues still in process of binding please ask the Chinese Section at Locations. Cambridge University Library. EARR. Enquire in East Asian Reading Room. FA. Aoi Pavilion, Basement (FA formerly in EARR). FB. Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor (FB formerly in EARR). FG-FH. Order in East Asian Reading Room. FM. Order in East Asian Reading Room. L1-L999. Order in West Room (Periodicals). Microfilm. Order in Microfilm Reading Room. NPR. Order in West Room (Periodicals). OP. Order in Official Publications Room. PH. Pigeon-hole in West Room.
  6. 2021 年 3 月,第三期 Third Issue, March 2021 CHINA ...
    9 Jul 2023: 2021 年 3 月,第三期. Third Issue, March 2021. CHINA REPORT. 中国报告 Originated and Selected by China Advisory Council. 中国顾问理事会撰选. Preface…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….1 Xiyang Daniel He, Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School; Secretary-General, China Advisory Council. 前言…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….3 何玺阳,剑桥大学嘉治商学院 院士,中国顾问理事会秘书长. 中国资本市场三十周年 / 30th Anniversary of China’s Capital Markets. 忆中国证券市场 30 年…………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….6 王波明,《财经》杂志总编辑. The Thirty-Year Evolution of China's Securities Market ………………………….…………………….….10 Wang Boming Editor-in-Chief CAIJING Magazine. 中国证券市场展望 / Outlook for China’s Securities Markets.
  7. The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report Emmanuel Schizas,…
    9 Jul 2023: The Global RegTech Industry Benchmark Report. Emmanuel Schizas, Grigory McKain, Bryan Zhang, Altantsetseg Ganbold, Pankajesh Kumar, Hatim Hussain, Kieran James Garvey, Eva Huang, Alexander Huang, Shaoxin Wang, Nikos Yerolemou. With the support of. 2. The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) is an international and interdisciplinary research centre based at the University. of Cambridge Judge Business School. It is dedicated to the study of innovative instruments, channels, and systems emerging outside of traditional finance. This includes, among others, crowdfunding, marketplace lending, alternative credit and investment analytics,. alternative payment systems, cryptoasset, distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) as well as related regulations and regulatory innovations (e.g. sandboxes and RegTech). 3. 目次 執筆および執筆協力. 4. 謝辞. 5. 本レポートの概要. 7. CCAF Foreword. 15. Foreword by EY. 16. RegTech 関連団体からのメッセージ. 17 International RegTech Association (IRTA). 17 The RegTech Association (Australia). 17 Fintech Association of Japan. 17. 1. はじめに. 18 規制当局による RegTech の定義とその限界. 18 RegTech の機能的定義. 18 なぜ RegTech
  8. 9 Jul 2023: 改革开放 40 年企业家精神的流变. 只有观念才能改变观念. 哈耶克在《走向奴役之路》的名著中有一句名言:观念的转变和人类意志的力量,塑造了. 今天的世界。. 40 年前的 1978,中国国家史上前所未有的诞生了一个观念,这就是中共十一届三中全会提. 出的:以经济建设为中心。自此发端,依赖十亿国民的意志力量和国家力量,过往 40 年,中. 国形成了人类商业史上最波澜壮阔的一次经济大潮,而大潮漩涡的中流砥柱者则是企业家阶. 层。. 观念与时代共跳芭蕾舞,共同发育了中国有史以来从规模到结构、从风范到勇气都罕有的. 企业家群体,而遍布于中国大地角角落落的成千上万的企业家和商人们,在为共和国创造财. 富、奠基实力的同时,也沉淀出了色彩杂陈、品相多样的精神质地。下面我从三个时间断面和. 三个层面对 40 年来中国企业家精神做一个粗略的描述—. 实业英雄群体(1978—):代表人物包括鲁冠求、张瑞敏、柳传志、任正非等人,他们背后.
  9. 全球金融科技中心城市报告 多极联动天下新局
    9 Jul 2023: 全球金融科技中心城市报告Global Fintech Hub Report. 2018. 中国 杭州2018-11-14. 多极联动 天下新局. 版权声明. 2018全球金融科技中心城市报告是由浙江大学互. 联网金融研究院司南研究室、剑桥大学新兴金融. 研究中心、浙江互联网金融联合会、杭州铜板街. 互联网金融信息服务有限公司作为联合发布方,. 杭 州 摩 西 信 息 科 技 有 限 公 司 作 为 数 据 支 持 , 于. 2018年11月在杭州发布的指数报告。. 前言积水成渊,蛟龙生焉。作为全球经济金融发展的全新驱. 动力,金融科技渐成各国发力焦点,且区域联动、多极发展. 的金融科技世界格局也逐步形成。同时,监管能力、创新环. 境、数字基础设施建设等重要性也日趋凸显,或成金融科技. 可持续发展关键。. 继2018年6月在阿姆斯特丹首次发布《2018全球金融科. 技中心指数》后,我们持续拓宽观察范围,纵览六大洲七十. 余座城市,勾勒出全球金融科技发展TOP30中心城市以及众. 多新领军者的“30N”格局,并展示每个城市的“金融科. 技画像”以观其貌,望其趋势。.
  10. 简单驱逐复杂 ——华为人力资源管理精髓
    9 Jul 2023: 世界秩序:前70年与未来30年重读基辛格《世界秩序》. 田涛. 一、“混凝土”:数千万人类鲜血浇铸的世界秩序. 1945年至今:罕见的和平奇迹——全球各大洲主要国家持续70年的和平与发展根因:(一)威斯特伐利亚和约(1648):世界秩序基石基本原则与理念:1、国家主权、领土完整、独立为国际关系最高准则;2、理性主义、实用主义;3、价值观不应和不能成为国际干涉的理由;4、教会退出各国政治,政教双治格局衰落。. (二)基石由欧洲大陆近千年数千万人的白骨堆成. 30年战争(1618-1648):欧洲军事史上残暴巅峰. 原因:新教联盟-神圣罗马帝国(哈布斯王朝统治). 死亡人数:. 欧洲45%人口消失,德国60%左右(700万). 教训:. 宗教(价值观)战争的神圣化、非理性化. (背后依然是利益的较量). (三)18-20世纪中叶的战争:. 类型:. 1、欧洲强国间的领土战争. 2、强国间针对海外殖民地范围的战争. 3、一战、二战:全球性战争. 特征:. 1、国家利益至上. 2、意识形态合盟:结盟对抗民族主义、种族主义.
  11. Vision and mission | 机构愿景 - Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management - …
    FT Responsible Business Education Awards: 2 wins for Cambridge Judge. Purpose of Finance course wins top Teaching award and a study on paedophile hunters wins Academic Research award, while Cambridge Judge is Highly Commended for School-wide activities in the Financial Times awards for business education responsibility and impact. Non-degree programmes. Need help funding your degree programme studies at Cambridge Judge? Explore our scholarship and loan opportunities. Not sure which programme is for you? Search our portfolio of over 40 well-crafted programmes that will expand your skills and understanding in service of your organisational, personal development and career objectives. The B Corp movement is helping to shift the focus of capitalism from shareholders to all stakeholders: find out how Cambridge fits in. Find an expert. We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists. Find an expert. We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists. Join us in achieving real world impact. We invite you to invest in our future and help us to remain at the forefront of global business research and education.

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