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1 - 10 of 180 search results for V信 17188884373 where 0 match all words and 180 match some words.
  1. Results that match 1 of 2 words

    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pHōhaisō 包背装, detchōsō 粘葉装/p" }, { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "釈摩訶衍論賛玄疏" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Mount Kōya (高野山), Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pOne of the two ex-libris stamps (宝玲文庫) indicates that this was owned by Frank Hawley (1906-1961), a well-known British collector of Japanese books./p" }, { "label": "Excerpts", "value": "divbColophon:/b 爲報佛恩酬祖徳謹開印版傳之來葉矣 正應元年戌子八月廿五日沙門慶/div" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 jō 帖 Leaf height: 251 mm, width: 158 mm." }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'This is a work of the commentaries on Shaku makaenron 釈摩訶衍論 by the Buddhist scholar Fa Wu 法悟 (12th century), written on the request of the Emperor Tian You 天佑 of Kara-Khitan (Western Liao, 西遼). Shaku makaenron is itself a work of commentaries on the Daijō kishinron 大乗起信論 (a treatise on awakening faith in the Mahāyāna) which is a Chinese
  3. 気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約 Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge…
    気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約. Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership. climateeveryone’s business. 現在産業革命時代の始まり. 残りの炭素予算(排出可能上限). 2目標に必要な炭素排出上限(炭素予算). 既に使用した炭素予算(既排出量). RCP「2.6」に従わなければ20502070年までに炭素予算をオーバーする。. 2011年までに. 炭. 素予算の約半分を既に使. 用. 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書、第1作業部会. 本書について気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)は、地球の気候変化に関連する最新かつ最も包括的な分析結果である。. 本書は、AR5の中で経済・ビジネス部門に最も関連のある知見をまとめた要約であり、膨大で専門性の高いAR5を企業が活用できるよう、正確、適切かつ読みやすい形にまとめるという考えから作成された。.
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pKansu-bon 巻子本 (scroll)/p" }, { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "はんじもの (外題)" }, { "label": "Script", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left: 20px;'pKanji hiragana-majiri text/p/div/div" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Edo 江戸 (Tokyo), Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired from William George Aston in 1911./p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 jiku 軸 Leaf height: 305 mm, width: 9375 mm." }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'A scrapbook of written ephemera in a scroll style. 土井利恒 (Doi Toshitsune or Doi Toshitsugu) collected various written documents and pasted them to a scroll, with illustrations included. The impression of the ex-libris stamp indicates that this had been kept by the Doi family (土井家). This scroll was prepared around Bunsei 文政 period (1818-1830). Originally some of the paper used to make this scroll had been used by members of the Doi family (before it was re-cycled to make
  5. Japanese - 2011 with clarification
    9 Jul 2018: Japanese. Romanization System. The modified Hepburn system of romanization as employed in Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary (3rd and later editions) is used. For the syllabic nasal, n is always used preceding b, m, and p. Romanization for words of foreign (i.e., non-Japanese) origin follows the American National Standard system for the romanization of Japanese; e.g., ベトナム(Betonamu); ヴェトナム(Vetonamu). Word Reading. The reading of Japanese words follows standard Japanese language usage, insofar as this can be determined from standard Japanese dictionaries. A current modern reading is preferred to an obsolete one, except where the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading for a particular name or book title. The characters 日本 are romanized as Nihon unless the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading; e.g., Dai Nippon Teikoku, Nippon’ichi, Nippon eitaigura, etc. If there are various readings, the reading that appears most frequently in dictionaries is used. Capitalization. 1. Personal Names: (a) Capitalize each word of a personal name, except the particle no. Sugawara no Takasue no Musume 菅原孝標女. (b) Capitalize title and terms of address,
  6. FaradayPaper6Japanese _2_
    3 Jan 2012: FARADAY PAPER 6. 還元主義:還元主義:還元主義:還元主義: 科学と宗教の関係を助け科学と宗教の関係を助け科学と宗教の関係を助け科学と宗教の関係を助け. るか妨げるかるか妨げるかるか妨げるかるか妨げるか. マイケル・プールマイケル・プールマイケル・プールマイケル・プール. 要旨要旨要旨要旨. 存在するのはただ自然界―つまり科学と多くの科学的方法の対象物―だけであるという主張がなさ. れてきた。そのような主張が確証されるとすれば、宗教的信仰は脅かされるであろう。しかし、必. 要とされるのはどれほど声高にしばしなされても断定的主張ではなく、そう考える論拠である。今. まで出されてきた論拠の一つは、物質界の構成は、その構成要素を段階的により小さな部分に還元. してゆけば、説明されぬものは何も残らないところまで、網羅的にすべて説明することができる、. というものである。この還元が科学の営みに助けとなるか障害になるかを、この方法の実践が科学.
  7. Christine Lai - Wesley House
    Thumbnail for Christine Lai - Wesley House 3 Oct 2022: Christine Lai Supervisor   Overview Dr. Christine Lai is a scholar-in-practice and practical theologian integrating knowledge and practice, integral care and spirituality. She has been advocating integral wellness from midlife to ageing in research a
  8. Chinese Periodicals | Cambridge University Library
    14 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese Periodicals. Cambridge University Library holds more than 1,000 tiles of Chinese language peridocials. The list is a union catalogue including periodicals from Chinese Department and other departements in the University Library, college and department libraries at University of Cambridge and Neehdam Resarch Institute Library. The latest unbound parts of selected current Chinese periodicals previously displayed in the East Asian Reading Room have been withdrawn as they are now available in the CNKI/CAJ database. Bound volumes of earlier issues of these periodicals will be found on the Ground Floor of the Aoi Pavilion. For earlier issues still in process of binding please ask the Chinese Section at Locations. Cambridge University Library. EARR. Enquire in East Asian Reading Room. FA. Aoi Pavilion, Basement (FA formerly in EARR). FB. Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor (FB formerly in EARR). FG-FH. Order in East Asian Reading Room. FM. Order in East Asian Reading Room. L1-L999. Order in West Room (Periodicals). Microfilm. Order in Microfilm Reading Room. NPR. Order in West Room (Periodicals). OP. Order in Official Publications Room. PH. Pigeon-hole in West Room.
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "管子箋註" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "2冊; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K13399." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "文化02 (1805)" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Kanshi Senchū" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FB.805.2" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 2441 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library.; Published: 京、林吉野屋権兵衛等" }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value": "旧題斉・管夷吾著、日本・冢田大峯注" }, { "label": "Bibliography", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left:
  10. O Debate Sobre Religião e Ciência – Uma Introdução
    17 Mar 2015: FARADAY PAPER 14. ヒトゲノムと神の像. グレーム・フィンレイ 聖書の神はゲノムの神でもある。神は聖堂の中でも実験室の中でも礼拝されうる。神の創造は偉大で、畏怖の. 念を感じさせ、複雑で美しい―そして、内部で仲たがいすることは有り得ない1。. ヒトゲノムプロジェクト長官 フランシス・コリンズ. 要旨. われわれが受け継いでいる遺伝子 DNA は、無数の世代の祖先を通してわれわれに伝えら. れたDNAの現行テキストである。われわれの遺伝子独自のマーカーは、われわれの祖先が. 他の人間とだけではなく ずっと時代を遡って 他の猿類や霊長類や哺乳類とも共通している. ことを示している。われわれのDNAは哺乳類の進化の間に生じたわれわれの生物学的起源. についての物語を語るが、それは、人としてのわれわれの起源を説明するには不十分であ. る。われわれは自分の家族や共同体に伝わった物語を聞き、それに同化してそれぞれ人とし.
  11. Curing Thousands of Diseases | Corpus Christi College University of…
    Thumbnail for Curing Thousands of Diseases | Corpus Christi College University of Cambridge 11 May 2024: Search. One of the great privileges of working in The Parker Library is the opportunity to slowly discover the collections, to spend a few minutes looking at a manuscript whose shelfmark you don’t recognise, to talk to readers working on things you’ve never considered, to share in the excitement of new discoveries, and to learn just a little bit more about an item, bit by bit. One could spend a lifetime getting to know the collection, but even given many such lifetimes, there would still be many items that I will never even begin to understand; for now, they must remain filed away in memory, black holes sitting next to the tiny pinpricks of light that are connected to their neighbors on the shelves. Every year we welcome the students from the Corpus Christi Medicine and English Summer School Program to The Parker Library. During each of these visits we give the participants a tour of our current exhibition and then bring out a few items that we believe may be of particular interests to the students that they are allowed to (gently) explore as we talk about the history of the book. This year, I was delighted to share MS 227, Curing Thousands of Diseases, an eight volume Chinese work that was printed in the 1660s, and one of my

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