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  2. Lesson 50
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 50 At Narita Airport. Mr and Mrs Yamakawa are seeing off Kuniko who is leaving for Germany. 信子 途中、道路が混むかもしれないと思ってたっぷり時間をとって 来たら、早く来過ぎち’ったわね。 国子 そうね。私の便はまだチェック・インが始まってないみたい。 一 じゃあ、荷物を一時預けに預けて、ゆっくりお茶でも飲もうか。 国子 たった一時間ぐらいでも預かってくれるかしら。 一 そりゃあ、もちろん預かってくれるけど、丁度あそこに手押し車が あるから、あれに乗せて持って行こうか。 信子 その方がかえって面倒が少ないと思いますわ。 They sit in a coffee shop. 信子 国ちゃん、ピアノを習い始めたころのこと覚えてる。 国子 うん、あのころは学校から帰って来るとすぐに友達と外に遊びに 行きたかったのに、おかあさんに一日一時間必ずピアノの練習を させられたわね。 信子 そうよ。ピアノをひいていてもちっとも楽しそうじゃなかった から、無理に続けさせても意味がないかしらと思っていたら、
  3. Japanese Works : Jishō Tanoshimi Nikki
    Japanese Works : Jishō Tanoshimi Nikki. 八文字自笑・八文字其笑共著、西川祐信画. Japanese Works. of. Want to know more? Under the 'More' menu you can find metadata about the item, and information about sharing this image. No Contents List Available. Item Metadata. No Metadata Available. Transcription. Translation. Share. If you want to share this page with others you can send them a link to this individual page:. Alternatively please share this page on social media. You can also embed the viewer into your own website or blog using the code below:. Do you want to create a bookmark for this page in 'My Library'? The images contained in the pdf download have the following copyright:. Download. Cancel. This will create a PDF with thumbnail images for all pages, and may take some time for large documents. The images contained in this document have the following copyright:. Download. This image has the following copyright:. Choose one of the available sizes to download:. Default (2000px). Download. Cancel. This metadata has the following copyright:. Do you want to download metadata for this document?
  4. 9 Jul 2023: 改革开放 40 年企业家精神的流变. 只有观念才能改变观念. 哈耶克在《走向奴役之路》的名著中有一句名言:观念的转变和人类意志的力量,塑造了. 今天的世界。. 40 年前的 1978,中国国家史上前所未有的诞生了一个观念,这就是中共十一届三中全会提. 出的:以经济建设为中心。自此发端,依赖十亿国民的意志力量和国家力量,过往 40 年,中. 国形成了人类商业史上最波澜壮阔的一次经济大潮,而大潮漩涡的中流砥柱者则是企业家阶. 层。. 观念与时代共跳芭蕾舞,共同发育了中国有史以来从规模到结构、从风范到勇气都罕有的. 企业家群体,而遍布于中国大地角角落落的成千上万的企业家和商人们,在为共和国创造财. 富、奠基实力的同时,也沉淀出了色彩杂陈、品相多样的精神质地。下面我从三个时间断面和. 三个层面对 40 年来中国企业家精神做一个粗略的描述—. 实业英雄群体(1978—):代表人物包括鲁冠求、张瑞敏、柳传志、任正非等人,他们背后.
  5. Lesson 41
    28 Nov 2022: Lesson 41 Mrs Yamakawa and Kuniko go shopping together. 国子 おかあさん、今日は何を買うの。 信子 おとうさんの会社の方が結婚なさるので、何かお祝いを差し 上げようと思って….。 国子 何とおっしゃる方。 信子 ええと、泉谷さん。 国子 どんな方。 信子 それが、お会いしたことがないのよ。 国子 それじゃあ、どうやってお祝いを選ぶの。 信子 おとうさんが何がいいかって聞いて下さったんだけど、結婚式の 後すぐにアフリカへ転任することが決まっているので、 短波放送の聞けるラジオがほしいっておっしゃるんですって。 国子 ふーん。ずいぶん変わった御希望ね。あまり結婚のお祝いらしく ないけど、役に立つものの方がいいのかもしれないわね。 信子 おかあさんもそう思ってるの。 信子 すいませんが、ラジオの売り場はどちらですか。 店員 六階でございます。エスカレーターはこちらのハンカチ売り 場の左手になっております。 店員 いらっしゃいませ。 信子 短波放送の入るラジオを捜しているんですがノ。 店員
  6. FaradayPaper8TraditionalChinese
    20 Dec 2010: FARADAY PAPER 8. 地球的年齡地球的年齡地球的年齡地球的年齡 羅伯特羅伯特羅伯特羅伯特.懷特懷特懷特懷特. Robert S. White 「我們看不見起源的蹤跡,也看不見未來的憧憬」,Hutton 1788。 「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是首先的,我是末後的;我是初,我是終。」 啓二十二13. 摘要摘要摘要摘要. 根據最可靠的估計,地球物質的年齡是四十五億六千六百萬年 準確度高達數百萬年 。. 宇宙的年齡則是三倍 一百三十七億年 。雖然地球史上的大部份階段都有生物,現代. 人的歷史則只佔了地球年齡的數十萬分之一。本文探討鑑定地質年齡的科學根據,地球. 年齡的歷史性及近代觀點,以及聖經與科學證據對神學觀點的影響。
  7. Illustrated texts as living objects in eighteenth and nineteenth ...
    31 May 2023: Illustrated texts as living objects in eighteenth and nineteenth century Japan. It all started in a basement in Tokyo. I was an undergraduate student on my year abroad, discovering my interest in early modern Japanese literature. I asked a scholar if he knew where I could see as many different books from pre-modernisation Japan as possible, and he told me to go to the Union of Antique Book Sellers. What I saw had me coming back once a week for the rest of my stay. Strewn about on tables were hundreds of early modern books, and they were all for sale. It turned out that every Saturday antique book sellers came together to cheaply sell the wares that they otherwise could not shift: books that were missing covers, damaged or part of incomplete sets. But what interested me as I flicked through their pages was how, despite them being in this basement because of their supposed worthlessness, each one was unique. They had signatures of former owners, illustrations coloured in by children, covers that had been rebound after sale. I realised that I held more than just books containing stories and information, but books with their own material histories. These trips formed the basis of my collection. I decided to focus on illustrated texts
  8. Multilingual Models in Neural Machine Translation
    24 Nov 2023: Multilingual Models in Neural MachineTranslation. Guangyu Yang. Department of EngineeringUniversity of Cambridge. This dissertation is submitted for the degree ofMaster of Philosophy in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence. Clare Hall August 2023. Dedicated to my loving parents. Declaration. I, Guangyu Yang of Clare Hall, being a candidate for the MPhil in Machine Learning andMachine Intelligence, hereby declare that this report and the work described in it are my ownwork, unaided except as may be specified below, and that the report does not contain materialthat has already been used to any substantial extent for a comparable purpose. All software used in this thesis was written in Python and PyTorch. The open-sourceHugging Face transformers library1 [47] was used for downloading pre-trained models andinference. The sacreBLEU library2 [26] was used to download datasets and evaluate theperformance of the models using the BLEU metric. The BLEURT library3 [34] was used toevaluate the performance of the models using the BLEURT metric. The OpenICL frameworkwas used to experiment with in-context learning. And the Direct Preference Optimizationcodebase4 [28] was used for unsupervised preference optimization with MBR. The
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "小金原御猪狩之図" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired from William George Aston in 1911./ppBook bears ex-libris stamp of Ernest Mason Satow. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1帖; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "幕末写 ()" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Koganegahara Oshishigarino Zu" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.980.9" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 2243 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library." }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Manuscripts, Japanese" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Aston, William George, 1841-1911; Satow, Ernest Mason, 1843-1929" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Bibliography", "value": "div style='list-style-type: disc;'div style='display:
    9 Jul 2023: THE 3RD ASIA PACIFIC REGION ALTERNATIVE FINANCE INDUSTRY REPORTNovember 2018. In collaboration with:. The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) is an international and interdisciplinary research centre based at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. It is dedicated to the study of innovative instruments, channels, and systems emerging outside of traditional finance. This includes, among others, crowdfunding, marketplace lending, alternative credit and investment analytics, alternative payment systems, cryptoasset, distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) as well as related regulations and regulatory innovations (e.g. sandboxes and RegTech). TABLE OF CONTENTS. Research Team. 5. Acknowledgements. 8. Forewords. 14CCAF. 14AIF, Zhejiang University. 15ADBI. 16KPMG. 17Invesco. 18. Executive Summary. 19. Methodology. 22. Chapter 1: Market Fundamentals. 25Size and Growth of the Asia Pacific Alternative Finance Market. 25Geography of Asia Pacific Alternative Finance. 28Diversity of Models in Asia Pacific: A working Taxonomy. 30Alternative Finance Market Volumes by Model in China. 31Alternative Finance Market Volumes by Model in Asia Pacific. 33The Use of Online Alternative Finance by Businesses. 36. China.
  11. FaradayPaper12BerrySimplifiedChinese _2_
    1 Aug 2008: 创造与进化创造与进化创造与进化创造与进化,,,,不是创造或进化不是创造或进化不是创造或进化不是创造或进化. 比利著比利著比利著比利著. 摘要摘要摘要摘要. 本文指出,创造与进化并非对立的观念。"创造"是一个神学名词,指一切事物都源于创. 造者。"进化论"则指当代人对神如何产生多元生物的理解。我们需要这两种观点,才能. 解释科学家所观察的现象。. 圣经开宗明义地提及宇宙的创造:"起初神创造天地"。乍看之下,这似乎是简单、明确的陈述,但却在过去数个世纪引发了没完没了的论争。神何时创造天地?怎么创造?使用什么材料?神是否真是万物的创始者与设计者?这些问题在十八世纪末愈显尖锐,因为当时科学家发现地球远比一般所假设的六千年更古老 这假设是根据圣经的年代表所推论的 [例如,创四;太一 1-16;路三 23-38] 。

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