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11 - 20 of 87 search results for 十V信 15625141611 where 0 match all words and 87 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. Lesson 50
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 50 At Narita Airport. Mr and Mrs Yamakawa are seeing off Kuniko who is leaving for Germany. 信子 途中、道路が混むかもしれないと思ってたっぷり時間をとって 来たら、早く来過ぎち’ったわね。 国子 そうね。私の便はまだチェック・インが始まってないみたい。 一 じゃあ、荷物を一時預けに預けて、ゆっくりお茶でも飲もうか。 国子 たった一時間ぐらいでも預かってくれるかしら。 一 そりゃあ、もちろん預かってくれるけど、丁度あそこに手押し車が あるから、あれに乗せて持って行こうか。 信子 その方がかえって面倒が少ないと思いますわ。 They sit in a coffee shop. 信子 国ちゃん、ピアノを習い始めたころのこと覚えてる。 国子 うん、あのころは学校から帰って来るとすぐに友達と外に遊びに 行きたかったのに、おかあさんに一日一時間必ずピアノの練習を させられたわね。 信子 そうよ。ピアノをひいていてもちっとも楽しそうじゃなかった から、無理に続けさせても意味がないかしらと思っていたら、
  3. Lesson 52
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 52 A letter from John to Mr and Mrs Yamakawa in printed form 皆様その後お変わりありませんか。十日前に東京を発ってアメリカへ渡り、そ. こで大学時代の友達に会ったり、いとこを訪ねたりして一週間ほど過ごしまし. た。イギリスへはおとといもどってきたばかりです。前から母にはイースタ. ーまでには帰ると言ってあったので、約束通りイースターの前の日に帰ってき. た私を見て両親は大喜びでした。日本はもうすっかり春らしい陽気になってい. ることと思います。こちらも色とりどりの花が咲き乱れています。四月末から. 五月にかけてはイギリスの一番美しい季節かもしれません。朝夕はまだ冷えこ. みますが、日中はコートなしで歩く人のすがたも見られます。 出発前には私のためにあのように盛大な送別会を開いていただきありがとうご. ざいました。それにプレゼントまでいただいて、どのようにお礼を申し上げた. らよいのか分かりません。思い起こしてみますと、私の日本到着の日からまる.
  4. Lesson 9
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 9 Tadashi gives us a description of his family. Study this Yamakawa family chart and the prose passage that follows:. 一 (はじめ) 信子 (のぶこ). エンジニア (56歳) 主婦 (50歳). 正 (ただし) 実 (みのる) 国子 (くにこ) 医者 (28歳) 大学生 (21歳) 高校生 (17歳). 私の家族はみんなで五人です。父と母のほかに弟が一人と妹が一人います。父. はエンジニアです。一年に二回仕事でイギリスに行きます。父の部屋にはコン. ピ’ターが二台もあります。弟は二十一歳です。京都大学の学生です。休みには友達と旅行に行きます。妹はまだ高校生です。毎日三時間もピアノの練習をし. ます。私は医者です。朝から晩まで大学病院で働きます。時夜も仕事をしま. す。休みの日にはよく母と散歩します。 9.1 Numerical classifiers 私の家族はみんなで五人です。 一年に二回仕事でイギリスに行きます。 父の部屋にはコンピューターが二台もあります。 Every object in Japanese has a descriptive classifier which is used when that object is counted. It is as if one always had to say ‘three head of cattle’ rather
  5. C:\Users\Monte Christo\AppData\Local\Temp\msoC52.tmp
    11 Dec 2020: I N S I D E T H I S. I S S U E :. F A C U L T Y O F A S I A N. A N D M I D D L E. E A S T E R N S T U D I E S ,. C A M B R I D G E. Cambridge Chinese Studies. Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1. Welcome 1. Seminar Series. Michaelmas 2020. 2. —. 3. Interviews with. Prof. Geoffrey. Sampson,. Prof. Roel. Sterckx, and. Emma Wu. 4. —. 11. Student Updates. 12. CUCF Updates. 13. Staff Updates 14. Graduate. Student Updates. 15. —. 16. Where Are. They Now? 17. Notices and. Advertisements. 19. Life Outside the. Library. 18. has been, for many of us, a tougher term than most. With such limitations on socialising, travelling, and even on accessing archival re-sources, I’m delighted to introduce a new sec-tion to our newsletter: Life Outside the Li-brary, where we feature the hobbies and ven-tures our own staff and students have taken up, re-visited, or managed to continue during the lockdown. There is more to all of us than just being learners or teachers of Chinese language, history, and culture (I hope!) and so this feature will hopefully inspire us all to do more of what we love in these trying times. And finally, our own second year cohort have even shown that a pandemic is no obstacle for starting a new
  6. Japanese - 2011 with clarification
    9 Jul 2018: Japanese. Romanization System. The modified Hepburn system of romanization as employed in Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary (3rd and later editions) is used. For the syllabic nasal, n is always used preceding b, m, and p. Romanization for words of foreign (i.e., non-Japanese) origin follows the American National Standard system for the romanization of Japanese; e.g., ベトナム(Betonamu); ヴェトナム(Vetonamu). Word Reading. The reading of Japanese words follows standard Japanese language usage, insofar as this can be determined from standard Japanese dictionaries. A current modern reading is preferred to an obsolete one, except where the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading for a particular name or book title. The characters 日本 are romanized as Nihon unless the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading; e.g., Dai Nippon Teikoku, Nippon’ichi, Nippon eitaigura, etc. If there are various readings, the reading that appears most frequently in dictionaries is used. Capitalization. 1. Personal Names: (a) Capitalize each word of a personal name, except the particle no. Sugawara no Takasue no Musume 菅原孝標女. (b) Capitalize title and terms of address,
  7. Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary) 一 yı̄ one 二 ...
    20 Aug 2021: Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary). 一 yı̄ one. 二 èr two. 三 sān three. 四 sı̀ four. 五 wǔ five. 六 liù six. 七 qı̄ seven. 八 bā eight. 九 jiǔ nine. 十 shı́ ten. 日 rı̀ the sun. 月 yuè the moon. 山 shān mountain. 水 shuı̌ water. 木 mù wood. 火 huǒ fire. 大 dà to be big. 小 xiǎo to be small. 子 zı̌. 衣 yı̄ clothes. 女 nǔ̈ female. 心 xı̄n heart. 问 wèn to ask. 几 jı̌. 信 xı̀n to trust, letter. 品 pı̌n to taste. 生 shēng to give birth to, to be born, raw,. student. Lessons 1-3. 你 nı ̌ pro. you (singular). 好 hǎo adj. good, fine, nice. 马丁 Mǎdı̄ng Martin, name of an American student. 林娜 Lı́nnà Linna, name of a French student. 李一民 Lı̌ Yı̄mı́n Li Yimin, name of a Chinese teacher. 阿明 AĀ mı́ng A’ming, name of a Thai student. 您 nı́n pron. you (polite singular). 零 lı́ng num. zero. 早上 zǎoshang n. morning. 是 shı̀ v. to be. 哪 nǎ pron. which, what. 国 guó n. country, state, nation. 人 rén n. person, people. 我 wǒ pron. I, me. 呢 ne part. used at the end of an interrogative sentence. 他 tā pron. he,him. 美国 Měiguó the United States (U.S.A). 英国 Yı̄ngguó the United
  8. Dunhuang Seminar Series
    5 Feb 2019: Dunhuang Seminar Series, 2018 Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge. Programme. Lent Term 2018. 1. Christoph Anderl, “An Analysis of Po Mo Bian 破魔變 ‘Destruction of Māra Transformation Text’ ”; 25 January 2018 2. Imre Hamar, “Bodhisattva on Six Tusked White Elephant: Samantabhadra Texts and Images in Dunhuang”; 1 February 2018 3. Wang Yong, “From Silk to Gold: International Currency in Pre-modern East Asia”; 8 February 2018 4. Tang Li, “Medieval Travelogues on Buddhist, Christian and Muslim Communities along the Silk Road in China”; 1 March 2018 5. Feng Jing, “How Knowledge was Organized and Accepted in Medieval China: Editorial Skills and Reading Strategies Reflected in Dunhuang Encyclopedias”; 8 March 2018 6. Christine Mollier, “Talismans to Pacity the Tomb: Archeological Evidence from Dunhuang”; 15 March 2018. Easter Term 2018. 1. George Keyworth, “Marginalia on Buddhist Manuscripts from Dunhuang and Japan”; 3 May 2018 2. Stefano Zacchetti, “Exegetical Strategies in Early Chinese Buddhist Commentaries (2nd–4th centuries CE)”; 17 May 2018 3. Li Lingling, “Chuxueji 初學記 and Education in the Tang Dynasty”; 24 May 2018 4. Kitsudo Koichi, “Text
  9. C:\Users\Monte Christo\AppData\Local\Temp\msoC52.tmp
    11 Dec 2020: I N S I D E T H I S. I S S U E :. F A C U L T Y O F A S I A N. A N D M I D D L E. E A S T E R N S T U D I E S ,. C A M B R I D G E. Cambridge Chinese Studies. Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1. Welcome 1. Seminar Series. Michaelmas 2020. 2. —. 3. Interviews with. Prof. Geoffrey. Sampson,. Prof. Roel. Sterckx, and. Emma Wu. 4. —. 11. Student Updates. 12. CUCF Updates. 13. Staff Updates 14. Graduate. Student Updates. 15. —. 16. Where Are. They Now? 17. Notices and. Advertisements. 19. Life Outside the. Library. 18. has been, for many of us, a tougher term than most. With such limitations on socialising, travelling, and even on accessing archival re-sources, I’m delighted to introduce a new sec-tion to our newsletter: Life Outside the Li-brary, where we feature the hobbies and ven-tures our own staff and students have taken up, re-visited, or managed to continue during the lockdown. There is more to all of us than just being learners or teachers of Chinese language, history, and culture (I hope!) and so this feature will hopefully inspire us all to do more of what we love in these trying times. And finally, our own second year cohort have even shown that a pandemic is no obstacle for starting a new
  10. The Merit Economy of Buddhist Publishing in Republican China |…
    Search site. The Merit Economy of Buddhist Publishing in Republican China. Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. The Merit Economy of Buddhist Publishing in Republican China. Venue:. Runcie Room, Faculty of Divinity. Event date:. Monday, 29 April, 2024 - 14:00. Event organiser:. lecture given by Gregory Scott 史瑞戈, University of Manchester. Donations of materials, labour, and/or money in exchange for religious merit have been cornerstones of Buddhism in China since its arrival. In the Republican era (1912-1949), when thousands of Buddhist publications were circulating in China, donations for merit continued to help support the production of some Buddhist books, but many others were funded by fixed and circulating capital from for-profit commercial publishers or (mostly) not-for-profit Buddhist organisations. My presentation will examine evidence from Buddhist publications of the Republican era on how they made use of donations to help fund their work, how donors were recognised and recorded, and how the discourse surrounding merit transformed over this period. My hypothesis is that the longstanding core belief in the merit of publishing Buddhist books was augmented and enhanced by a number of new approaches, made
  11. The Most Popular Buddhist Book Printed in Ming Beijing circa 1450 |…
    Search site. The Most Popular Buddhist Book Printed in Ming Beijing circa 1450. Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. The Most Popular Buddhist Book Printed in Ming Beijing circa 1450. Venue:. Runcie Room, Faculty of Divinity. Event date:. Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 - 14:00. Event organiser:. lecture given by Prof. Shih-shan Susan Huang 黃士珊, Rice University. Susan Huang_Cambridge talk image.jpeg. The 1450s represent a landmark decade for the history of the book and print culture. In Christian Europe, Johannes Gutenberg’s Bible, the first moveable-type book, is rightfully celebrated, but often mistakenly described as the beginning of printing worldwide. Mistakenly, because in Beijing, at the very same time, an indigenous Chinese Buddhist book, the Dharani Sutra of the Buddha’s Essence (Fodingxin tuoluoni jing佛頂心陀羅尼經), was becoming the most popular illustrated Buddhist book in print; and it was printed, often on-demand, using a woodblock printing technology that had been in use in East Asia already for centuries. The text represents a melding of cultural traditions and beliefs, integrating a long-standing devotion to the compassionate bodhisattva Guanyin 觀音 (Avalokiteśvara), elements of talismanic

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