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    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "自笑楽日記" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired from William George Aston in 1911./ppBook bears ex-libris stamp of Ernest Mason Satow. /p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "5巻; 大本" }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "Digitized with the support of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University." }, { "label": "Date of Creation", "value": "延享04 (1747)" }, { "label": "Title", "value": "Jishō Tanoshimi Nikki" }, { "label": "Material", "value": "pPaper/p" }, { "label": "Classmark", "value": "FJ.755.3" }, { "label": "Note(s)", "value": "Catalogue number 688 in Hayashi and Kornicki, Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library.; Published: 寛政7年印。京、著屋儀兵衛" }, { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "Early printed books--Japan" }, { "label": "Associated Name(s)", "value": "Aston, William George, 1841-1911; Satow, Ernest Mason, 1843-1929" }, { "label": "Format", "value": "Codex" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "Japanese" }, { "label": "Author(s)", "value":
  3. 7 Jun 2010: 当前位置:首页-->材料学院-->院系快讯-->文章阅读. 聘请英国皇家科学院和工程院院士、剑桥大学H.K.D.H Bhadeshia 教授为哈工. 大顾问教授发布时间. :2004-1-1020:03:04. ÔÄÁÊý£º 170. 2004年1月9日,应我校材料学院现代焊接生产技术国家重点实验室魏艳红教授的邀请,英国皇家科学院和工程院院士、剑桥大学材料科学与冶金系H.K.D.H Bhadeshia 教授来我校访问并受聘为我校顾问教授。现代焊接生产技术国家重点实验室常务副主任刚铁教授主持会议,现代焊接生产技术国家重点实验室主任吴林教授出席并代表哈工大颁发了聘书。. H.K.D.H Bhadeshia 教授是英国材料领域著名学者,主要从事钢铁材料如马氏体钢、贝氏体钢及铁素体等的研制和设计。同时,对材料焊接过程的组织和性能模拟也有深入地研究。. 内容 搜索 高级搜索. 本日最新. 近20天排行前10名. H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia教授共发表论著和论文240余篇 H.K.D.H Bhadeshia
  4. Chinese reference works | Cambridge University Library
    13 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge University Library. Chinese reference works. All reference books are located in the East Asian Reading Room (Aoi Pavilion). The materials are on open stacks and can be used in the reading room onsite. If you have any questions, please contact FA.999. Far East: reference. FB.1.1-. Bibliography: general 书目. FB.11.1-. Library catalogues: official libraries until 1850. FB.13.1-. Library catalogues: public libraries in China after 1850. FB.16.1-. Library catalogues: private Chinese collections. FB.18.1-. Library catalogues: foreign collections after 1850. FB.18:01.1-. 汉籍所在调查报告. FB.21.4-. General bibliographies. FB.21:01.1-. 全国总书目. FB.21:02.1-. 中国国家书目. FB.21:03.1-2. 全国内部发行图书总目(1949-1986). FB.25.1-. Special bibliographies. FB.29.5-. Bibliographies of & indexes to collectanea & periodicals. FB.29:06.1-. 台湾地区汉学论著选目汇编本. FB.31.1015-1096. 古今图书集成. FB.31.1101-1174. 中国大百科全书. FB.31:03.1-32. 中国大百科全书 (second edition). FB.34:02. 中国年鉴 (latest issue). FB.34:06. 中国百科年鉴 (latest issue). FB.68:01.1-22. Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological index series.
  5. 再制造、循环经济以及中国——访剑桥大学可持续领导力学院 | Remanufacturing, the circular economy…
    13 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 再制造、循环经济以及中国——访剑桥大学可持续领导力学院 | Remanufacturing, the circular economy and China. 再制造、循环经济以及中国——访剑桥大学可持续领导力学院. James Beresford. 10 December 2014. 人口的不断增长给原材料供应和环境带来了压力,各个行业都在探索发展可持续的商业企业,并在这样的探索过程中努力挖掘其财务的潜力。James. Beresford与RIF交流了CISL在帮助像再制造这样的可持续性产业的过程中所扮演的角色。James是CISL的高级项目经理,. 领导CISL的在线课程的设计和开发。James拥有伦敦帝国学院环境科技硕士学位以及英国剑桥大学自然科学学士学位。. RIF:. 请您介绍一下CISL的主要工作。. James:. 可持续领导力学院——或者称作CISL——是一个非常独特的地方。我们学院隶属于剑桥大学,它将学术界、企业和政策制定者汇聚在一起,. 共同研究解决诸如气候变化和资源安全 等全球性的关键挑战所需要的领导能力。.
  6. 能够感知呼吸、声音和生物细胞的3D打印“隐形”纤维 | 剑桥大学
    8 Oct 2020: 从呼吸捕捉到细胞运动引导,3D打印的微小透明导电纤维可用于制造能够“嗅、听和触摸”的设备——这使得它在健康监测、物联网和生物传感等应用方面有着诸多用途。 剑桥大学的研究人员通
  7. Executive Education at CCCM | 高管培训 - Cambridge Centre for Chinese…
    FT Responsible Business Education Awards: 2 wins for Cambridge Judge. Purpose of Finance course wins top Teaching award and a study on paedophile hunters wins Academic Research award, while Cambridge Judge is Highly Commended for School-wide activities in the Financial Times awards for business education responsibility and impact. Non-degree programmes. Need help funding your degree programme studies at Cambridge Judge? Explore our scholarship and loan opportunities. Not sure which programme is for you? Search our portfolio of over 40 well-crafted programmes that will expand your skills and understanding in service of your organisational, personal development and career objectives. The B Corp movement is helping to shift the focus of capitalism from shareholders to all stakeholders: find out how Cambridge fits in. Find an expert. We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists. Find an expert. We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists. Leave your mark in LT1. The iconic Lecture Theatre 1 (LT1) is due for a refurbishment, and with it comes the opportunity for alumni, friends and other supporters
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Subject(s)", "value": "China; World War, 1939-1945" }, { "label": "Language(s)", "value": "English and Chinese" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Needham Research Institute" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 volume, 2 sheets." }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'In this journal, Dr. Needham records his journey in a truck from Chungking (重慶 Chongqing) to Lanchow (蘭州 Lanzhou) via Chengtu (成都 Chengdu), then up through Gansu province to Tunhuang (敦煌 Dunhuang) and back. [Full itinerary]. On the first leg of the journey to Lanchow, he was accompanied by SBSCO staff members H.T. Huang (Huang Hsing-Tsung / Huang Xingzong) 黃興宗 and Liao Hung-Ying (Liao Hongying) 廖鴻英, as well as Derek Bryan from the British Embassy, Edward Beltz, an American oil geologist, and a young scientist Chen Tzu-hsin (Chen Zixin) 陳自信. In another truck travelled the famous explorer Sir Eric Teichman (1884-1944). From Lanchow to Chienfodong and back he was accompanied by H.T. Huang (who travelled back to Lanchow separately), Rewi Alley (1897-1987), Sun Kuang-chun (Sun Guangjun) 孫光俊 and
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pDetchōsō 粘葉装/p" }, { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "大毘盧舎那成仏経疏" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Mount Kōya (高野山), Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pAcquired by purchase in 1949./p" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "3 jō 帖 Leaf height: 246 mm, width: 159 mm." }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho (大毘盧舎那成仏経疏) is a commentary on Daibirushana jōbutsukyō (大毘盧舎那成仏経疏, Mahāvairocana-sūtra, in short, Dainichikyō 大日経). The commentary was given orally by Shan Wu Wei 善無畏 and written down by Yi Xing 一行. Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho (in 20 volumes) was brought to Japan by Kūkai 空海 (774-835). Kūkai (also called Kōbō-daishi 弘法大師) was the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism (真言宗) and established Kongōbu-ji 金剛峰寺, a temple on Mount Kōya (高野山) in 816. Kongōbu-ji was the head temple of the Shingon-shu 真言宗 sect. Publications which were
  10. East Asia Seminar Series - Professor Araragi Shinzo | Faculty of…
    Search site. East Asia Seminar Series - Professor Araragi Shinzo. Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. East Asia Seminar Series - Professor Araragi Shinzo. Venue:. FAMES Room 8/9. Event date:. Tuesday, 19 February, 2019 - 17:00 to 19:00. 『引揚、定住、残留、「密航」-第二次世界大戦後東アジアにおける人の移動』. “Repatriation, Settlement, ‘Left-behinds’ and ‘Smuggling’;. the racial migrations after W.W.II. in East-Asia”. 蘭 信三(Araragi Shinzo). Sophia University, Tokyo, JAPAN..
  11. 気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約 Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge…
    気候変動の自然科学的根拠ビジネス向け要約. Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership. climateeveryone’s business. 現在産業革命時代の始まり. 残りの炭素予算(排出可能上限). 2目標に必要な炭素排出上限(炭素予算). 既に使用した炭素予算(既排出量). RCP「2.6」に従わなければ20502070年までに炭素予算をオーバーする。. 2011年までに. 炭. 素予算の約半分を既に使. 用. 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書、第1作業部会. 本書について気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)は、地球の気候変化に関連する最新かつ最も包括的な分析結果である。. 本書は、AR5の中で経済・ビジネス部門に最も関連のある知見をまとめた要約であり、膨大で専門性の高いAR5を企業が活用できるよう、正確、適切かつ読みやすい形にまとめるという考えから作成された。.

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