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11 - 20 of 176 search results for ?V信 17188884373? where 0 match all words and 176 match some words.
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    11 Aug 2023: TECH. NOLO. GYPR. ODUC. T / SER. VICE. BUSIN. ESS /. MAR. KET. CRITICAL. DECISION. TIME SEEK. PARTNER. LONG RANGE. PLAN? 战略 路线图汇聚机构人才专长, 制定战略远景规划. 什么是路线图?路线图是一种强大的战略规划方法。对于许多机构而言,路线图是制定和交付战略与创新不可或缺的一部分。路线图采用简洁明了的视觉结构框架,探索、管理并传达技术、研究和产品开发与业务目标和市场机遇之间的联系。. 路线图流程旨在围绕某个具体问题或议题回答六个核心问题。通过回答这些问题,依据贵机构需求,量身定制视觉化的行动计划或路线图。. 我们目前 进展如何?. 我们应该采取 什么行动? 我们希望达. 到什么高度?. 为什么我们需要 采取行动?. 我们该如何 达成?我们如何. 达成目标?. “路线图提供了一个宝贵的. 框架。. 路线图并不是具体规定该做. 些什么,而是吸纳正确的人. 员,汇集智慧协作共进,以确保取得最佳成果。”. Nicky Athanassopoulou 博士,IfM ECS 高级行业研究员.
  3. 1 CSD Communications Today I would like to present ...
    17 Jan 2023: 1. CSD Communications Today I would like to present to you: CSD Communications! 今天我给大家介绍一下 CSD 通讯!. CSD Communications are a fast alternative to publish your data. If you deposit your data as a CSD. Communication, it will be immediately accessible today with no need for an associated scientific. paper! CSD 通讯是一条快速发表数据的通道!如果您选择以 CSD 通讯发表所存储的数据,它们将立即. 对公众开放而无需相关联的科学论文!. Guidelines - 存储准则页面. If you are new to depositing data, we have some handy, easy to follow guidelines and these are. especially important for data deposited as CSD Communications as there is no scientific paper to. accompany it. Ensuring researchers get the credit they deserve is important so if you are publishing. CSD Communications make sure the list of authors includes everyone that contributed to the dataset. including the Crystallographer, Data Collection/Data solution/Refinement Scientist, Synthetic. Chemist, Supervisor and so on. Once your CSD Communication is deposited with us,
  4. Christine Lai - Wesley House
    Thumbnail for Christine Lai - Wesley House 3 Oct 2022: Christine Lai Supervisor   Overview Dr. Christine Lai is a scholar-in-practice and practical theologian integrating knowledge and practice, integral care and spirituality. She has been advocating integral wellness from midlife to ageing in research a
    { "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "metadata": [ { "label": "Binding", "value": "pHōhaisō 包背装, detchōsō 粘葉装/p" }, { "label": "Uniform Title", "value": "釈摩訶衍論賛玄疏" }, { "label": "Origin Place", "value": "Mount Kōya (高野山), Japan" }, { "label": "Provenance", "value": "pOne of the two ex-libris stamps (宝玲文庫) indicates that this was owned by Frank Hawley (1906-1961), a well-known British collector of Japanese books./p" }, { "label": "Excerpts", "value": "divbColophon:/b 爲報佛恩酬祖徳謹開印版傳之來葉矣 正應元年戌子八月廿五日沙門慶/div" }, { "label": "Physical Location", "value": "Cambridge University Library" }, { "label": "Extent", "value": "1 jō 帖 Leaf height: 251 mm, width: 158 mm." }, { "label": "Funding", "value": "" }, { "label": "Abstract", "value": "p style='text-align: justify;'This is a work of the commentaries on Shaku makaenron 釈摩訶衍論 by the Buddhist scholar Fa Wu 法悟 (12th century), written on the request of the Emperor Tian You 天佑 of Kara-Khitan (Western Liao, 西遼). Shaku makaenron is itself a work of commentaries on the Daijō kishinron 大乗起信論 (a treatise on awakening faith in the Mahāyāna) which is a Chinese
  6. Seminar 22 May 2024
    13 Apr 2024: The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography. Wednesday 22 May 2024, 2pm-4pm. Michael Nylan. Distinguished Professor, University of California, Berkeley. Documents [Shū] (ca. 221 BC) by Fu Sheng. Two chapters (ch. 1, pp. 1-3; ch. 14, pp. 1-4) from the text in English follow. (out of a total of 30 that were in circulation in the Han). Ch. 1 is also in Chinese to see how much emendation Professor Nylan brings to the text, based on the extant sources. 1. Canon of Yao <a>1A.1 encomium in verse<a> Yao, Examiner of Old Heroes, named "Propagator of Merit," was impressive and clear-sighted. He knew how to put all things in order and at ease. Truly attentive to his duties, he was capable of relinquishing his powers and privileges to worthy men. His bright influence shone wide to earth's four corners, reaching above and below. He was able to make his instructive example shine forth, to draw the Nine Clans close to him. Once the Nine Clans were settled, then Yao distinguished by insignia the Hundred Families. And once the Hundred Families themselves became shining examples, that induced harmony in the myriad polities, at which point the masses flourished, and the era came to be at peace. <a>1A.2 account of Xi and He and
  7. 1. 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5):ビジネスへの含意. Cambridge Judge Business SchoolCambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership. 自然科学WG1 気候変動の影響WG2気候変動の緩和WG3 統合報告書. 作業部会. 最終承認会議. CO2濃度. 観光業. 医療エネルギー. 都市計画・輸送資源採掘産業. 製造業. 気候変動全ての人に関わる課題. 本コンテンツは、IPCC第5次評価報告書がもつ意味とビジネスへの影響に関する議論のために自由に使用することができる。本書はクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスに基づいて公開されている。. AR. 5. 国連気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)作成プロセス. 降水. 夏の北極海氷. 氷河の融解季節への影響. 熱波. 海面上昇. 海洋温暖化. 海洋 pH表面温度. 下記の分野から、. 85ヵ国、830人の専門家が執筆に参加気象学 物理学 生態学 工学社会科学 経済学 海洋学 統計学. 第一草稿及び査読. 最終草稿. 第二草稿及び査読. 各国政府による署. 名銀行・保険業.
  8. The G20’s race to green the financial system | G20走向绿色金融系统的征程 |…
    17 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). The G20’s race to green the financial system | G20走向绿色金融系统的征程. The G20’s race to green the financial system. Andrew Voysey, Director, Finance Sector . 7 September 2016. At their summit this year in Hangzhou, G20 leaders have been tackling head-on the effects of a languishing and increasingly unequal global economy. Encouraging more inclusive economic growth was high on their political agenda, perhaps because they understand its connection to the recent surge of anti-establishment politics around the world. And for the first time, in what may prove to be a watershed moment, they also discussed how to "green" the financial system as part of supporting strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (G20 leaders “Green Finance” communiqué.). They were right to do so; risks to growth linked to environmental issues are becoming more complex and interconnected and more material to business. A key question is whether financial institutions are managing environmental risks appropriately? Can better analysis of these risks lead to a more efficient allocation of capital and drive the long-term stable and sustainable global growth that the G20
  9. Faraday Paper 18 Japanese
    2 Oct 2017: FARADAY PAPER 18. 科学、宗教、真理 ジョ ン・ テイラー John Taylor. 要旨. 本稿では、真実の性質に関する実在論者と相対論者の説明を概観する。実在論者と相対論者の間の議論が、トー. マス・クーンが科学のパラダイムと革命について書いた影響力ある著述の文脈で吟味する。科学の実在論的な説明. を擁護する。宗教的信念のような領域において客観的真実が理想として擁護されるか否かという問題も扱う。相対. 論者の立場に対する主要な反論として、宗教的信念に関する意見の不一致の性質は、客観的真理の観点からしか理. 解しえない、と示す。 これは宗教の、現実の特徴を根本的に説明しようとする試みに関わる部分一をリアリスト. の立場で解釈する道を開く。. 真理に関する難題. アリストテレスは、真理とは私たちが言うことと事. 物の実際の在り方が合致している状態だとした。も. し、Pが「月の反対側に山脈がある」という命題だ. とすれば、もし月の反対側に山脈があった場合、そ.
  10. 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政 | Major Chinese bank says new green policies have…
    17 May 2024: Search site. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政 | Major Chinese bank says new green policies have consequences for its lending decisions – new report. 中国银行业贷款审批考虑环保新政. 安德鲁•沃塞. 中国最大的国有银行之一中国工商银行表示,在贷款审批过程中将考虑环保新政。剑桥大学可持续领导力研究所(CISL)通过其可持续金融中心参与就此项工作为中国工商银行提供建议。. 本周,由G20财长和央行行长会议批准成立的绿色金融研究小组第二次会议在英国伦敦举行。. 会上,中国工商银行(全球总资产规模最大的银行)介绍了他们的“环境压力测试”结果。该测试主要面向工行的高耗能贷款客户,测量向其提供贷款存在的风险。. 此项研究已经对包括工商银行客户在内的一些高污染企业产生了重大影响。.
  11. FaradayPaper21Japanese
    21 Apr 2022: Paper 21. 宗教と科学の勃興 ピーター・ハリソン. Peter Harrison. F a r a d a y P a p e r s. 要旨. 科学と宗教は歴史的に敵対関係. にあり、宗教は本質的に科学を. 歓迎しない、というような見方. がよくなされる。本論文は、こ. のような見方に反論し、近代科. 学の出現において宗教が積極的. な役割を果たした様な様相を. 示す。そして宗教的な考察がい. かに主要な科学者たちを動機付. け、科学の核となる哲学的前提. を提供し、科学的方法と内容を. 形成し、科学に社会的正当性を. 与える価値の源となったことを. 明らかにする。. 科学と宗教は歴史的に、よくても冷え切っ. た関係にあったというのがよくある見方であ. る。俗説では、ガリレオとカトリック教会の. 緊張関係や、最近の宗教的動機による進化論. の否定は、繰り返し起こる対立の典型的なパ. ターンとされる。しかし、ここ数十年、科学史家た. ちはこの「対立論」 学会ではこう呼ばれている. を入念に少しずつ突き崩してゆき、その労苦の結果、.

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