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  2. 9 Jul 2023: 改革开放 40 年企业家精神的流变. 只有观念才能改变观念. 哈耶克在《走向奴役之路》的名著中有一句名言:观念的转变和人类意志的力量,塑造了. 今天的世界。. 40 年前的 1978,中国国家史上前所未有的诞生了一个观念,这就是中共十一届三中全会提. 出的:以经济建设为中心。自此发端,依赖十亿国民的意志力量和国家力量,过往 40 年,中. 国形成了人类商业史上最波澜壮阔的一次经济大潮,而大潮漩涡的中流砥柱者则是企业家阶. 层。. 观念与时代共跳芭蕾舞,共同发育了中国有史以来从规模到结构、从风范到勇气都罕有的. 企业家群体,而遍布于中国大地角角落落的成千上万的企业家和商人们,在为共和国创造财. 富、奠基实力的同时,也沉淀出了色彩杂陈、品相多样的精神质地。下面我从三个时间断面和. 三个层面对 40 年来中国企业家精神做一个粗略的描述—. 实业英雄群体(1978—):代表人物包括鲁冠求、张瑞敏、柳传志、任正非等人,他们背后.
  3. 気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約 Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge…
    気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約. Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership. climateeveryone’s business. 現在産業革命時代の始まり. 残りの炭素予算(排出可能上限). 2目標に必要な炭素排出上限(炭素予算). 既に使用した炭素予算(既排出量). RCP「2.6」に従わなければ20502070年までに炭素予算をオーバーする。. 2011年までに. 炭. 素予算の約半分を既に使. 用. 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書、第1作業部会. 本書について気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)は、地球の気候変化に関連する最新かつ最も包括的な分析結果である。. 本書は、AR5の中で経済・ビジネス部門に最も関連のある知見をまとめた要約であり、膨大で専門性の高いAR5を企業が活用できるよう、正確、適切かつ読みやすい形にまとめるという考えから作成された。.
  4. G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 | The G20’s race to green the financial system |…
    17 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 | The G20’s race to green the financial system. G20走向绿色金融系统的征程. 安德鲁沃伊齐. 在今年的杭州峰会上,二十国集团首脑们积极地探讨了应对全球经济增长乏力和日益严重的失衡现象。. 在他们的政治议程中,鼓励更具包容性的经济增长是一项重要议题。这可能是因为他们意识到了包容性增长和近来全球范围内反政府政治活动之间的联系。. 而且,在此次具有分水岭意义的会议上,他们也首次就如何“绿化”金融系统,并以此促进强劲、可持续、平衡的经济增长展开了讨论。. 这么做无疑是正确的。环境问题给增长带来的风险变得日益错综复杂,同时也使企业经营面临着切实的压力。目前一个关键的问题便是:金融机构是否做到了对环境风险进行妥善的管理?对这些风险进行更深入的分析是否能够提高资产配置的效率并实现G20追求的长期稳定可持续的全球经济增长?.
  5. Japanese Works : Shaku makaenron san gensho
    Japanese Works : Shaku makaenron san gensho. Fa Wu 法悟. Japanese Works. <p style='text-align: justify;'>This is a work of the commentaries on Shaku makaenron 釈摩訶衍論 by the Buddhist scholar Fa Wu 法悟 (12th century), written on the request of the Emperor Tian You 天佑 of Kara-Khitan (Western Liao, 西遼). Shaku makaenron is itself a work of commentaries on the Daijō kishinron 大乗起信論 (a treatise on awakening faith in the Mahāyāna) which is a Chinese translation of a work by Aśvaghoşa.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Shaku makaenron san gensho 釈摩訶衍論賛玄疏 was introduced into Japan through Korea in 1105. This particular edition was printed at the Mount Kōya (高野山) in 1288 and it is called the Kōya edition (Kōya-ban, 高野版).</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>This is the fourth volume of five and the second oldest printed material in our Japanese Collection.</p>. of. Want to know more? Under the 'More' menu you can find metadata about the item, and information about sharing this image. No Contents List Available. Item Metadata. No Metadata Available. Transcription. Translation. Share. If you want to share this page with others you can send them a link to this individual page:.
  6. Lesson 40
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 40 Kuniko comes home from school. 国子 おかあさん、ただいま。 信子 あら、お帰りなさい。今日はいつもより早いのね。 国子 そうでもないわよ。五分ぐらい早いかもしれないけど。 信子 お茶を入れましょう。ケーキが買ってありますよ。 国子 わあ、嬉しい。手を洗って、着がえてくるわ。 Kuniko and her mother are having tea together. 信子 国ちゃんはチョコレート・ケーキとこちらのシユークリーム とどちらが好き。 国子 どっちも好きだけど、今日はシユークリームにしようかな。 いただきます。 信子 日本茶よりもお紅茶の方がケーキに合うでしょう。 国子 そうね。ミルク・ティーがいいわ。今日は体育の時間に二 キロも走ったのよ。 信子 そう。だれが一番だったの。 国子 それがね、クラスで一番背の低い宮坂さんが一番だったの。 彼女より背が高くて、足の長い人がたくさんいるのに、宮坂 さんが一番走るのが速いから不思議ね。 信子 それで、国ちゃんは。 国子 私は三番。木村さんが二番。百メートル競争では私の方が
  7. FaradayPaper11\201@Japanese.doc)
    14 Mar 2014: FARADAY PAPER 11. 21212121 世紀における創世記の解釈世紀における創世記の解釈世紀における創世記の解釈世紀における創世記の解釈. アーネスト・ルーカスアーネスト・ルーカスアーネスト・ルーカスアーネスト・ルーカス ‘創世記 1 の文脈では、『日』という言葉は文字通り 24 時間でしかありえない」 。「私は問うが、第一の日と第二の. 日と第三の日が、それらには朝と夕べがあったと言われているが、でも、それらが太陽も月も星もなしに、そして第. 一の日には天すらもなしに存在したというのが合理的な陳述だなどと、知性を持った人間のいったい誰が考えるだろ. うか?私は、誰もこれらが比ゆ的な表現であり、歴史に似せてある種の神秘を示しているのだということを疑わない. だろうと思う」 。. 要旨要旨要旨要旨. 本論は、創世記の最初の数章は、科学的文書としてではなく古代ヘブライ人に向けられた象徴的物語として表現され.
  8. Chinese Works : Yi yu tu zhi
    Chinese Works : Yi yu tu zhi. Chinese Works. <p style='text-align: justify;'>This is the sole surviving copy of a work which under several guises enjoyed a wide circulation in China from the late fifteenth century onwards but gradually disappeared as an independent entity, being incorporated instead into popular encyclopaedias.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The work is similar in nature to the bestiaries of mediaeval Europe. It contains illustrations of 168 countries or peoples, each with an accompanying text, as well as an appendix which comprises, in addition to a list of 31 further places without illustrations, woodcuts of one bird and 14 animals, each named but without explanatory texts.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The entries are a mixture of real and imaginary countries. Those which can be identified with some certainty, in addition to areas now incorporated in the terrritory of China itself, include peoples located in East, Central, North, Southeast and West Asia, India, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Among the fabulous entries some are familiar from the European tradition, such as the Land of Dogs, or "Cannibals that each other eat, the Anthrophagi, and men whose heads
  9. 2018 Global FinTech Hub Report - The Future of Finance is…
    9 Jul 2023: The Future of Finance is Emerging:. New Hubs, New LandscapesGlobal Fintech Hub Report. 2018. Hangzhou. 2018-11-14. Launched By. ForewordAs a new promoter for the global economic and financial. development, Fintech is becoming a focus for each country to. ignite their economy, and a new Fintech landscape is. emerging. At the same time, there is a growing awareness of. the importance of regulatory capabilities, innovative. environment, and the availability of digital infrastructure,. which may be fundamental for the sustainable development. of Fintech. Since the first launch of the Global Fintech Hub Index 2018 in. Amsterdam in June, we continued to broaden our observation. scope, and studied more than 70 cities in 6 continents, and. drew a “30N” global landscape that included the TOP30. global Fintech hubs and many emerging hubs. Time is something we cannot lose, and opportunity is what. we cannot miss. A slogan for the new Fintech era is more. integrated, more generous, and more borderless. It represents. the good wishes for an inclusive financial system, where. “everyone is born equal” and are calling us to seize the. moment, be brave to lead, and to create a new world. 1. 传统金融机构拥抱金融科技. Out of the
    6 Oct 2022: ファラデー論集25. 「時に、社会的惨事を明らかにするには自然災害を要する」1. 自然災害と人間の責任. ロバート・S・ホワイト. F a r a d a y. P a p e r s. 要旨. 洪水、地震、火山噴火な. どのいわゆる「自然災害」. は、毎年膨大な数の人に. 影響を与えている。けれど. も、これらはまさに、地球. を、肥沃で居住可能するプ. ロセスに他ならない。自然. の危険を大災害にするのは. ほとんどいつも、人間の行. 為、あるいは行為の欠如で. ある。低所得国の人、貧. しく辺境に押しやられた. 人は、最もひどく被害を. 受け、大災害の後復興する. 力をもっと持たない人で. ある。キリスト教的視点. は、人間の罪深さに起因す. るこの世界の破綻的状況を. 現実視し、同時に、もはや. 大災害がなくなり、すべて. の被造物が神の栄光を映す. 新しい創造を望み見る。. 1 M. A. Fletcher, 'Katrina pushes issues of race and poverty at Bush' の Jim Wallis の言葉を引用している。 Washington Post. September 12, 2005:A02.
  11. Japanese - 2011 with clarification
    9 Jul 2018: Japanese. Romanization System. The modified Hepburn system of romanization as employed in Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary (3rd and later editions) is used. For the syllabic nasal, n is always used preceding b, m, and p. Romanization for words of foreign (i.e., non-Japanese) origin follows the American National Standard system for the romanization of Japanese; e.g., ベトナム(Betonamu); ヴェトナム(Vetonamu). Word Reading. The reading of Japanese words follows standard Japanese language usage, insofar as this can be determined from standard Japanese dictionaries. A current modern reading is preferred to an obsolete one, except where the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading for a particular name or book title. The characters 日本 are romanized as Nihon unless the usage of standard authorities has established a particular reading; e.g., Dai Nippon Teikoku, Nippon’ichi, Nippon eitaigura, etc. If there are various readings, the reading that appears most frequently in dictionaries is used. Capitalization. 1. Personal Names: (a) Capitalize each word of a personal name, except the particle no. Sugawara no Takasue no Musume 菅原孝標女. (b) Capitalize title and terms of address,
  12. Space, Place and Religious Identities in Sichuan: Two Case Studies of …
    Search site. Space, Place and Religious Identities in Sichuan: Two Case Studies of the Chunyang Guan 純陽觀 and the Yuwang Gong 禹王宮. Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Space, Place and Religious Identities in Sichuan: Two Case Studies of the Chunyang Guan 純陽觀 and the Yuwang Gong 禹王宮. Venue:. Rooms 8 & 9, Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies. Event date:. Tuesday, 16 May, 2023 - 14:00. Event organiser:. Launched in September, 2121, the Yin-Cheng Distinguished Lecture Series (印證佛學傑出學術系列講座) is a collaborative, multi-university partnership between Peking University, Columbia University, Princeton University, Harvard University, University of British Columbia, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. The Lecture Series is established in honour of Venerable Cheng-yen 證嚴, founder of Tzu Chi, and her mentor Yinshun 印順 (1906–2005), with the goal of promoting topics in Buddhist studies. The series is organised at Cambridge by Dr Noga Ganany with the generous support of the Tzu Chi Foundation. This lecture in the series is given by Prof. Elena Valussi, Loyola University. With discussant Dr Noga Ganany, University of Cambridge. In investigating the religious
  13. 1 CSD Communications Today I would like to present ...
    17 Jan 2023: 1. CSD Communications Today I would like to present to you: CSD Communications! 今天我给大家介绍一下 CSD 通讯!. CSD Communications are a fast alternative to publish your data. If you deposit your data as a CSD. Communication, it will be immediately accessible today with no need for an associated scientific. paper! CSD 通讯是一条快速发表数据的通道!如果您选择以 CSD 通讯发表所存储的数据,它们将立即. 对公众开放而无需相关联的科学论文!. Guidelines - 存储准则页面. If you are new to depositing data, we have some handy, easy to follow guidelines and these are. especially important for data deposited as CSD Communications as there is no scientific paper to. accompany it. Ensuring researchers get the credit they deserve is important so if you are publishing. CSD Communications make sure the list of authors includes everyone that contributed to the dataset. including the Crystallographer, Data Collection/Data solution/Refinement Scientist, Synthetic. Chemist, Supervisor and so on. Once your CSD Communication is deposited with us,
  14. The G20’s race to green the financial system | G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 |…
    17 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). The G20’s race to green the financial system | G20走向绿色金融系统的征程. The G20’s race to green the financial system. Andrew Voysey, Director, Finance Sector . 7 September 2016. At their summit this year in Hangzhou, G20 leaders have been tackling head-on the effects of a languishing and increasingly unequal global economy. Encouraging more inclusive economic growth was high on their political agenda, perhaps because they understand its connection to the recent surge of anti-establishment politics around the world. And for the first time, in what may prove to be a watershed moment, they also discussed how to "green" the financial system as part of supporting strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (G20 leaders “Green Finance” communiqué.). They were right to do so; risks to growth linked to environmental issues are becoming more complex and interconnected and more material to business. A key question is whether financial institutions are managing environmental risks appropriately? Can better analysis of these risks lead to a more efficient allocation of capital and drive the long-term stable and sustainable global growth that the G20
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "管子箋註" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "2冊; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K13399." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "文化02 (1805)" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Kanshi Senchū" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FB.805.2" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 2441 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library.; Published: 京、林吉野屋権兵衛等" }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value": "旧題斉・管夷吾著、日本・冢田大峯注" }, { "label": "Bibliography", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display: list-item; margin-left:
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "和泉名所圖會" }, { "label": "Date of Publication", "value": "Kansei 寬政 8 [1796] shinkoku 新刻." }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "Aston Collection" }, { "label": "Place of Publication", "value": "Japan; Kōto 皇都 [Kyoto]; Naniwa 浪華 [Osaka]" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "4 volumes : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 27 cm" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'iIzumi meisho zue/i is an example of a late eighteenth-century gazeteer, printed and illustrated by woodblock print. Cambridge's copy was owned by William George Aston (1841-1911), whose ex libris stamp appears a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(2);return false;'inside the front cover./a/pp style='text-align: justify;'This copy may be compared to two digitized copies in Waseda University Library (a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''Ru 04-00348/a and a target='_blank'
  17. Lesson 37
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 37 Minoru meets Kinoshita in front of the library on a snowy day. 実 木下さん、今日は。寒いですね。 木下 本当に。きのうから降り出した雪はちっともやみそうも ありませんね。 実 下宿のそばのお寺は雪化粧をして、とてもきれいでした。 木下 うちの近くでは、子供達が雪だるまを作ってましたよ。 実 卒業試験の前で忙しいですか。コーヒーでも飲みに行き ませんか。 木下 そうしましょうか。 They go into a nearby cafe. 実 コーヒー二つ、お願いします。 ウェイトレス はい、ホットですね。 実 卒論’試験の準備で忙しいでしょう。 木下 ええ、でも先学期は一週間に三回も高校で英語を 教えていたので、もっと大変でした。 実 アルバイトですか。 木下 とんでもない。英語教員の資格をとるための実習ですよ。 実 あ、そうか。うまく出来ましたか。 木下 授業を始める前に生徒を静かにさせるのがひと苦労でした。 実 僕も大学から若い先生が来た時は、さわいだ記憶があるな。 それで、どんなことをしたんですか。 木下
    23 Nov 2020: CAMBRIDGE - HITOTSUBA SHI JOIN T. SEMINAR (14 FEBRUARY 20 20 ). Supervisor: Prof Nobumasa Akiyama. Editors: Yuki Miyoda and Giulia Garbagni. UK-Japan Strategic Partnership. Hitotsubashi Policy Brief. 1. Executive Summary. Yuki Miyoda. Contents. This report examines four key issues of the UK-Japan partnership, as follows. I. Resurgence of Great Power Competition. We start off by considering Japan and the UK’s position in face of the resurgence of great. power politics on the international stage. Behind America's hegemony in the post-Cold War. era, there have been quiet but definite changes, such as the growth of China and the. recovery of the Russian Federation. The UK and Japan must reevaluate their current foreign. policy to take into account such changes. This paper questions what areas should be. prioritized in this reconsideration process. As its economy grows, China has not only established a military presence in the Indo-Pacific. region, but also has increased its economic strength by lending large amounts of money to. developing countries in the name of ‘economic support’. Also, there have been substantial. standoffs in the relationship between Russia and the West especially after the Ukrainian. crisis, in which
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "自笑楽日記" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired from William George Aston in 1911./ppBook bears ex-libris stamp of Ernest Mason Satow. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "5巻; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "延享04 (1747)" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Jishō Tanoshimi Nikki" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.755.3" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 688 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library.; Published: 寛政7年印。京、著屋儀兵衛" }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Aston, William George, 1841-1911; Satow, Ernest Mason, 1843-1929" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value":
  20. Lesson 52
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 52 A letter from John to Mr and Mrs Yamakawa in printed form 皆様その後お変わりありませんか。十日前に東京を発ってアメリカへ渡り、そ. こで大学時代の友達に会ったり、いとこを訪ねたりして一週間ほど過ごしまし. た。イギリスへはおとといもどってきたばかりです。前から母にはイースタ. ーまでには帰ると言ってあったので、約束通りイースターの前の日に帰ってき. た私を見て両親は大喜びでした。日本はもうすっかり春らしい陽気になってい. ることと思います。こちらも色とりどりの花が咲き乱れています。四月末から. 五月にかけてはイギリスの一番美しい季節かもしれません。朝夕はまだ冷えこ. みますが、日中はコートなしで歩く人のすがたも見られます。 出発前には私のためにあのように盛大な送別会を開いていただきありがとうご. ざいました。それにプレゼントまでいただいて、どのようにお礼を申し上げた. らよいのか分かりません。思い起こしてみますと、私の日本到着の日からまる.
  21. Japanese Works : Bungei Ruisan
    Japanese Works : Bungei Ruisan. 榊原芳野編、狩野良信画. Japanese Works. of. Want to know more? Under the 'More' menu you can find metadata about the item, and information about sharing this image. No Contents List Available. Item Metadata. No Metadata Available. Transcription. Translation. Share. If you want to share this page with others you can send them a link to this individual page:. Alternatively please share this page on social media. You can also embed the viewer into your own website or blog using the code below:. Do you want to create a bookmark for this page in 'My Library'? The images contained in the pdf download have the following copyright:. Download. Cancel. This will create a PDF with thumbnail images for all pages, and may take some time for large documents. The images contained in this document have the following copyright:. Download. This image has the following copyright:. Choose one of the available sizes to download:. Default (2000px). Download. Cancel. This metadata has the following copyright:. Do you want to download metadata for this document?

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