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  2. 2021 年 3 月,第三期 Third Issue, March 2021 CHINA ...
    9 Jul 2023: 2021 年 3 月,第三期. Third Issue, March 2021. CHINA REPORT. 中国报告 Originated and Selected by China Advisory Council. 中国顾问理事会撰选. Preface…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….1 Xiyang Daniel He, Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School; Secretary-General, China Advisory Council. 前言…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….…….3 何玺阳,剑桥大学嘉治商学院 院士,中国顾问理事会秘书长. 中国资本市场三十周年 / 30th Anniversary of China’s Capital Markets. 忆中国证券市场 30 年…………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….6 王波明,《财经》杂志总编辑. The Thirty-Year Evolution of China's Securities Market ………………………….…………………….….10 Wang Boming Editor-in-Chief CAIJING Magazine. 中国证券市场展望 / Outlook for China’s Securities Markets.
  3. A1-1 A1-2 A2-1 A2-2 B1 B2 C1 C2 聞く ...
    4 Dec 2023: A1-1 A1-2 A2-1 A2-2 B1 B2 C1 C2. 聞く. 身近な場面でよく使われ. る基本的な語句がわかる。. 限られた範囲であれば、自. 分の専門分野でよく使わ. れる語句がわかる。. 身近な場面でよく使われ. る簡単な表現がわかる。. 自分の専門分野で必要な. 基本的な語句や表現が. わかる。. 日常的な話題について短. くはっきり話されれば、. 大切なポイントを聞き取. ることができる。. 日常のコミュニケーショ. ンでよく使われる表現が. わかる。自分の専門分野. でよく使われる語句を. 含む簡単な指示や説明が. わかる。. よく知っている話題なら、メ. ディア(音声メディア・テレ. ビ・動画など)から、主な内容. やデータを推測しながら聞き. 取ることができる。自分の専. 門分野でよく耳にする指示や. 説明がだいたいわかる。. 自分の専門分野の話題につい. て、構成がまとまっていれば. 理解できる。特定のポイント. を聞き分け、示すことができ. る。メディア(動画・講義・ウ. ェビナーなど)から、主要な事.
  4. Bainite in Steels, by H
    20 Mar 2019: 钢中的贝氏体. 作者:H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia. 译者:哈尔滨工业大学,甄良. Bainite in Steels, by H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia. Translated by: Zhengliang, Harbin Institute of Technology. 引言. 在典型的钢的时间-温度转变(TTT)图中存在一个较宽的中间温度范围,在这个温度范围内既不形成珠光体也不形成马氏体,而是形成细铁素体条(或板条)与渗碳体颗粒的集合体。这些中间组织通常称为贝氏体。这种组织是Davenport and Edgar Bain在研究奥氏体的等温分解时发现的。在athermal处理过程中,当冷速对珠光体形成来说太快、而对形成马氏体来说又太慢时会发生贝氏体转变。随转变温度的下降,贝氏体的性质发生变化。可以分成两类:上贝氏体和下贝氏体。. 上贝氏体. 下贝氏体. 形状变化. 贝氏体中的碳. 动力学. 转变过程. 粒状贝氏体. 回火. 合金元素. 应用. 主要参考文献. 图库. 本站点评述. 上贝氏体. 上贝氏体的显微组织中有细铁素体片,每一铁素体片厚约0.2 m m、长约10 m
  5. Banking Environment Initiative 中国大宗商品进口融资绿色化实践经验2016年9月 银行业环境倡议…
    Banking Environment Initiative. 中国大宗商品进口融资绿色化实践经验2016年9月. 银行业环境倡议 (Banking Environment Initiative, BEI). 银行业环境倡议由部分全球规模最大的银行的首席执行官于2010年创立,致力于引导银行业共同将资金引入环境和社会均可持续的经济发展中。这一组织由11家领军银行组成,总资产超过10万亿美元。银行业环境倡议成员的商业模式和市场各异,但它们均认为需要有魄力的新型领导方式引导资金进入符合21世纪需要的商业模式中。. 剑桥大学可持续领导力研究所 (CISL).
  6. C:\Users\Monte Christo\AppData\Local\Temp\msoC52.tmp
    11 Dec 2020: I N S I D E T H I S. I S S U E :. F A C U L T Y O F A S I A N. A N D M I D D L E. E A S T E R N S T U D I E S ,. C A M B R I D G E. Cambridge Chinese Studies. Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1. Welcome 1. Seminar Series. Michaelmas 2020. 2. —. 3. Interviews with. Prof. Geoffrey. Sampson,. Prof. Roel. Sterckx, and. Emma Wu. 4. —. 11. Student Updates. 12. CUCF Updates. 13. Staff Updates 14. Graduate. Student Updates. 15. —. 16. Where Are. They Now? 17. Notices and. Advertisements. 19. Life Outside the. Library. 18. has been, for many of us, a tougher term than most. With such limitations on socialising, travelling, and even on accessing archival re-sources, I’m delighted to introduce a new sec-tion to our newsletter: Life Outside the Li-brary, where we feature the hobbies and ven-tures our own staff and students have taken up, re-visited, or managed to continue during the lockdown. There is more to all of us than just being learners or teachers of Chinese language, history, and culture (I hope!) and so this feature will hopefully inspire us all to do more of what we love in these trying times. And finally, our own second year cohort have even shown that a pandemic is no obstacle for starting a new
  7. C:\Users\Monte Christo\AppData\Local\Temp\msoC52.tmp
    11 Dec 2020: I N S I D E T H I S. I S S U E :. F A C U L T Y O F A S I A N. A N D M I D D L E. E A S T E R N S T U D I E S ,. C A M B R I D G E. Cambridge Chinese Studies. Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1. Welcome 1. Seminar Series. Michaelmas 2020. 2. —. 3. Interviews with. Prof. Geoffrey. Sampson,. Prof. Roel. Sterckx, and. Emma Wu. 4. —. 11. Student Updates. 12. CUCF Updates. 13. Staff Updates 14. Graduate. Student Updates. 15. —. 16. Where Are. They Now? 17. Notices and. Advertisements. 19. Life Outside the. Library. 18. has been, for many of us, a tougher term than most. With such limitations on socialising, travelling, and even on accessing archival re-sources, I’m delighted to introduce a new sec-tion to our newsletter: Life Outside the Li-brary, where we feature the hobbies and ven-tures our own staff and students have taken up, re-visited, or managed to continue during the lockdown. There is more to all of us than just being learners or teachers of Chinese language, history, and culture (I hope!) and so this feature will hopefully inspire us all to do more of what we love in these trying times. And finally, our own second year cohort have even shown that a pandemic is no obstacle for starting a new
  8. Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group/ 剑桥中国移民研讨小组简介 | The Centre…
    17 May 2024: Search site. The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement. Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group/ 剑桥中国移民研讨小组简介. 剑桥中国移民研讨小组简介. Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG). For upcoming dates, please consult:. 剑桥中国移民研讨小组为依托剑桥大学全球人口流动研究中心、剑桥移民学社、牛津 大学移民、政策及社会研究中心建设的跨学科、多机构中英文研讨小组,旨在为相关 学界仝仁提供平等开放的平台及紧密支持的研究型社群。自 2019 年 11 月成立以来, 已举办线上线下研讨多次,参加学人遍布全球多间机构。在移民研究、人口流动、区 域发展研究、城市研究等多主题集思广益,促进各地学人交流合作。在海内外流动人 口研究相关社科界域拥有广泛影响力。. The Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG) is an interdisciplinary independent research and discussion group co-organised by the Centre for the Studies of Global Human Movement at University of Cambridge, Cambridge Migration Studies Society as well as the University of Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS). The target of this group
  9. Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary) 一 yı̄ one 二 ...
    20 Aug 2021: Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary). 一 yı̄ one. 二 èr two. 三 sān three. 四 sı̀ four. 五 wǔ five. 六 liù six. 七 qı̄ seven. 八 bā eight. 九 jiǔ nine. 十 shı́ ten. 日 rı̀ the sun. 月 yuè the moon. 山 shān mountain. 水 shuı̌ water. 木 mù wood. 火 huǒ fire. 大 dà to be big. 小 xiǎo to be small. 子 zı̌. 衣 yı̄ clothes. 女 nǔ̈ female. 心 xı̄n heart. 问 wèn to ask. 几 jı̌. 信 xı̀n to trust, letter. 品 pı̌n to taste. 生 shēng to give birth to, to be born, raw,. student. Lessons 1-3. 你 nı ̌ pro. you (singular). 好 hǎo adj. good, fine, nice. 马丁 Mǎdı̄ng Martin, name of an American student. 林娜 Lı́nnà Linna, name of a French student. 李一民 Lı̌ Yı̄mı́n Li Yimin, name of a Chinese teacher. 阿明 AĀ mı́ng A’ming, name of a Thai student. 您 nı́n pron. you (polite singular). 零 lı́ng num. zero. 早上 zǎoshang n. morning. 是 shı̀ v. to be. 哪 nǎ pron. which, what. 国 guó n. country, state, nation. 人 rén n. person, people. 我 wǒ pron. I, me. 呢 ne part. used at the end of an interrogative sentence. 他 tā pron. he,him. 美国 Měiguó the United States (U.S.A). 英国 Yı̄ngguó the United
  10. Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary) 一 yı̄ one 二 ...
    20 Aug 2021: Character sheet (Lessons 1-5 vocabulary). 一 yı̄ one. 二 èr two. 三 sān three. 四 sı̀ four. 五 wǔ five. 六 liù six. 七 qı̄ seven. 八 bā eight. 九 jiǔ nine. 十 shı́ ten. 日 rı̀ the sun. 月 yuè the moon. 山 shān mountain. 水 shuı̌ water. 木 mù wood. 火 huǒ fire. 大 dà to be big. 小 xiǎo to be small. 子 zı̌. 衣 yı̄ clothes. 女 nǔ̈ female. 心 xı̄n heart. 问 wèn to ask. 几 jı̌. 信 xı̀n to trust, letter. 品 pı̌n to taste. 生 shēng to give birth to, to be born, raw,. student. Lessons 1-3. 你 nı ̌ pro. you (singular). 好 hǎo adj. good, fine, nice. 马丁 Mǎdı̄ng Martin, name of an American student. 林娜 Lı́nnà Linna, name of a French student. 李一民 Lı̌ Yı̄mı́n Li Yimin, name of a Chinese teacher. 阿明 AĀ mı́ng A’ming, name of a Thai student. 您 nı́n pron. you (polite singular). 零 lı́ng num. zero. 早上 zǎoshang n. morning. 是 shı̀ v. to be. 哪 nǎ pron. which, what. 国 guó n. country, state, nation. 人 rén n. person, people. 我 wǒ pron. I, me. 呢 ne part. used at the end of an interrogative sentence. 他 tā pron. he,him. 美国 Měiguó the United States (U.S.A). 英国 Yı̄ngguó the United
  11. China's Belt and Road Initiative 中国的“一带一路” Sustainability in the…
    9 Jun 2022: China's Belt and Road Initiative 中国的“一带一路” Sustainability in the New Silk Road 新丝绸之路的可持续发展. China's Belt and Road Initiative 中国的“一带一路 Sustainability in the New Silk Road 新丝绸之路的可持续发展. 1. The University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership 剑桥大学可持续发展领导力研究所 The University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership partners with business and governments to develop leadership and solutions for a sustainable economy. We aim to achieve net zero, protect and restore nature, and build inclusive and resilient societies. For over three decades we have built the leadership capacity and capabilities of individuals and organisations, and created industry-leading collaborations, to catalyse change and accelerate the path to a sustainable economy. Our interdisciplinary research engagement builds the evidence base for practical action. 剑桥大学可持续发展领导力研究所(CISL)是一个具有全球影响力. 的研究所,为可持续经济发展提供领导力和解决方案。我们相信,. 通过企业、政府和金融机构之间的聚焦合作,经济可以被“重新连.

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